WHIBY FRi P-R-ESS WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBR 7. 1990, PAGE 27 WORK'IN THE DYNAMIC HOSPITALITY UN DUSTRY!a TRAVEL & TOURISM HOTEL & RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT PASSENGER AGENT AIR cincluding @glFLIGHT ATTENDANT KNOWLEDGE OSP*-»HAWA CAMPUS 723m1163 PICKERUNG OCAMPUS 420-1344 PIZZA PETE OPENING SOON. Cooks/drivers .wanted. Apply 113 Byron S. between 6 & 8, Thursday and Fndafy. A CAREER IN DANCING! We are looking for energetic, * enthusiastic people to teach dancing. WilI train. Calil 430-0014. UPATE YOUR JOB SKILLS. The more you know, the more you're worth. Calil the Micro- computer Training Experts. Class times are tailored to meet your sohedule. Gall now to register. Registered with the Ministry of Colleges and Universities since 1984. Computer Learning Centre. 668-9713. FREE COMPUTER TRAINING. f you are 45 or over and have been permianently laid off or are out of work due to business failure in the last 6 months, you may qualify for free tuition, books and supplies. Cali now to register. Registered with the Ministry of Colleges and Universities since 1984. Computer Learning Centre. 668-9713. I ANED YOU ARE GOING TO WORK HIRING Sat. Nov. lOth - i* pm -certi fi ed ski instructors experienced cashiers -- bartenders -cafeteria help - waters, waitresses WILL TRAIN - lift operators -rentai clerks FULL TIME/PART TIME 649-2002 * 686-3207 PART-TIME OR FULL-TIME driver to deliver pizza. 668-8807 after 4 p.m. Ask for Tom. CHRISTMAS CASH. Students wantod for tolephone f und raising promotion. Hours from 5 - 9 p.m., Monday to Friday and Saturday from 10 am. - 2 p.m.1 Flexible sohedule availablo. $6.50 pér hour. plus bonuses. Cail today start tomorrow. 579-6085 atter 4p.m. TRANSPORT DRIVERS needed. Now is the time to train for your Class AZ licence. For pre-screeninq interview and job placement information, contact Merv Ore's Transport Driver Training. 1-800-265-3559. RRIFS ANtITUS FOR FREE'QUOTATION ,~iiuiiunnmmmrniwum'ouuuur<~CALL #FITZGERALD HERB TRAN WHTBYLTD725-6564 Gzeneral Cj.entiyAdchtions Home irovemient Ceramic Tiingf Rec Rorna ALS DRYWALL c Dry mlA ndPainting Decoafve plaster orners 16 Years In Plà and omamnentai ceiling work Durha = e laster work Region 45 ** General contracting C ail: =Specializirsg in rec rooms ~846à 8-8958 666-1657 Scotty A 90,000 fours betorey ou retire. Wouîd you invest 30 minutes looking at an alternative in the porsonal health care field? Cali 1-416-852-7020. GRANDMA'S COMPANY offers wmother-in-Iaw" dlean every timel Environmentally friendly products only. Employees are security checked, bonded and insured. 725-9177. NEED HELP PLACING your ad? Cail Joanne, Whtby Free Press, 668-0594. GUITAR LESSONS - be9inners and advanced. Accoustuc or electric. Cail Lou, 666-1979, Whitby. FRENCH PRIVATE LESSONS for children and aduits. <416) 668-7462. LEARN TO PLAY THE VIOLINI Exponoencod toachor. Suzuki and other methods. Studied ln Toronto (A.RC.T.) and Vienna. $12 per. hour. Phono 683-0284. OTTER CREEK - Daycare in my home. Mther cf one pre-schooler providos activities, snacks, lunches and a safo environment. Rot or- onces avallable. 430-2527. WEST LYNDE. Mother of one would love to babysit your child in my home, fulV/part-time. Available November. Judy, 430-8670. KINDERGARTEN TEACHER, mother, wilI care for your pre-sohooler in a stimulating environment. Excellent references. Reasonable rate. Garden-Rossland area. 430-3825. LOVING ENVIRONMENT for children. Nursery sohool program provided. Receipts given. 655-8600, Brooklin. MATURE BABYSITTER. In my home, Mary and Garden area. 5 - 10 yoars cf age. 430-2989., OTTER CREEK DAY CARE for presohoolers in my home. Loving mother of 2 presohoolors provides activities, f un, nutritional lunches, backyard playground in a safe, comfortahle environment. 668-1866. Rot erences avallahie. WANTED - BABYSITTER., fuil-ime day s, 7 and 4 years old, in my home. 430-7597. HANDYMAN WITH DUMP truck, tailgate lift. Clean - yards, basements,. garages, cut trees, etc. Caîl 655-3004 anyt ime. EXPERIENCED CIVIL eng ineer available to help you wîth al your design or construction problems. Caîl Albert, 668-4790. REC ROOMS, basements, drywall, taping & tinishing, trimwork, ceramic tiling, painting and penerai repairs. Cali (416) 576.7503. MAN WITH VAN will do small moves, yard and garage cdean-up, eavestroughs and odd jobs. Cai Larry, 430-6280. f Please check your advertisement for errors on the first day of publication. The Whtby Free Press will not be hiable for failure to publish an ad,, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by theerror up to a maximum cost cf the insertion. Tho Whhby Free Press reserves the right to classify or reject ail advertisements.' PRE-PAID (Cash, VISA, choque received before deadline) $5.00 for 20 words; 120 each additional word BILLED $7.50 for 20 words; 150 each additional word AUCTIONSIANNOUNCEMENTS 810 per agate Une (14 agate Unes per inch) minimum charge: $5. prepaid, $7.50 biIIed DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS (Ads with bordors, pictures or graphlcs) Regular display rates apply - 860 per agate Une Minimum sizo 1 column inch $1 2.04 (14 agate linos per inch) DEADLINE Monday noon pnior to Wednesday publication. 668-0594 IERAI DANNYYS GENERAL CONTRALCTORS Protect Vour Investmont Wlth Quallty Repaîrs and Improvements Basement Apariments Roc. Rooms- Painting Skyites - French Doors Water ProofÎng Kitchens - Bathrooms FREE ESTIMATES 666-2827 Toronto School of Business r-