PAG 6oWw Rý ecà ',WZM)ESDAY, INOVEMBER7j1M9 eu wOIWII VOUCE O THE COUNTY TOWN The only Whftby newspaper independently owned and.operated by Whitby residents for Whîtby residents. blished every Wednesdlay By 677209 Ontario Imc. Phone: 668-6111 Toronto LUne 427-1834 Doug Anderson Publisher 131 Brook Street North, P.O. Box 206, Whitby, Ont. UiN 5S1 Maurice Pi f her Edftor Alexandra Martin Production Manager 2nd Cla8Postal Pagistration 105351 Out aofsight, out afinci. Perhaps that's haw mast Town councillors feel abaut the passibility of asbestos ln munlclpaily-owned facllities allier than the Centenniai Building. The attitude would seem ta be thati f, asbestos is ln other buildings, and doesn't appear to pose a health hazard, then why scratch what doesn't itch. The Town Is spending $17.500 ta remove asbestos tram the Centenniai, Building. The asbestas was dis- covered during a routine Inspection and must, by law, be removed. Legislatlon does nat farce awners ta check aut other buildings- In the Town's case, 21 buildings. *That option might have been taken by the Town, as has been recommended by counicilaor Tom Edwards and, the Canadian Union af Public Employees (CUPE). But counciliors lnstead decided on the quick-flx solution for what they perceive as an Isolated case, prefenling that quick f lx over any larger plan. Is there a fear that f uriher Inspection might reveai mare asbestas and, therefore, mare dlean-up and more cost? Discovery af asbestos In the Centennil Building Check themal should have prompted inspection af ail Tawvn-ownied facilties. That's been the case witn other awners, lnciuding the local schoai board. instead af inving the passibiity af furt her probiem, the Town should check out al their buildings, ta identify potential probiem spots, or even ta f Ind out that thore are no such prablems ln the ather buildings. In either case, caunciliors would gain a more clear conscience that they acted responsIbiy. C:xl th.xl This Sunday Whitby wiil be wltness ta a parade, A parade of men and wamen, many ln a uniform of a tîme gone by, some armied with Instruments that make marchlng music, ail armed with pride and dlgnlty, and scars. Many MIi be men and wamen, survivors, who faught for aur survival, faught for our freedom. Theirs Is a blttersweet parade, one of triumph for the victory of freedom, and one of sadness at the cast. The parade pays respect ta bath, but especialiy ta the thousands ai men and women wha paid the ultimate price for freedom; who paid wth their lives. Remem - brance Day serves as a remînder of* what we fight 80 bard ta forget -- the reaiity of wars gone by, the threat af wars ta came. The parade ends at the cenataph where a wrath wiii be placed ln hanar af those wha found their ultimate peace ln death s0 that we may strive for pea ce In l1e. Thankyou. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .**.. .. ... .*.*. . . Development threatens.ftiture prosperity To the editor There are a lot of major issues facing the residents of Durham, issues which will have a major impact on ail of our lives. There is not only the prospect of huge garbage dumps but also the city of Seaton propsa], the -the - 6 Û 12-lane hiâhway 407 through the heart of Durham, the Greater Toronto Area's growing car tralffc and pollution problems. These, and the more thon doubling of the Greater Toronto Area's population over the next 30 years, place the farmianda of Durham in jeopardy. It is a fact that Durham and the ragions of Southern Ontario represent nearly haif of Canada's class one farmnland. It is aoso a future fact that much of these lands will be covered by roada, plazas and huge tracts of suburban housing. Where is our food going te corne from in the future? -And, perhaps more importantly, how con we help underdeveloped countries to preserve their foodiands from poor farming practices when we've paved over moSt of our top- producing farms? One thing is certain 30 years from now, w. won't have enough surplus land or food te, help them out. One Iast consideration: What if ail these predictions of global warming are trué? Pavement and G;rowth that we don't need By James H. Priest James Prieat iw a member of the Nort Anderson &. Ratepayera Association. A tip cf the Jim Priest hat te smre Whitby councillors. On Tuesday, Oct. 9, hst ywasmi the makding when council reversed an earliar decision that would discontinua the clearing of snow from mst Whitby sidewalks. The handicaped and seniors wilbnfit bythisrevelation cf moral fortitude, coupled with this rare expression of common sense. Unfortunately they on] reactad afler considerable pr=~g and angry phone colis from residonts. Also, it could be, that they realized that they also could be omedalot Po daims he had ne phone cails, of a positive nature, in July, commending the snow-clearing program. I con't believe it. My neighbors and I oel hlm about snowsterms eveiy June, July and August, te thank hlm for removing our snow.. ond we don't even have sidewalks! W. thank hlm for the library, the pool, the rink, etc., etc. The winner here if there is on.) wiil likely ho Wlhitby council. They deserve high marks for this one. And they shoudho appluded forremoving the enough te, heor the wake-up oeil. Now if w. con just keep them cwonseiu and in this stte of aworenass te compréend somne cf the ether messages wa send them. Perhaps one, or. possibly two, mlght , 111 ho around .after the néeel"DM ---------- Unless they ware living on onother plonet, they must b. aware of what happened te many other arrogant politicians who constantly ignored the public. Speaking of other messages, one would surely be, te "cool it" with regard te, the frantic ond generally undesirable development taking place in the tewn cf iVtby. This message is continually passad along te, the planning committe. avery other Monday. Concerned residents express their views in the hope that someone will listen. And more often than not, the blinkers are on and the aar plugs are in. Councillor Brunelle was recently quoted "that Whitby should procead with development at a slower pace." Wow! Brunelle has an incredible flair for the obvious ... but about five years late. To make such a statement at this time is safe, cf course, as ini the near future the slowdown will be autematic, due te, projected economic conditions. Mayor Bob continues te, wring his honds and lick his lips at the sight cf the spread sheets with the good news of how mony millions mi building permits have been granted eoch month. Good news? I wondar. ls it good news when the tax bill arrives? 19 it good news when w. must hire additional police, firemen, teachers? la it good news when we muet pay for plants to, hondie the additional sewage ond water demanda? And la it good news when it comes te finding a place te put the additionalgabg generatedby this acclead I am, not opposed te development. On the contrary, we developments. They should also must have sustained growth for listen more closely te what the business and other reasons, ond I residents are trying te tell them. amr1 cognizant of the need for To say 'Nd o' te me growth. But lately Whitby is developments would be vary getting excessive growth it dosa difficuit for many as they occept not need. * campaign donations from A possible solution te curb this developers te help them get orgy cf building could ba in the elected. A planning dapartment handa cf the that plans would also help. They follow-the-leader-wimps oni traditionally rubber stamp these. council te be their own person, SEE PAGE 12 and say «Nod to some cars won't keep the world any cooler.-Leas thon 30 years . from now we wil be. desperately trying to turn parking lots bock into forme. It is inflnitely essier to prepare for the future by thinking ahead thon trying to "Uiz' things when w. get there. Who wiil prepare for the future ond think ohead a frew years? Who will help keep our farmland 90 our children and their children will have fresh, nuhritious food? There ia no one but the people of Durham. And we con toke cor. of the future of our home in mony ways. W. con vote for thoeWho wiil deliver the future we think our children should have. We con buy products with the future in mind. Wecon join one of the mony citizen groupe thà t are ü7gwto do soething. W. con tacarf much of thegobg generated in our homes by composting. We con demand laws that wiil protect the future for our ida. Who con mokeaa differenoe? Ycà u con. stephen G.Loh Brooklin Pue E