Wh-i»Otby Men'S -hockey W L T GF CA PI mo'Eteplo4 1 0 32 15 8 Woedycrost .40 1 18 12 8 M.IaneoPring«s3 1 1 31 20 7 DavlduooChxy. 3 1' 1 17 12 7 C.KMAuto 3 2 02823 6 CuatonAuto 3 2 02019 6 oeS 1 2 227 20 4 Rolland Lwnber 1 2 2 16 18 4 Cliff lânsPlum. 1 2 2 13 13 4 ?4RSRBeaIty 1 2 220 284 Ca.sy's 1 4 01733.2 Attsr.Iy Tfr.0560 1236 0 Nor. lue Roy%. Enter. 5 Holien Lum. 3 Meinls Pring. 10 Ca.oj'. 6 NU Remty . 4 07WlS, 4 DaVI dunoChxy. 2 Woodcrust 1 Ciff fanesPlum. 6 Cluto uto 2 CIL Auto 6 Atterlq Tins 4 Rgoa Pie* Disabled ghlre' ames llmihldo Saturday4ath Pickering Rceton Compiex, 1867 Valley Farm Road, Pickering, with opening ceremonies commencing at 9 a.m. There . will be ten teama competing fromn acroSs Southern Ontario, including Durham, Metro Toronto, Waterloo, Burington and Peterborough. Most of the teama ae revious rivais and plan todefeat the reigning champions. The competition should b. keen with over 100 chiidren invoived. The gaines ore hosted by the Durhamn Regionai Police force. Police officera and their famnflies will b. organizing, funding and WEMBY-FREE PRESS,, WEDNESDAY, NOVEUMBE 21, 1M9, PAGE 31 Atoms. go far against .tou'gh Opposition Wednesday night dart league LAEATPB BLUE UGR1'DIVIION W L PME ntM'Y =Uond26 21525 EserurniturePlnhMng '14 28 24 Eqsnlindl 2426 24 Clacemn Cstot Cams 232723 WhitbyWeSdman 23 27 28 lac Osudot 109 Blrur 105 DJohn aoln 91 TropW Rouas 7 Whit. Wesdman 8. ~n Fnan.S Mamont COL 4 LAHATIU CAS0 DIVISION W L PME Duo1 Norton Services le 8 la Dodd & BouterflroSdloom 12 12 12 TheluIy pInet, 12 12 12 GUsY Coppln sarvIes 8 le 8 MIs.s 11P aecrSom Ma& Ankoey 24 Bob Boit 14 Wek's Boume Due11Norton 83-Dafy PInst3 Dodi & Soutue 83 (lsjyCoWm 3a a biggsr- and older Uxbridgs maor/rainor aonteain. WHtby camne. away .fr-oi the tournament sporting respectable, one-win, one-osad one-t4e record against their older opponents. In their ifirat gaine agamast Cobourg, WMhypiayed to a 2 -2 draw* Next the -teain played Useirfees ipced PROMPAGE 28 wilI b. outraged. Were sending out the wrong message." Brunelle rnid the effect of user f.. revenue on the Town's budget paies m* comj>arision to "what it doesato individuals.» Councillor Rosa Batten replied that the only message council was sendinq. is that «w. have a level of servnce we can't afford. «Nf you want to participate in an activity you have to absorb aome of the coat.» Batten said council was not tryig to «penalizer anyon. by introducing a user -pay system. «It's expenaive to build and maintain bail fields. If were gixig to continue operating those facilities we have to paso costa off to those who use thein.» However, user fees will not make much of a difference if limited to this on. 'area, said Batten. "We're going to have to look at ail of our expenses and services or w. wili have a budget that wili stagger us tis year,» he warned. Pckig up on Batten's theme, Bugelli said. counicil will beý «hard-pressed» to avoid a double- digt tax increase in 199 1. One way to prevent it Io thro"-'- a user-pa ytrsi «User fees' are not-popular'but it's hon"t, sizc.re adup-rn1 Hie then criticized ie. col- leeas for claiming user fees will imps a infcant hard- she'r not talking a lot of money, maybe 12 botties of beer a year or two packa of cigarets,» said Bugelli. «Don't tell me you cant pu your kid in baIl because'of he inerease." Supporting the user fee pâliec wereMayor Bob'Atersley* andâ councillors Batten, Buffett, Bugelli and Jo. Drumin. Oppoed were Bruneile, Fox and Edwards. A breakdown of Whitby's user- 1aorsolicy for youth groupe is as *the fe. for using the beat bal diamonds for 1.5 houri is $9.35 which is based on 80 per centoI the aduit fee;, 1 * the youth fee forý average bal diamonds is $6.20;> * pooreat quality diamonds are free; *the fee for the beat sooeer fields is $8 for two hours;, * the f.. for the average soccer fields is $5.20 for two hours; *r pooreat quality soccer fields ar 9le *lighting costs for basebaîl or softball for 1.5 hours will b. $2.85 and liljbtg soccer fields will cost $3 .39 or two ours. Fées for aduit user groupe are as foliows: * the beat quality diamonds will cost $11.76, whîch is based on 50 per cent of the. coets to mainitain the field;, * average bail diamonds will cost $7.75; * the worst diamonda are free- * the Lest soccer fields w ýill cost $9.90foittwo-hours; --" ý * average soccer filds wiIl coat *6.50 for two hours; -* * the worst soccer fields are free-; * lighting coste for basebal and softball will b. an extra $2.85 for 1.5 hours and for soccer an extra $3.35. Sports groups upset eRnuM'PAGr, LF2, councillors and l'et thein know how w. feel.» Methven said he could appre- ciate the Town's position if every field used was in prefect con- dition. But soins suifer froin lark of parking and washroom facilities and «"potholes»ý on the playing surface said Methven. .He aIso noted that even, with the permit fees, teama will still b. responaible, for lining the fields, which wili add another $6,00b-$7,000 te the coat. discussed the matter with hie executive but has spoken, te Methven. «There has been talk of the three groupa making a joint effortr m. sure there wili b. a lot of upset parents.» Like Methven, Donnelly said he couid understand user fees if bail diamonda were kept lined by the Town. He rejecta the argument that user. groupa should abaorb most of the coats because not al tax- pyra use the facilitîes. «Nteveryone uses'the roads but w. ail pay for thein,» a aid- Markham and needed a win or a tie to advance to Sundays semi-finals. Whitby came out with a tremendous e4'ort to down their much bigger opponents 2 - It was thenon, tothesemis stUxbridge. Once agan VMity was outmatched in sme. Eventualy, after a very strong and determined effort, Whiitby. bowed out- to their opponents ,2 - 0. Outstanding goaltending b Philip Greenan andSc :oyie. along with an excellent defence by al throughout the tourna- ment, kept the opposition to only five, goals. ,Overal in the tournament, Derek Ackford: had two goals and one asuist,' Matt Foran threeaà ssts Justin Ter one gal, Evan aiWel]l one gma, and Keith Moreau, cailed up for the tournament,. chipped in with on. assist. whitby Win. next se action on, Friday in an exhibition 'conteat againat, the Little NOL Oshwa Canadiens. Vvideo promotes*safety The Ontario Ministry of Tour- iam and Recreation is distribut- avides promoting sports salety te secondary schools acrose the province. Entitled'The Right Moves,' the vides was developed i coop- eration with the Mmnistry of Edu-- cation and la aimed at viewers aged 14 and over. It features Olympic decathiete Day. Steen wh in how proper warm- uptechnique, equipinent and attitude contribute te fuller enjoyment of h ical activity. On. of the videosa most imor tant pointa is that sports safey is a continuing personai respon- sibility. SSix modules comprise. the vides: overview; proper fitting equipinent; importance of a ,warm-up; 'no placefor aicohol i water sports; cars,oencern, and technique, and fair play. A wids range of sports and reeational activities- are used to demon- atrats each component. The Might Moves will b. distrH- buted f ree of charge te al secondary sachoola. The 21- miute vides comes with a 17- page guide for sports,- fitness and recreation leaders te use ia variety of teaching situations. Recreation organizationa, clubs and idividuals can obtain Copie of the'education.pauckage (hficud- ngvdsand bookiet) for $13.-45 through the Ses 'Here Nowl Media. Center at (416) 497-4913 or through the Saftey Resource Center at (416) 495-4025 or 1- 800-668-7744. ü fable SALES 209 Dundas St. W. &200 Dundas St. W. 1 66&3000 I 3 I SERVICE 200. EundascSt Wx;, 430-8100,., 686.1642,(AJAX.line) M -OME C E .. Ig'uwepelu tlric Donneily. preaident of the Councillor JS. Bugelli whose Whitby Minor âaseball Associa- motion te adopt 'the, sta*f report tion, was not surprised council immediateiy was supported by imposed user fées, but the man- council, rejecta the dlaim that the EXPERTS IN COLLISION REPAIR ner in which it did upset hum, groupa were not notified. ILAND AUTO PAINTING Morrow on another inatter and council that the groupa werW teld WCMEP he mentioned it. He teld -us -t the report was coming forward. would come Up and wed have a - «hey said they would, like to chance te, respond,» said*.-Don- b. notified i lots of time te plan ____ MAACO-theinsùranceclaims'prfessionas-offers:-- nelly. hv ofor it,» said Bugeili. . - sFi olso evcssTml evc «Wé hae n -problein with uIn light of that 'and be&ausnü .e À ulcliio evcÊ,Tiey evc parka and recreation staff the we have'only one more meeting Free estirn;ates MiWritten guarantee problemn is- with cunil W'eY before Christmnas, that'a the rea- pushed it through -there was. no son it camýe forwardi thia fash- - Le! us wark with your Insurance company for, youl chance .te meet with the user' ion ... there was'no.deceit.» groupa. Councillor Marcel Bruneile, CALL, US TODAYU "I only learned about it by who oppossd the user fees, felt 'YO UR COL LISION'EXPERTS IN OSHA WA & A REA" watchin the councîl meeting on otherwise. (cable)wTV» «"I think they should have been #K» Si. Donneiiy has not yet anaiyzed a chance te respond,» said Cr, C how the sees will impact on iea Brunelle. oraiation. «To b. fair te the departmnent, e 41C !astyear, minor basebail char- staff had talked toe e cs h a w a X I red its playera an average of $50 tives. It's not like thsy were Wilson Rd. S. Hatn dependng on the agecategory. taiy unaware it was big Ohw MAACO8 Wve tried te keep our fees considered. 57-40 low, they don't autematicaiiygo "But I do feel council needed te 579-4000adcmrecalvhclsb stml Rs epi n bdwrketa Up every year. It's a shameif w. e)hear their imput. Council should M V u ainstinand omefs rcaeie etmae t raranhiesoywaAOEfrtc extran have te raise it because of the have providedi an opportunity for .ACAtoPntnanBdyrkaemneeetfaciesiMAOEtrpe.tc Town' ction,» said Donneily. commenta froin the public and ______________________ Donnel=%~e*lqs not yet é4sjnyXo .t~ iv~~ Whitby Hanet Plastics minor atom eAteain showed norne great determination' and outstanding effort iast weekend in the Little Britain atom tournament. .Playing ail their games à maixst mejor/minor atoin teams, Whitby made it to, the tournament semi- final, esbowin ont to MUMUMMuffl Had an C IDENT