YUà m JOHN GREEN, Canadian children's 'Col. J.E. Farewelpblc cho author, dlucussed books and the writ- recentlH a i holding bis new book, ing'procesu with grade 8 students at 'Alice adcithe Bfthdayý Giant.' Peter Tomblln pkoto 13Y sanMfr&Afa It bas been yet another: hectic week at Henry Street. United Appeal Week was 'u*te a suc 1ces and it made alloà f%teHawks feel rong ao knhwthat the ee èlpi ~ cause.bmeo the activities conisted of a teacher dresa down, twin day neon day, beach mart.y day and slave auctions, andl.treats such as popcorn, candy flou and chips were sold. Spealcing of fundraising, students at Henry Street will be selling Indian River citru fruit. Funds raised will go towards beautifying" the school, including a Christmas tree, flowers in the spring and a achool ýsign.. Congratulations to the homeforms that qualified for the library draw and a special congratulations to the winner. AUl in ail, the mgjority of homeforms did a great job returning thefir overdue materials. On the., guidance scene, university and coilege applications are 'now beingt completed. Have you starte'dc yours.yet?, This past week st udents were able to watch draina performances that were being put ».on at- lunchtime. Everyone was invited to corne watch and eiijoy the snacks served afterwards, ail for just 5W cents. I Henry 'athletics, the midget boys' voileyball team îstarted thoir season with wins over Pickering 62 -45, G. L. Roberts 51 - 33, and Dwtyer 5 8 - 46. Lastweek the senior boys voileybea team defeatedAndersonl15- 7 andl15- 3. Alio lat .Week, try-outs for the senior girls' volleyball team were held, and ]Pm sure that they will have another strong season. Remembe the iornin when you and your fiends wou d gather on the crowded school grounds and chant rhymes ta the turn of the ski )ping rope? M'Ilbet you thought tEt everyone iost interest in that hobby after grade school. Fortunately, there are stilI peaple around wh h aven't lest interest, because Anderson is holding a skip-a-thon of sorts. Actuaily, this "«skip down memaory lane 15 calied Jump Rope for Heart and is being heid ta raise mone y for the Heart and, Stroke F oundation. This two- hour event, taking place from 4 ta 6 p.m., occurs- Wednesday, By Don Belanger "But Dad, yau don't understand ..They're anly mid-terms. ri gonna do much better by the time finals corne out, honest . . . You 'do' believe me don't ya, Dad? I'm reaily serlous ' this' time .. . Dad?" Well. after days of anticipation at D<YC, the mid-term report carde were finally sent home on Nov. 16. For rnany it was a time ta celebrate, while for ethers it was an abrupt reminder ta pull up those socks as finals are iess than two menthe away. After nearly four and a half unforgettable years within the Nov. 28. Sponsors greatly appreciated.- Haw much wauld you pay for a John Campbell or a Ron Im- oniaco? Apparentiy, people are willing te go ta, expensive iengths ta have a personal slave for the day. These two were among the many auctioned aff as a l unch- hour fundraising avent. Since the auction, interesting lunch pariode have foiiowed. Serenades cf 'You Are Mi Sunshine' and 'Mary Had a Ià ttie, Lamnb' were the embarrassing.fates of these poor slaves. Anderson has bean sweeping hallowed haliways cf IXUC, many of the OAC students have finally been forced ta make their decisions about life after high school. Nov. 19 was the due date for university. applications, and while many great friendships have been made here at DUC, it will not ha long befere many new ones are made at the post- secondary level. For most cf us-, it seems like anly yesterday that we were cute littie grade nines, (with big inferiority complexes), aidng, 'Excuee me sir, can you tell me where room 119 is? I think inm late fer typing class." Ah, how times have changed. But, alas, away the campetitian in al recent sports taurnanients. Our Raiders senior hockey team opened the LOSSA season by defeating, Cartwright 7-1, ith Mark DeSousa scoring three goals. Aise aur midget, junior and senior girls)' basketball teains were alr able ta, secure a p lace in semi-finals at Paul Dwyer, by defeatin g Denis O'Connor (seniors aise beat St. Marys). As autumn turns in winter, we anxiously await the upcoming activities in store for us this season. Mie goes on. There were alse plenty cf ties tying and hairsprays spraying on Nov. 19 when DUC grade 12s and OACs began posing for the memerable occasion of graduation p hoto de~. "Tomn your head a littie ta the left; a littie further; yep, just a big further, one more inch should ha fine . .. 'Crack'. . .Perfect! Now say 'Cheese'." I don't know about you, but my neck's still aching. Finally, if yeu think school seems ta be breezing right by, rd just like ta rernind you, there are only 142 more days ta go. See ya' next week! Trustees, debate, vi'deo censor ship ByDora Perroni Soon Fr. Lea J. Austin will have its environniental and Amnesty International Club in progress. One of the main concerne of the group is animal suffering. As winter creeps up on us, and we take shelter in aur warm homes, defenseiess animais are struck in the cold ta suifer and perhaps ta cie. Thanks ta John J. Kelso, who founded the Toronto Humane Society in 1887, there is hope for these ill-fated creatures. Though he has passed away, the society carnies on bis tradition, and work is done, bath at the local level, sheitering abused and abandoned animais in Toronto, and at the national and international, levels, fighting the, cruelties of vivisection and.siaughter_ of wild birds for their plumage. Speaking of wild, Austin history was made as aur junior boys' boileyall team reached the DYSSAA hmpionship Nov. 13. Starting the tournament,, the juior boys' volleybail team defeated the LOSSA champions, Courtice, in two straight games. This victary led the team ta the semi-finals, competing againgt Sutton from York Raglan.* The Wildcats beat Sutton in the first -game, but Suttan went on ta, prove they were the better team bywinning the next. two games. The e chool isa proud ý of the Wildcat's .DYSSAA' accoznplish- ment. Congratulations ta team members John Barber, Jeremy Sharrard,. James Lambert, Sebastian Jarzabek, Scott- Grant and David Dasilva.' Real dedication b as led ,ta _'great improvement this season. Local-members at annuai ýSTO meeting The Superannuated Teachers of Ontario held their annual meeting at the Holiday Inn, Toronto downtawn, on Oct. 23 and 24. Rapresenting STO District 28 Durhami Ragian were president Bill Batten, first vice-pr"ednt Bull Legros, past president Elleen Spraggs and secretary Joan Edwards. The 27,828 retired teachers in Ontario continue their interests i a wide range of activitias - from caring for the health and welfare of their membership ta, praviding educational resources ta very young children in Africa. The Senate is the governing body of STO, and through it much lobbying of government is done ta provide policies which are fair ta, every segment of the population in Ontario. By Trudië Zavadovies Censorehip was a contentiaus issue ,iaet week as Durham Board cf Education trustees debated whether or not ta, pub- licly oppose the violent rock vidéos on cable television. The issue was raisad in ras- panse ta a request from the the Renfrew County Board of Educa- tion that the Durham board sup- port their pratest cf rock videos that depict vioence. Trustees were mixed on the issue of oensorship and their raie inpublicly taking a stand. jax trustea Darrel Berry said that opposing rock videos is ne d --rnt than-many. of the ope-- cial groups that have, ini the r ast, tried ta remove certain literature -from school curricu- lumis. "ain disturbed. It smacks cf censorship. rm dead set against it.» Ajax trustee Duncan Read agreed, but for legal reasens. "Frem a legai p3erspective, we shouldn't get involvect. There are SEE PAGE 37 Theatrical presentation at Henry 'Thin ný,be Canadian Family - Any- Funds raîsed from ticket sales tigad Everyhng il ete will go ta Ciidren'ls Telephone p esentation fer 'Dessert Lines, a charity erganization. Teatre' at Henry Street High Tcktfr$,aeviabet School on Dec. 3 and *4, 7 p.m. Tiktfr8,aevilb t The production is witten and the door (school cafetorium) orby performed byO.'eh'C., Henry's calling Lorraine Lloyd at 6e -u±nglss e71. Separate board holds info session on race relations On Thursda:y, Nov. 29, ratepayers, parents, teachers prieets Who are assocated the Durham Region sepa achool board are invited te evening cf information discussion The evening will ha cent around race relations ethnoculftural eqinty, ý and -deal -witil ed reN poincI ministiy policy. Aiea, board policy resources, available in dealing with this tapic. Al Present will le asked, ta taka, part in informaI discussion groupe ,andLwil h provided with an oppotu ziity ta, give input. -Thê discussion wii be held from- 7:30 ta 9:30 p.m., in the Education - Centre',board room, 6 .R«i o f n Wofiw HENRY STREET HIGH SCHOOL mmi -1 IFATHER LEOJ. AUSTIN 1 DENIS O'CONNOR HIGH SCHOOL would be 1