PAGE 34, WHMTY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVENMBE 28, 1890 I L~GAL I 4. à .:0: THE CORPORATIONOF <15?THE TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENT TO DESIGNATE in The Matter 0f The Ontario Hertage Act, R.S.O. 1980, c.337 And In Th. Matter 0f Lands And Promnises At The Followlng Municipal Addreaa In The Province 0f Ontario TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intencis to designate the property, inclucing lands and buildlngs, ai the following municipal adckess as operty of - historie and architectural value or interest under Part IV 0 the Ontario Heritage Act, RS.O. 1980, c. 337 The Green-Lowler House 616 King Street WHITBY, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIGNATION 0F 616 KING STREET,, WHITBY HILTOBI The Green-Lawler House was built in 1876 by William Greeni, a wealthy gentleman. Mr. Green ded in 1884, but the family continuod 10 own the house until 1901 when it was sold to Arthur Thomas Lawler. PW. Lanler was an active member of Town Council in 1902, 1903 and 1905, and Mayor in 1906. Mr. Lawler was also a member af the Whitby Board of Education for 20 years. ARCHITECTURAL The Green-Lawler Houe le a large two-storey brick home. Il contains several features of the Loyalis-Georgian tradition, incluclln symmetrical elevations,, two windows on each side of the centra doorway and a gabled rof. The raling tnim on the gales, specifîcaly the gable ends of the main block of the house, are augmented by large boards which have intricate scrolled ornamnent applied 10 the wood skirt. Any person may, before December 14, 1990, send by registered mal or deliver 10 the Clerk of the Town of Whîtby. notice of his or her objection to the proposed designation together with a statement of reasons for the objection and all relevant facts. If such notice of objection le receivedJ, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby shahl refer the malter 10, the Conservation Rleview Board for a hearing. DATED at the Town of Whitby thle 141h day of Novernber, 1990. Donald G. McKay Town Clerk The Corporation of the Town à f Whitby 575 Rossland Road East WHITBY, Ontario. LUN 2M8. PHONE: (416) 668-5803 AUCTIONS AUCTIONS. [AUCTIONS I MD~TION$ CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRIDAY NOV. 30 AT 6 P.M. THE PROPERTY 0F MRS. ELLA WRIGHT 0F JANETVILLE, PLUS OTHERS 9 pc. modemn dining raom suite, 3 pc. modemn bedroom suite, oak Chiffonier, Electron microwavo aven, Hoazier kitchen cupboard, odd wooden kitchen chairs, 9 pc. Kaulman teakwood dining room suite,- air-tight stove, Commodore 128 computer with disk drive and printer, antique dressers & chests et drawers, Inglis automatic washer & dryer, harvest goId Coldspet 2-door refrraorand 300 stove. The oloVin articles are new: 6 n.pgine iigro suite, oak t ablèe chais, 3. wicker set , oak rockers, brass Iamps, dolis, Wiliew-ware, also censigned H.0. Lynel eîectric train cars, plus other electric. trains, china, glass, toois & collectible items. DON & GREG CORNEIL RR #1, LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 SATURDAY'S AUCTION ACTION SATURDAY, DEC. 1- 630 P.M. PETHICK AUCTION BARN, HAYDON, 10 MILES N.E. 0F OSHAWA, EVERY SAT. NIGHT AT 6-30 P.M. This week contents of Barrie home ta include 2 dining roomn suites, teak Danish-styîe bedraom suite, china cabinets, shelving unt, kitchen suite, fridge, steve, freezer, recliner chair, carpets, Hoover washer/dryer, elect. sewing machine, photocopier, laterai file cabinet, lots 0f q uaîity glass & china pcs., 6 H P snowblower, McCuliough -chain saw, plus lots more items ta unpack. Ternis are cash,. choque or Visa. For more info, calI 416-263-4252. Sale managed and soîd by: GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS CLASSIFIED RATES ARE $5.00 for 20 words pre-paid or $7.50 bilied. Cali now ta place your ad. 668-0594. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENT TO -DESIGNATE In The Matter 0f The Ontario Heriage Act, R.S.0. 1980, c. 337 And In The Malter 0f Landes And PromIses At The Followlng Municipal Addressln The Province 0f Ontario TAKE NOTICE that the Counicil of the Copration cf the Town of Whitby intends 10 designate the rpetinlcng lande and buikdings, at the- following municipal = =1 oasprprt f historic and architectural value or intemest under Part lVote Ontario Heritage Act, RS.O. 1980, c. 337. The Leýwis Houck House 210 Byron Street North WHITBY, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIGNATION 0F 210 BYRON STREET NORTH, WHITBY The Leis Houck House was built in 1859 by Lewis Houck, a grain dealer in the Town of Whitby. Wk. Houck came from Marlcham -ta Whitby in the 1840s and in 1844 built a store and frame house at Dundas Street and Byron Street., W. Houck became one of the first trustees of the Mthodst Church which was buit in 1855 et Centre Street and Mary Street (alec a designated building). ARCHITECTURAL The Lewis Houck House is a two-storey Regency style brick home. One of the most snificant featwres of the house is the vast verarida which wraps arozn the entire buildng. The inteior of the house contains many of the original featwres which illustrates the outstandlng craftsmanship 0f the era. The interior of the building is intended 10 be included in the designation by-law. Any persan may, before December 14, 990, send by registered mail or deliver ta the Clerk of the Town of Whitby, notice of h.s or her objection 10 the proposed designation together with a statement of reasons for the objection and all relevant facts. If such notice of objection is reoeived, the Counicil of the Corporation of the Town 0f Whity shail refer the malter ta the Conservation Review Board for a hearing. DATED at the Town 0f Whitby this 141h day of November, 1990. Donald G. McKay Town Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East WHITBV, Ont"n LUN 2éM PHONE: (416) 668-5803 ¶ I . .. ..... ,9 à ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS SAT DEC 1 - 10 AXM 21ST. AI4NUAL SNOWMOQBILE AUCTION AT ORVAL McIEAN AUCTION CENTER ,- LINDSAY .Accepting consignmrrents of snoW- mobiles, cars, trucks, 4x4s, pIows, snowblowers, rlding ýgardon trac- tors, RVs, motarhomnes, construc-. tion & woodworking. equip., tarm machinery,. tractais. On. of "the largest & longest running, snaw- mobile auction events. Don't miss this opportunity to turn your un-, used machine int cash. Expecting 40-50 snowmobiles. Alread con- sined 89-250 Skidoo Safar,-89 Skdoformula MXK, 74 SnoI et, 85 Skidoo Grand. Safari, 84 Skdoo 447 Safari, 81 Skidoo Citation, 74 Skidoa 340 TNT, 71 Snocrulser, 68 Snowcruiser, 86 Chrysler conver- sion cam, 65 Valiant, Ford 8N tractor with chains & bMade, 65 Mustang, 81 cube van with reefer, 18' tiberglass, boat 130 Chrysier & trailer, 83 Bombardier AIlpi ne, 81 Bombardier AlI ne excellent for 9 in, 14' lib rlass boat ý35 p,Chrysler & trailer, 16W Larson 60 hp. Chrysler &"trailer, 81I Skidoo Citation400, 81 Skidoo Blizzard 5500, 81 J.D. 440 liquidfire,- 86 Dodge Rl Il converted maxi van, 80 G&- Brigadier tandem tractor, David Brown 880 tfarm tractor with loader, 74 440 ýTNT Skidoo, 80 Motoski, '90 S'uzuki ATV 4WD, 79 444 Everest *q uid cooled, 80 Everest 500, 790 Blizzard 9500, 82 Blizzard 9500, 85 Safari 377, 89 Mach 1, gas engine,, 8' conveor, sidewalk moulds, 80 DÃodgo Omnii, 6' 3 pt. McKee snowblower. List subject ta additions & deletiens. Uriits must be at barn by noon Nov. 30. Cali now ta consign. ORVAL MoLEA NAUCTIONS (705) 324-2783 ~AcIertsir~ WokaI AUCTION SALE SATURIDAY DEC. 1 - 10 A.M. 870 TAUNTC5N RD. E., WHITBY GARAGE EQUIPMENT,- FURNI- TURE, MOBILE POWER WASHER Having received instructions tram secured creditors, we are seîling several bankrupt estates. GARAGE EQUIP: 2- hydra-lift above-ground haists 2 brake lathes, Snap-on wheel balancer, 2 grease machines. Coates tire chanqer, parts cleaner, tlush & f ilI machine, 3 HP Lçrighit air com- pressar, Allen scope, battery charger, Bear alternatar tester, lube machine, engine analyzer, B.E. pawer washer, tench, grinider, torches & gaugles, 10 cases janti- treeze, 2* floar Jacks,'floor stands, 2 steel workbenches &'vices. Also large stucca sprayer, large'sand- blaster, il HP Monda mator, mobile powerwasher, 3 new bay windows & doors. FURNITURE: Toshiba microwave & VCR, Fisher spea- kers, Lazybay chair, 1 yr., aId chrome teabe & chairs, pine table & 6 chairs, sectional sofa with bed, 2 waterbeds, pine bedroom suite & cotise & end tables, new box- SPECTACULAR AUCTION TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION ANTIQUES- ESTATE FURNISHINGS - CLASSIC REPRODUCTIONS COLLECTORS GLASS - PORCELAIN * ETC., ETC. VERY PARTIAL LISTING Featuning magnificent 10. pc. Honduras mahogani dning set with Chupenel-inlunce carvings six shield-backed chars, matching buffet aC =srerwt large chaUe cnet. 9 pc. walnut bulbous leg <meér, plus others to select fromî ntr1tm ps.incud p~er Lous 1Et h-style inlaid commode with murble top and Bombeyed =ie, unique English curio cabinet with bevelled glass, lg. Victonian Rose carVed cofee table, Tiffan-style partor lamp with floral work, cedar chests, round dning table wit French legs, magnificent antique Empire marbie top washstand Oriental cwrio cabinet wth pagoda top, ladies gald-flIIed watch and gold band, pir f super carved -French Chippendale end tables, super fan-=ole wing char, ckum tables, secretay desks, granchnather ck, mentel docks, Oriental porcelan planters and vases, pair 0f hurricane lumps, mabogeny knee-hole desks, bookcases, urique end table with cupid base, bles. eUahgaylg. china cabinet with curved glass adbt ns cho-lef tbls, nd ndcoffee tabe, pine corner cabinet, magnificent domed anni*versary do)ck, parler lampe, cresrs, Queen Anne wing chairs, mirrors, Wkisor chairs, curio cabinets, etc., etc. AUCTION: THURSDAY, NOV. 29 1990 AT 7:00 SHARP Viewing ftram 6:00 p..Iiayof sale LOCATION: KNIGHTS 0F COLUMBUS HALL <WHITBY) 133 Brock St. N., Whitby TERMS: Cash, VISA or choque wfth I.D. AUCTION BY: COUNTRY AUCTIONS NOTE: Accepting consqInments day ai sale from 2.00 ta5:00 pin. with no bu-baisor reserves. Thuik you. ý il r- .a m - 1