PAGE 14,-WH1TBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, Dà ECEMBER 5,1990o Photo by Ead. Kouliey Maria Jung for MON AMOUR Custom made designa sulted spedificaily for your tasres and desires Hand Beaded Bridai Cowns Bridai Acoeuories Cutom Tailoring lb ail owns Mothiers of Bride and Groom Fautions Custom Made Bridesmads Doees AffodablePies Exclusively ln Durham Region at: Dianne's Bridai Couture 413 Dundas St E, Whltby For Your Exclusive Appolntinent CaU: 430-8985 SE I%AarIA lYP4zC3-s S UEIGrJ51" THE CORPORATION 0F ..... THE TOWN 0F WHITBY PROCLAMATION HUMAN RIGHTS DAY/WEEK TAKE NOTICE THAT December 10th, 1990 is hereby prcaimed as *Human Rights Dar ardecember 101hta becemýber iBh19w, as *Human RightsWe nadfr dsTw of Whitby. Citizens of Whby are encouraged to hommeae their awareness of human rightsi issues and to promote understaricing, co-operation and peace as weII as universal respect for human dghts,. DATED ai Whitby, Ontaio this 5th day of December, 1990. R.>. ATTERSLEY, MAYOR TOWN 0F WHITBY FOR"11LL BE HOME FRCHRISTIAS MOI"O DON'T FOISET TO SReni ypur Tables, Chairs, China, GMasses, Cutlery, Linen Tablocioths and Linon SNapklns, Punch Bowis Col- fe esUrne. AID lEST 0F ALL NM You can return aIl the *dîshies unwashed" ro SARGEANfT'S REN TALS 70 Bloor St E. LTD. oshwa '~571-1011 BOOKNOW 571-1l011k TORONTO, AJAZÇ PICKERING PHONE OR FAX 428-3466 ....... LOYgYOU MOMII Letter: Coveêriup; To the edfiton. Your readée, with othor Canadian tapayers, are the victimso)f an exesve caver-up being rridou your electod Our Members of Parliarnent currently b ave a gol1d-p1à ted pension plan that is truly outrageous. After only six years in office, MPs can start colecting their pesosthe- very day they leave Prinent, regardfless of their age. Watè' orse is that MPs of al parties are dliberately covering up the true coot ta taxpayers cf this lavish scheme. A. meent report by the federal govermes chief actuary swdtatheNP pension;I will have t ay this huge IOU? Thetaxayrs f anada. Untl eontyno one had heard about this, huge hability because it was handed over toaa House of Cannions Camrnittee that meets in secret and publishes no minutes. The whole situation is shameful. PMs should corne cean and fundamentally reform their penson plan. MPs are now held indirespect: they've earned it. They'il get respet when they start ta lead by example. David Somerviile Pmoidt Natiocul Citizens Coalition Let' 'ay" bal FROM PAGE ~6 of other reasons as well. One i the recessionary times taxpayers are experiencing, and another i. the more serious matter ai encouraging our young peple tta get inta, sports and sty otofth courts. There is a problem -in Whitby with regard ta vandalism and blatant disrespect for property. It should concern us al when we approach a convemience store and be greeted by an intimidating gang, or read a sign on the door that reads "Only four youths allowed at any time." Councillors Fox, Edwaràs and Brunelle. comprehend the need ta make every effort ta keep the young folks off the streeta and on the ball diamond or soccer pitch. Councillor Brunelle is well known for his voluntary contribution to the boy scouts and obviously understands the need ta neyer deter a boy or girl from beconung involved in toam sports. He also diligontly pointed out that none of the organized leagues were given the courtesy of being advised that such action was being considered. The present economic situation was pointed out by councillor Fox, who expressed his sincere concerne with regard ta these fees with an understanding of the difficulties cf these additional coots, especially ta large families. Councillor Fox is unaffected by bis responsibilities as a court- cillor, and in concert with bis profession, with many years experience working with young people, displayed clear and unencumbered judgrnent in voting against this motion. As expected, coundillor Edwards could nover vote for anything that would make things diffcul for Whitby's young people. He's Santa Claus and Grandpa ta ns al! I would urge the WGSA and WISC along with ail those parents and young people affected by this,' decision ta petition councillors ta rescind the raise they secretly gave themselves for 1991 and reverse this moot unp pular user fee bylaw. Pot.I heard through the grapevine that Bugelli bas another bright idea - a "Polo Tai." But not ta worry, it will only affect the doge of Wbitby. A poodble somehow got wind cf it and apparently bas decided ta rua against Bugelli in the neit élection. Any bets that the pcoch will probably win, paws downI OpùzIona given in tha eluOmn amw tise of the writer and do nat neoeasily reflect thauof.e «Vu Tax reforr By RMe Sons Ontarlo riding MP On Nov. 27, Michael Wilson, Minister of Finance, officially released an analysis of taxation statistics showing that tax reform resulted in a fairer personal income tax system. The figures clearly show that the tax systemn became more progressive and that the burden of taxation was reduced for most Canadians, especially for those with low or moderato incarnes. Three and a haif years ago, theý government issued a White Paper on Tax Reform. It outlined the need for fa-reahin changes ta improve our taxation s"stem to, increase its fairness and its capacity ta provide greater assistance ta Canadians in need. As well, these, reforms had ta take into account the- continuig need for a stable source of revenue. Other ma~jor aspects of the White Paper included the replacement of the antiquated manufacturera' sales tax with a fairer means of taxing consumption - the GSI' - and the need for a stronger corporate tax scheme. In 1988, the prevîcus incomne tax system which had 10 rates with a top marginal rate of 34 per cent was replaced with a structure with three rates: 17 per cent, 26 per cent and 29 per cent. Personal exemptions were -converted inta tai credits, because exemptions provided greator benefit ta, higher income earners. Credits are fairer because they provide the sanie degree of tax relief ta all taxpayers. Finafly, many tax preferences were eliminated or restricted. Two years later, the figures clearly show that Canadals tax system has indeed become more progressive and fair, reducing the burden of taxation on those moSt in need. In 1988, there were 290,000 more non-taxable seniors than in 1987. There were 905,000 fewer taxable Canadians earning les than $15,000 in 1988. Between 1987 and 1988, the disposable incomes of Canadians increased substantially. Afler-tax Per capita income increased b8.6 per cent from $18,195 ta $19,757. As the chart below Do ws*à , a largor portion of income tax was borne by bigh income' individuals in 1988. iaa fm rFk sae01Tx Pr cent baau <000.>1987 81997m 1988 under 15 47.8 45.2 21 0.8 619 16-30 29.1 29.6 296 23.1 -12.8 30-50 17.5 18.2 37.3 367 - 4.3 0- 100 4.8 6.0 2I.4 23.7 +16.2 mver 100 0.8 1.0 13.7 16.7 +21.9 Canadians should be encouraged by those findings. They highlight how the fundamental structural changes we have undertaken can deliver tangible benofits. Canadas tai systorn has indeed become more progressive and fair,.. reducing the burden of taxation on those most in need. In a Gallup -poil conducted almost exactly a year ago, tbroe-quarters of Canadians surveyed believed that we had not been successfu in making the tax system fairer. Just one in ton thought aur reforni initiatives were -succeeding. But theso figures show' that the minority was right. Our tax reforni proposals have done what we said they would do, and because of it, our tai system is fairer. TECANADIAN HEARING THE SOCIETY- PROVIDING SERVICES TO THE DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING. For nmore information, cal US at (416) 964-9595, (TDD) 416-964-0023, or write to us at 2 71 Spadina Road, Toronto, Ontario M5R 2V3 f4~f fp' ;* *vi t BUGS BUNNY paid a visit to Whitby marks the Mmi anniversarY of the General Hospital last week. 1990 star cartoon performer. Peter Tomblin photo