rBYF~PWiPssWEDNESDAY, DCEBEM6190,PAGE 27, To the editor Re: User fees fur parks So, hMr. Bugelli, where' the beef? Are we ta start charging people for use of ail public "facilities" regardiess of whether our taxes already pay for their manea C Outdoor parks are supposed to be already maintained by taxes ail parents pay, including soccer and softball parents. However, it is a well-known fact to any parent whose ldds play in these parks that the parka are abused byother people who*use them as gabage dumps for their pop and berbt es, and toilets for their used condomsg and the like. As a soccer parent, I remember waitg some 10 minutes while several soccer coaches attempted ta dlean up a mess of broken glass on the Pringle Creek field last summer. And, lest we forget, how about those dog-walkers who keep their own lawns dlean by letting their dogs "dump" in the parka and then walk awa from it? How do we charge al? these people for their abuse of the pakAre we ta pay for this? We already are and the Town can't keep up with the mess. Ini the end, our children always pay the price ... the price of innocent eyes viewing fllthy condoms strewn on the ground; or NoviceBs suifer foirst loss i il Whitby major novice Bs lost their first game of the season ini the final of a tournamnent in Beaverton Dec. 1 and 2. The Whitby teain, sponsored by Brooklin & District Kinsmen, feuI 4-2 to Orillia in the final, Brad McNaughton and Danny Small scring the Whitby goals. Whitby had reached the final with wins of 5-3 over Woodville, 11-0 over Oshawa Bruins and 3-O over West Mail., Scott Berrey, Jason Peyman Small, Ricky Mace anâ McNaughton scored against Woovil[Ie. Jordan Fitzgibbon and Peyman each scored two goals against Oshawa with singles by McNaughton, Mace, Jeff Church Ryan Dancey, Jamie Giles, Paul Goldsmith and Casey Dupont. Church added three assists *hile Steven Pigram got the shutout. .Ryan Callaghan earned the shutout against West Mail. McNaughton, Giles and Peyman scored the Whitby goals. In league play before the tour- nament, Whitby defeated Ajax 6-0 and Pickering 9-1. McNaughton and Fitz bbon each scrd twice while Surch and Peyman had singles against Aja. Smail had four assista while Callaghan and Pigrarn tea- med for the shutout. Agains t Pickerin g, MNugton scored three goal and Berry two, singles to Pey man. Jared Brown, Gldmsmith Free Road Tes 436-7869 l and Fitzgibbon. Whitby remains undefeated after 13 games in league play. the price of a p i uury from stepiig r fC-r'gon broken glass; or the price of not playing because their parents have been outpriced ta the game. Thanka ta many senitive and educated children, our. parka are cleaner due ta the new school Adgo-A-arkprogram. 'v h éide and parents of our community not paid enough already for the use of these parka? I agree with Mr. Methven of the Whitby Soccer Club. Wbat services are we really receiving from the Town ta warrant a user fee for the playing fields? We bring our own equipment and we clean up our mess (I've neyer seen any!). Our taxes are supposed ta pay for the mowing of the lawns and the upkeep of Town lands-, what isn'done by the Town, we do ourselves. 1It's time to re-examme your rationale, Mr. Bugeili, or you'l have to also start charging for use of parka by dogs, pedestrians, bicycles, 'recreationers', and for use of public wasbrooms, public tennis courts, playground equipment, park benches and picnic tables. Shall we install a "user meter"' at entrances to parka? Silly, isn't it! Where do we stop? Nor'a Borland Concerned Whitby soccer parent Reconsider decision To the editur I feel it is necessary ta voice my objection to, the decision made by coundil ta, impse permit (user) fees for use of basebail diamonds and soccer pitches in the tawn, and ta, indicate my dismay that this issue was not ailowed public input before being passed by council. I object ta the imposition of user fees for minoir league sports as it wiil mean an additional financial burden te, those families who may, in these poor economic times, be unable ta afford fees. I believe that teamn sports are very important in an individuals social development.. To deprive underprivilegedida the oppor- tunity ta play team sports, through the implementation Of user fees, is a crime. What happons now ta, these kid whose parents can't afford it? What is the socal cSt of these ida mat hanging around and not learning ta, be part of a teain? I believe that council should reconsider their decision in this. CALL US* TGDAY. 'YOUR COLLISION EXPERTS IN OSHA WA & A REA" LLinJrSit 710 WlsonRd. . Ma OshaCrMACr* r--- 579-400 Vans trcti an com ercal ehîles y etimte ust4air a duwr xr MAAO utoPant;g ndBodwoks remnepedet tanhiEsaMACEnepse.n. matter and allow for public input into what I believe is a very important decision. M. Grimsâditch Whitbyr Where 's teef LAKE ONTARIO __ STEEL COMPANY -HOPKINS ST. &.", WHITBY« Fuûel Economy And Performance System 10-25% BETTER GAS MILEAGE Saves on fuel and maintenance! Can actually pay for itselli. Reduces polluting emissions! Improves performance! Reduces engine wear!' Removes carbon build-up! 60 Day Money Back Guarantee 10 YEAR WARRANTY For ail engines and fuels except propane! Boat, Motorc'vcle. Car, Truck, Bus, Transport - g -lllDVI 66-47: HFigh hockey W L T VYAà FPM Donon 2 0 0 108a4 But"b1 2 008a2 4 H.u7 w 2 1 01244 1 0 0 100 1 2 Dunb.rtm 1 00832 2 Dwyer 1 1 08a52 Ajax11 04 4.2 Anderuan 1 2'0119 2 O'NdIl 083011il13 2 Castwrlht 02 02 la60 Pickoeixg 08308314 0. Whitby men's hockey W L T GV GA FPM R.oy% Enterprl.es 6 1 1 39 20 il C.ILAuto 5 2 0 36 26 10 MeIantoPinges 4 1 1 38 21 9 Davidion Chry. 4 2 1 22 18 9 Cuatomuto 4 30 27 2688 Woodycrest 4 30 2224 8 O'Toole 2 2 3 326 7 HollandLumbe1 3 8 20 25 6 NRSRwaty 23 1 2830 5 Cauey's 2560 21 31 4 Cliff lane Plum. 1 6 1 16 21 a Atterdy Tire 1.561 19 41 3 Nà «. 29 Sco MeantePfltigIas 7, wooyre Attatruly Tire 2 Eo A =dL . 2 CX. Auto 6 Custom Auto 2 onaus 6 DevldomChry. 8 Causy% 3 NR8S Pt 2 Roy% Enter. 4 Cliff14 lns . ClIA ANEAIA O or leave message on answerig machine I