PAGE 30, WHFBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBE 5,1990 FAHRLO .ASI By Dora Pkrroni "Is the Season to be Jollyl" The Christmas season is approaching quickly and the Austin student council of 1990 bas plans in the works to help Austin greet this festive event as a unified community. For Feb. 5e 1991 student council has outdoor activity day. The many fun-fiiled activities include downhill and cross-country skiing at Devills Elbow,. and "dare-devil" tobog-' ganing at Enniskillen Park. To promote Canadian culture, council bas included ice skating at Toronto's Nathan Phillips Square. Ice fishing is offered as well, but the-location bas not yet beôn determined. The good times don't stop here; an entertairnent night has been proposed by council. Students cen choose ta perforým as an airband and let their imaginations run free by iniltating celebrities or rock bande. Also, budding actors,' actresses and sfingers have a chance to strut their stuff in front of a live audience. The cost of admittance is the auditioning, which will be held on Dec. 12. The judging comniittee wil consist of student council members and, after auditions, the production date will be decided. AND-ERSO C-... BySally Gale With the shortage of sports events ta write about, fundraising seems ta, be aur number one topic at this time. With the passing of our Jump Rope for Heart campaign, in which studuents raised over $1,400, we now have moved on ta, other exploits. On Wednesday, Nov. 28, students had the opportunity of a lifetime. For $1 aichundreds of ids bought rafetickets for a chance ta, creain their beloved teacher. The lucky students whose names were Picked, chose one of the 16 'rhappY teacher volunteers, and introduced them toata pe, right in the face. As well as tatteachers had ta, fend off the wet sponges being thrown at them during this weil organized, lunch-hour activity. Have you ever heard the rumors of how horrid cafeteria By Samira Arfai Henry's athletic teains have been very busy this past week. The swim teain had a strong showing last Wed!nesday at the Pickering relay meet. The team placed fourth out of 16 teame, with eight placements in the tap tbree. Congratulations ta Scott Spencer,, Raymond Burns, Dana Brousseau and Chris Tanner for their firet-place showings. The senior boys' basketball team travelled ta Pearson Colegiate ta play against some of the top teains in the province. The teain dropped gaines ta bath Pickering and Mother Teresa. The junior boys' basketball team, defeated Leacock of Scarborough 48-34 last Monday night in an exhibition gaine. Ail the Hawks are plyng wl and I am sure tey wl continue ta, do so. Students i OAC draina put on a production cailed 'Anytbing and Eveiything' on Dec. 3 and 4. e -c c') c w e 0 o c 0 (o e food is supposed ta be? Well, I can't say 1 agree totally with al the ruinors, but at least (for two days), we had a reprieve. Anderson's OAC law class sold pizza and coke for $1.60, and between that and the sponge and pie throw, they hope ta raise enough money for a trip to Ottawa. Other interesting events include our ACVI 1990 ring sales, and the opportunity for students ta bu tickets for Te Pantom of the Opra? Not only do they get ta mee the wonderful play, but they get a tour of the restored Pantages Theatre, and have a chance ta talk to, the actors before theP pePrformance. A lot of exciting things have been happening' at Anderson lately, but what can you expect, it's the Christmas season! Fin sure Anderson students will have a bard sitruggle ta balance their time between homnework and shopping. It was one-and-a-half-hour pre- sentation in the cafetorium. Proceeds were donated ta the Kids Help Line. AIl those who attended experienced an enjoyeble production and fine desserts afterwards. Attention toalal those students who ordered school jackets and Spirit Wear. The merchandise wil be coniing in within the next few weelcs. Students also got their mid-term report cards Iast Fnday. Was your weekend an enjoyable one? Senior students planning ta attend university in September should be sure ta meke a guidance appointment by Dec. 7. As university and college presentations wind down, it is now time ta make -the big decision. Christmas is quickly approaching, and ta celebrate this joyous season, the student council bas orgenized a semi-formal dance. It will be held an Dec. 14. Mathematios e Accounting e Computers.e fl~PDurham Tutors OPENING SPECIAL *RegistoNoforau« EaReiwF ~ T * Seca Oferon omptes & Trainîng ~ij 1614 Dundas St. E. Whtby V JŽ~ 432-3683 666-4599 L~~ Mathematios e.-Accounting e- Computers (o o O o O e m (o e ONTARIO RIDING MP Rene Soetens clas at Denis (J'onnor High Sehool spoke to the gradeý 12 and 13 economie last week. Chrs Bovie photo ByDonBelanger Everyone's favorite month of the year bas finally arrived. Why is December the manth we all look forward ta? We get ta, risk aur lives standing on a wobbly ladder ta, string colored lights around a weather-beaten eaves- trough. As well, we get ta worry each day that littie BiIly or the. dog won't knock over the evergreen mn the living room that y ou spent three hours erecting, balancing and decorating. But the best part of a]l is that we get to, mun from store ta store, like cbickens with aur heads cut off, buying a truckload of gifts, half of which are only going ta, be returned ta the store on Boming Day anyway. Sa why do we look o forward ta the Christmas season? Personally, I think itfs the turkey. Speaki«ng of Christmnas, the annuel D(YC Christmas Formal is being held on Dec. 17. It's a chance for students ta really get inta the spirit of the season as they eat, socialize and dance ta somne good 4-unes. Aside from the prom, ' this' is the dance ta be at. See ya there! Tomorrow night (Dec. 6), DUYC will be offering the public an -opportunity ta taste some international culture at the Soirée Internationale. It will be an eveming of deliciaus food, exciting entertaininent, and (best of ail) prizes. If this yeares event is anything like those of past ea, it should be a huge success. ~Me is running out, so g et your tickets now (only $5 for adults, $3 for kids). On Nov. 28, Mr. Gallagher took a -group of eager theatre-lovers ta the Pantages Theatre ta see the world-renowned play, 'The Pbantam of the Opera! Aside froin watcbing 'Phantoin,' the group was given a tour of the -prestigiaus theatre, as well as some free time ta take in the sites. By ail indications, the day was ikhuge success. binally, for all those who tend ta hold off buying gifts until as close ta, Christmas as possible, rd just like ta reniind you that there are only 17 more shopping days left. (Better get goingl) A student challenge Through Interculture Canada, the country's leading international student exchange organization, high school students from coast ta coast can enjoy the unique and rewarding adventure of studying abroad. This not-for-profit organization specialized in international learning is now concluding its 1 TRFLA CASTL SJ (IH ;.çO gI:res By Lara Jiinez The bouse lights were down. In the darkened concert hall there. was a general rustling and feeling of anticipation. Suddenly, slow, clear footstepa were heard on the hardwood floor and an expectant silence feil. Although this scenario may sound more like the introduction to a mystery novel, it ail took place at Trafagar lest Wednesday. The noteworthy event was bouse plays, performed by each of the four bouses. COMmencing et 7 pan. with "12 Angry Men,' the prograi proceeded with 'Two Crooks and a Lady,' foilowed by three short Ekits, and ended et 10 p.m. with «'My Hast the Ghast.' The lays were adjudicated byMr&.Tkah, who presented awards ranging froin best technical design ta best overail play. Congratulations are in order ta, Mara Dmmi who won best actress; Lanique Lockbart who was awarded best supporting actress; and Jasmine Johnson who was given the adjudicator's award. AUl thoSe involved put forth their best effort and deserve recognition for a great and entertaining job. Lest Saturday .evening .the school was decked in pine. sprigî, candles and balloons. Cou p1le in attire made their waytroh the receiving lime ta the formal dance. The evening was complete with music, a sitting ron, finger fooda, professional, photographe and a festive Christmas theme. Social conveners Claire Jarvis and Christine Bandomir were iinpressed with the high turnout and agreed that the night was a success. Canada-wide search for students, aged 15-18, interested in meetin the challenge of- livingUn studying in any of over 30 countnies around the world. "Iles the educational adventure of a lifetime,", says an active volunteer from the organization, 'ltes an opportunity not ta be missed. Not only do our students develop mare -self-confidence through the expenience, but they also get a real and lasting taste of life in a completely different part of the world - a cballenging education in itself." The young people chosen ta, pariciatein this prograin will lie iha host family and study in a local high school. Faniflies bave been carefully selected ta, hast students and -during their stay, students benefit froin the support of a volunteer counsellor. The programi's participation caes are equivalent ta the sui parents nommally spend on a teenager in Canada. Financial assstance is also available. The registration deadline for suminer 1991 departures is Dec. 21. Students who like adventure and want toac ure new knowlèdge are urged toappa without delay. For more information, contact the national office at 1-800-361-7248 for Eastern Canada or 1-800-361-1879 for Western -- Canada and Newfoîà undlad. HENRY STREET HIGH SCHOOL