WH1TY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5,199o, PAGE 8 Property owner stops'-7t reeëé' removal Items from Whitby Council agenda(s) Monday, December 8, 1990 Planning and Development Committee, agend.a The 93-acre site, comprlsed rimarily of foresa and wet- lands, is not proposed for deve- Iopment at this time. It is des!g- TREES were. uprooted reoently front a north Whitby wilderness area. After receiving two warnings from the municipaiity, the owner has stopped work on the prperty. Chrlu Bovie photo That a site plan application from Davelore Enterprises Ltd. for a second-f loor office expansion at 207 Dundas St. W. be approvedi. A restaurant and bar now occuples the' f lrst f loor of the building, the second story ls empty. The company wishes to expand the 4,356-sq.-ft. floor area by another 1,095 sq. ft. to permit office use. ROCommned to council That a major commercial- residentiai development proposed for the northeast corner of Thlckson Rd. and Taunton Rd. be deemed premature at this time and referred to Whitby's officiai plan revlew. Thickson Square Inc. proposes to bulid a 150-unit apartment building, 70 block townhouses and shopping plaza on the 24-acre site. The property is now zoned agriculture and designated major open space and hazard lands under the off icialplan. Recommjended to couacil That an application to convert ýan apartment building complex at 540 Mary St. E. to condominiums be approved. The complex consists of six buildings havlng a total of 24 ýuRIts. Recommended to council Operations Committee Thatcoucilapprve n 89 -By Mike Kowalaki Tha concl aprov an8.9The chairman of Whitby's per cent increase ln taxi fares planning and development com- (based on an average 3 km. nittee has publicly apologized trip), effective Dec. 17. for erroneous commente made Whitby's two cab companies, during last week's council meet- Bell and Bowman Taxi and inonilo ose Batten used Circlo Taxi, had requested an Monday's committee meeting te increase ln fares from the aooiet ar oi o current $2 plus 10 cents for apologiae te hearry onsikfo each 1/12 km. to $2.20 plus ponsible for destroying trees on a 20 cents for each l/ 7 km. north Whitb property. This-increase would resuit ln Batten said Zosik no longer î i5 per cent fare hike. lias any connection with the However, a staff report numbered company wvhich owns pointed out that fares were the property in question. ralsed15 per cent last Last wekBfatn identified December and a f urther 15 Zoik as the owner of a 93-acre per cnt Icreae lssite near Taunton Rd. E. and ecensve tafmaef ts Garrard Rd. N., -who was ignor- excssie. taf fit heing Town warnings to stop current start-up f igure should removing the trees. be iowered to $1 .90 but However, Zosik sold his inter- Increased to 20 cents for est i the properýty last yar and each 1/7 km. is not mnvolved in the situation Recoxnmended to couneil referred te by Batten at Iast That council endorse Durham week's meeting. (See separate Region's home composting story.) prograrn and make home According te Batten, Zosik's compstig uits vaiaïî to name was listed in the provincial compstig uits vaiabl to asSessment roll in connection Whitby residents. Ater a with 801438 Ontario Ltd., successf ul trial mun ln owners of the property Newcastle last year, the But as Town oficiaIs later Reglon purchased 20,000 learned, ZSik owned a portion cf units for use by Pickering the company but sold his interesit residents eariier this.year. les yar. The program has now been Whle Batten said staff could extended to Whtby and Ajax. not be blamed for the error, lie Consumers may purchase a acknowledged that Zosik had bin for yard wastes <$26> or been wronged. 'Td like te publicly apologize one for food wastes ($20) at for using Mr. Zosflks name,» said Plcov's Greenhousos ln Ajax. Batten. A distribution centre wili be 'Fie owned a portion of the establlshed ln Whitby next property at one time but sold it a u>dnu.year ego. He had nothing te do gecînmended to council with the trees. ]Pd like it well- 101V.............. ...kzQwn thathe,was, not involved." 4 4 0 04 1 4I#.ý4Y '4è. f t à 4;44** FROM PAGE 1 vicinity of Taunton 1d. IE. and Garrard Rd. N. nated as an environmentaily sensitive- area under Whitby's officiai plan.. The uprooting of trees by bull- dozers and other heavy machinery caught Town officiais by surprise when brought te the attention of staff by nearby resi- dents reoently. Two warnings ordering Dewshi te s13 the destruction were issued bthmuipaty before- work finally came te a hait. Batten told reporters that Dewshi contacted Town adminis- trater Bill Wallace after receiv- ing the warnîns According tBtten, the owner explained te Wallace that lie had been abroad and was not aware cf the situation. "HFe apparently teld his people they could cut trees if it was ini TRY A SETTER ALTERNATIVE FOR THE SCHOOL AGED CHILD.AGE$ 6 TOý 12 VEARS *lndividual Iearning at the child's own pace. *An exdting curriculum COME AND SEE USAND BE IMPRESSEDII ~~ Free Bookiet wlth Vour Msit fJ ~k,,Spaces SUI1 Available for January' BLAIS AL,MON4TESSORI, 686-55 )~ $~Je Excluivel for the reaivs girlfriends o business associates. And tleOff yourself while the pri f Otedrhi is so low. piebr q Health Club today for al the details. accordance with municipal bylaws" said Batten. MTe problem was no one asked the municipality concer- ned.» Although work has stopped, Batten said «'most of the damage. has been done.» Bat±en did not know the extent of damage exoept to say it is «considerable». The owner's compliance wýith the Town's order may have spared the municipality further problems. Ini an earlier interview, Batten said the Town essentially had littie recourse algainst the owner. «Basically, we don't have the teeth te stop them," said Batten, addinq that a proposed tree pre- servation olicyfo r Whitby may do the tik Batten apologizes to wronged party