PAGE 28, WHITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAYI )ECVMBER 12, 1990 COSCAN DEVELOPMENT CO hm nin usmbdea caswtment af $130,000 I0 the Whllby Germai Hoýpltal FhU Css Fund CamIuIgu Te maney wU be!uued to crwst a new auf cebt r c enti. Fmm ltare camplgn eco.prntet RgWbr, Coscan vlce-piesidelbrnnch er Sam Whon, dk~to a dvelPmnt Michel FIrne ha!ptaItowiatln pisidnt ayne Curiler and hsitalexmememlncorkn Miller. THREE LOCAL veUfenlarns heve meedmie tion $1%000 to the Fund alHaqIphFkM Obas FudCampeIgr. Shomwwth Ed <v(.i-glu), co-pM"idru aithe capolon, are (fn lf) Dr. Jkn V i e BokM l Vge Ankiiel Ilaspltl, Dr. Jkn Hoknesofithe Anderson Vetulnary CInIc and Dr. Claylon MacKay of the MacKay Anknal CInI. VERSA SERVICES, a VS Servics cmpany, lus coibited $u-25,00 ta the Whmby General Hospital FkM CbssFundCa mpulgn. Above, Versap"sidri Ken Dalgie and groep vice pres1ien Mice Faley sem p e ~ i Vitel taad as wel as th donta tohospialexecutve dl cc Jirn IMUe.