PAGE 18, WHITBY PME PRSS, WEDNESDAY. JANYUARY 2,1*91 MATTRESSES and box sns OSHAWA - IMMEDIATELY - 1 GREY & WHITE MALE CAT at haif price. MoKeen Fur=iue bedroam basement-a sommet missing tram White Oaks f ire. 2 524 Simca. St. S., Oshawa. Phoneo Large ktcheri and livinig raam. years aId, very shy. Reward.. 725-5181. Utilfties lncluded. First & lest. 666-4149. _______________________ 433-8174.______________ SEGA GENESIS' & Megadrive cartridges avallable. To buyor rent. Test drive a Seg enss for anly $6, includes g ar. of your chalce tram a selection of over 50 games. Computer Creatians, 259 Tharntan Rd. N. 576-2023. SKATES - NEW GRETZKY Daoust, size 9, $25. Ladies white figure skates, 4-V2, $10. Stanless steel, sink, $10. Tool storage cabinet, heavy construction, 3'(W)x 4e(h) x 2'(d), 4 shelves, siiding doaors, $20. Antique pressback commode armchair, $50. 668-2800. SEASONED FIREWOOD. Will deliver. Avallable ln face or bush cord. 683-0709. 1987 PLYMOUTH TURISMO. Auto, PS/PB, -hatchback, 5 passenger, .4 cylirider. 30K km., rear window defroster. Gaod canditian.$4,900 f irm. 668-7443. 1984 CHEVETTE, 4 door, auto, 70K. Uncertiid. 666-2591 after 5 p.m. 1987 PONTIAC 6000 F.I. PS, PB, auto, air, cruise, tilt, AMI'FM. 68,000 km. $9,800 certif ied. Michael 668-6112 days. WHITBY - FURNISHED ROOM for rent. $90 weekly. Bathraom & kitchen facilities. Student or worker preferred. Walk toalal amentities. 666-3776 ater 6 p.m.. BUY THE RIGHT HOME through the right sales represen- tative. Have 8 years' experience working for you. David Roney, NRS Realty On. lnc. 436- 1800. REAL ESTATE BUVERS. Would you like Iow or zero dlown- payment?. Different properties ta choose tram? Let us take cars cf y au. Peter Frieday or Richard S5tark. Sutan Graup Realty Ino. 430-3000. BROOKUN - VERY LARGE ans bedraom aparlment. Close to aIl amenities. Availabie Fe. 1, 1991l. Rent $675, includes utilties. Cil Herb 985-0856 ar Day. 430-7341& HUGE -ONE BEDROO M grouo~ f loar apartment. for remt. Immaculate. Available Januar. $550. 666-5056. BRAND NEW 1,250 sq. fI. Iuxury 2 bedroom apartment. Central location. Huge itchen plus living living maom, ensuite laundry.4 appliances. Complets privacy. $695. 430-1418. BROOKUN - 1 BEDROOM apartment. Close ta ail amenities. Avalable Feb. 1. 1991. Rent $527, includes utilities. CaIl Herb 985-0856 or Day, 430-7341. PLANNING TO SELL yaur home? Interview David Roney of NRS. Reaity On. Inc. 8 years' experience and fulItme commitment. 436-1800. REAL ESTATE BUVERS. Would yau like low or zero down- payment? Dfferent properties ta choose from? Let us take cars of yau. Peter Frieday or Richard Stark, Sutton Group Realty. lnc. 430-3000. AJAX - PRIME OFFICE space. 600 sq. fI. available. Excellent location. 683-7515. BROOKUN MOVE - Start your awn business at aur location on Hwy. 12. Reasonable rent. Great exposure. Oel Herb or Dave 985-0856 or 430-7341. SILVER GREY German shepherd puppy, 4 manths aId, answers to Lupo. Lost Halls Road/Durham 23 aiea. 655-86$6. WANTED TO RENT - On. bedroam apartment. Lady, senior, non-smoker. No pets. Whitby aiea. 576-7243. HANK'S APPLIANCES. Apart- ment fridges & stoves, $300 a set and up. GuÜaranteed. Hank's Appliances, 191 Bloar St. E., Unit 6. ERROL REFRIGERATOR and appliance sales and repair (also microwave repaMr. 15 per cent. labour for month a December. Will buy- some used *appliances. 432-7734. APPUANCE REPAIRS ta washers, dryers, stoves, dish- washers and microwaves. Al makes and models. Also small appliance repairs. 430-7382, 683-8519. Sewing Machine Repairs A Il Makes Complete Tune-up $39.95 Rleconditioned Sewing Machines from $59.00 TOPLINE SEWING CENTRE 571-1385 400 ing St. W. O)shawa ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting auto ir.surance because of age, poor driving- record, or suspension af license? Perhaps we cati help. Phone 666-2090. BUILDING SPECIAL clearance. 20x2Oft., $2,900; 24x24ft., $3,100; 28x36ft., $4,500; 32x36ft., $4,900;. 36x48ft., $6,900; 4Ox6Oft., $8,800. CaIl 985-7930. PRIVATE MORTGAGES - the place ta, go when your batik says "1NO.e Serving Whitby since 1973. 668-7200. A NU BIS INVESTrMENTS. LOTS - CRESSER AVE. 80 ft. x 150 fI. Enquire, at 31 Lakenidge Road,.Whhtby. . ~ j~tej 'LEAVE YOUR CARES at home wth us.w Professianal pet/home. stters are fully bonded and insursd. Custamn Home-watch International, 666-5353. COMING EVENT? Oll ou 9-668-6369, Whitby Free Press. 5. , ,-1.~,*~*j I *~.5 - 1 , . I 5i *~*"5ji('~ J..&."I~1 ~I .~S1JLI t.~~5'J'.L.. - - -. .~. - -lit THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F'WHITBY PLANN ING DEPARTMENT Notice cf PublicérfmtonWrso Wednesday January 16, 19910@ 7.00p.m. Meeting Hall, Whitby Municipal Building Whtby, Ontario A Pulice Workshop will b. heid by th. Planning D armnat the above-noted Urne and place. lb. purpose of 1t wkhep wil b. to review background information and issues for the preparation 'of a' development plan for th. east half of Environmental Area 6, as shown on the ma. below. A development plan ls a Council aroed pollcy document intended to guide the distribution cf achools, p rorlsn housing within a deflned area. L,-ROAD 41 C TCA AREA OF DEVELOMENT PLA -M riFR Th. purpose of this workshop la to provide adequate information to th. public and to permit interested persons the oppartunity to make rreentatian in respect cf 1h. future developet plan. Information and cmments from this workshop wîll b. used un 1h. desun of different alternatives for the area. A future worlcshop will b. sch.duled t0 review proposed development plan alternatives. Persans requesting further information may contact Matt Powers of 1h. Planning Department 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario (416) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT DIIum of IPbuilna Co ipo on cf t» Town cd WhlUiy Pr7RririPr7rrig#7 i