1 GOINGGEE WITH TTC Contennial- College in Scarborough i. going green with the TTC. The Toronto Transit Commission is now oporating more buses on natural gas because it is more environentally clean, reduces engin. noise, remoèvos the black smoke of diesel, and is plentiful in Canada. The college is helping the TMC meot its environmental challengs -y trainng and certifying its natural mam tochnicians. Týraining has started at Centennial's Ashtonbe campus and will continue through 1991. For more information, contactprra consultant Day. Bowman at (416) 694-3241, exrt. 4628.a Ontario has achievod an 80 ýpr cent participation rate in the blue box recycling program.HIowover, w. stili haved a long wiay to go te roduce our garbage at curbside. If you fool that re cing is ail that you can manage, read on. % ithe. spring of 1988, a group of rosidents in Hoég' Hollow, botter known as York Milîs, volunerd their services te help Pollution Probe conduet a study on the amount of household waste that could b. recycled. This eight-week test went beyond the. bue box and demonstrated that 70 pr cent could be taken out of the waste stream - a survey thbat showed what the pessimistic Metro officials said, at that time, could not b. don.. Hogg's Hollow rosidents also composted organic kitchen and yard waste, separated textiles, hard plastic.- containers, al 9ye of paper mncluding seap boxes, and plastic bags. Jenny Branteniiorst claimed ber fanuly of four threw out only one bag Of garbage a week instead of the. Hogg'sHollow, as this area east of YonjeSretututh of 401 is tiI affectionately called, reoeived its name from James Hon, a Scottish immigrant. Ris sons took over the milîs south of York Mille ]Rd. in 1848. John and William were merchants and James was the miller. I the 1850s thoy bought land in the valley and opened a subdivision that became known as HygsHollow. Iminne these early settlers living at a time when evyr homo composted for fertilizer or gave food scrapsto their pigs. Flour sacks were bleached and softened for clotl'in. AIl bits of grease, fat and pork rinds were saved to make soap. Babies did not wear disposables. Uimes were hard, but the word landifil, as w. know it, did not exist. Wht an. usines..do ~~~~~~~~~~~. . .milon..um..ho b c..u sa d ~ ..... Tak o. ôùn..hbu......~in.... Let. The ree Pers kn c ýow 0f yur stad.so. .(lke he r::by Fre Pess fo ST ahè. . .......... . Noguratesbu f rethm ou be keeng ast0 poil fs osil and prayingto.ail.the.o..s.abovethat.this.potest.fi...s...d.dies Accodingto te Gods ad Srvics Ac, yo areflotin..fau..unil.yu.fal.t Pârmt.h.t.toth.ovr..n.» fyurZ salbsnes hsma ltb nltiesdé- basic porinýýcipe eocay that liasbér brok*en te ostbaic...s.o.dmo.a. M. -:yÇPp Si lo î . elin Be UN-Canadian - Don't just grumble, ÀCC something about, it! Who really has more power? 190 conservative M.P.s or 25 million Canaduans WMWByFREE FRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY9, lu1, pAGE la What can you .do about tho GST? Write phone or fax us your comments. see details on front page. Write to other papers. Phone your favourite radio station. Buy from shops that refuse to charge the tax. TaNk to shop owners who are charging the tax. Chances are they like it even less than you do. Give themn a photocopy of the bottom'portion of this page. Tell them that they are flot alone in opposing the tax - there are 25 million Canadian consumers behind them. D on't buy taxed goods and services- if you can do without. Don't buy goods from shops that are "absorbing" the tax. These businesses are already stretched ta the limit bvy hard ecanomic âimes. Why should they scrir vn more so Brian can have another 7%.- Suggest.thatthey flot charge it ... period. see below. Contribute financially to: 1. The Whitby Free Press so that we can continue to publicize the campaign locally and generate the kind of nation-wide publicity that can make this work. 2. The Vote Fund (l140A Alpine Rd., Kitchener, N21E 1l) so Carl Sinding can expand his country-wide ad campaign. Get a GST Prevention Kit from Box 2500, Station 'A', We ston, Ontario, M9N 4R2 (only $4 - includes a letter to give to merchants, forms for declining the GST and a newsletter to keep you posted on anti-GST campaigns fromn coast to coast. The 4$ will only partially defray the costs*of an 800#, postage, post box, printing, etc.) Put a sign in your car window. When you use a Stamp fo 'r which you had to pay GST, wrIte your protest on the envelope. This spreads your protest at no extra cost.1 Include a protest with any cheques that include the paymfent of GST 1