Whitby Free Press, 9 Jan 1991, p. 18

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PAGE 18, WHBIBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9,1991 Th mieSTscrn ffy-Loona Noel (To the tuno of Buttons & BOWs') Chorus The GSI', the GSI', Wo!re victimes of the GSI'! It's the ineaneet virus in hietory, It's an epidemic on a spree, Its asun-Canadien as cen be, And i's onnagg-et yen, and -it's gonna got me. I sat upon my mothers knee While she expleined the GST. 'Tou juet got born, in time, eaid she To beat the goods andý services "One day late and you'd now be trapped Inside an emniotic sac; Since mummy couldnIt pay the tax, The doctar would have had ta put you back." As 1 snugglod on my mothers ,kneo, She ,said, ý"I mïuet charg you _GSI' Cause - they've cbanged the rulos Wýboutmnaternity And a.motber's love is ne longer free." A woman julet had Siamese twins. Imagnewht a stata shes in! Iftey stay attached,, she gots thern free; Or seh as ta soul one ta pay the GST. Dont moan, "Te be or net ta bo," Nor rage' againet. your detiny. Tragedy's lost its dignity, Cause Doath's net exempted frein the GSI'. One man decided ta emidgrate To Buffao, in New York State. But they auht him as ho coedthe lino And tho-,,taïx was added ta hie fine. Another'mentioned innocently That ho'd just researchod hie family tree. This was roported -te the powers that be, A political cormmontazry by J. TwyfcoeBruco "The GST in now law!" Advertisements innewspapers acros Canada recentfly carried this fedoral proclamation which, ta, mont Canadians, -would be the equivalent of the Trudeau 'finger.' With only 15 pr cent support conflrmed in numerous polis, the fedoral PCs bave authorized Revenue Canada ta dig deeper inta Canadien tipayers' pockets and help itself ta, the few remaining uncomntted after-incomo-tax pennies. So, who is ta bleme? Brian Mulroney? The Senate? The Liberal or NDP parties with their ridiculous charades, pretanding ta, oppose a tax they knew they could not stop? (Translation - did not'want ta stp.) It's none of these., Not evon Brien Mulroney. Blaxne for iniplementation of the goods and services tex lies squerely on the shoulders of the 75 per cent of 'Canadians who oppose it but who did nothing ta prevent it from being foisted upon them! A list of the gulty cen lbe compiled quteeasily. Provincial premiers - who could have spearheeded legisiative resolutions te declare their provinces "GST-free zones." While such an action likely bas no legal weiîght, five provinces se declaing would pro i have sent Messrs. Mulroneyad Wilson back te, their miserable drawing board; tonwol have guaranteed it.. Canadian municipal councils - ail of whom could have followed the exemple of a few end joined forces ta celi for a GST referendum to, aI Canadiens akIdng, "Are you in favour of a goods-end services tex, vas it is currently proposed by the federal govor nent?I" TheWbass of the Canadian Labour Congress and of ail unions - normally se strident, who should have publicly stated, but did not, that their -members would not participate in a GST imposed by a goverinent which rated bass percentage support then the interest rate. The Canadian Fédérat ion of Independent Business and Chambers of Commerce - whose member businesses produce nearly 90 per cent of new jobie in Canada but who did nothing ta lead those members te defy the tex as one voice. Instead they stood idly by whilo 6,009 individuels end small businesses declared bankruptcy in November. And now the greed syndrome develops: "If the GST is inevitable, thon let's see how I cen make it profitable for me." And se wo have seminers in business suicide. Preston Manning, Leader of the Reform Party of Canada - ho with bis 50,000-member party, was said initielly ta ble interested only in balance cf power ta, achieve a change in the systeni. This was said ta include plans for reduced governiment spending and a feirer systema of taxation. Menning, working diligently ta build the membership of his party, was in a unique position ta lead a coalition of Canadiens ta a peaceful revioit ageinst the imposition of any new tex, lot alone this wrong tex, in the wrong way, at the wrong time. He did net. Anti-GST rallies don't counit. Hoe should have been having high-level talks with Audrey McLaughlin and Jean Cretien; with ail of the individuals end groups listed above ta pulltagether a coalition of influence te, stap the GST in its traclce. Menning's advisors. would do well ta point out ta hlm that the issuence of concrote positive action end alternative policy statomonts wiil do more ta bring now momibors onside then anything else ho could do. But, ail that said, Canadiens have only themselves ta bleme. Reality ie that if 75 per cent of the people oppose something, al they need ta doisa stand up and refuse te participate. Do Canadians not realize that, standing tagether, they couid, even now, stop the tax? They will net. They will not stand together. This time, there is- no Clyde Wells, no Elijah Harper. There ls no Canadien Jack Kennedy urging ta "... ask what you cen do for- your country!" No Martin Luther King ta bring Canadiens tagetherta follow " ... a dream!" Canadiens are not likely ta, stop the tax and, if they are not part of the solution, they become the problem. Canadiens have the governiment they deserve! Or do they? Why don't you take a stand. with. theeditorof yor1 #7an A nt-SAe ,And .thoy texed, bis foroboars retroactivoly. Old Sam wont on a 'murdering And the jury said ho was guilty. But, tho hangman fiinally S'et hlm free Cause ho just, wouldn't pay tho GST. I spent aday inthe U.S.A.. And I get arr-eeted at the custame bay. '« ' I declarod. the baircut. and the But I didn't report' the lavdtory. Don'twaste your time with echemnes.and plots Theres just ne way t change your loti Just lot your brain relax and -rot, Cause you have ta pay taxes on your thougbts. And when you die, and to beavon go, Don't worry if the traffic's slow, For God's as confused as you and me In sortiuig out this GST. I went to sSo Satan t a eo a deal But the Devil turned me on my heel. You're on your own, my friend, said, hé, Cause your Hell' living with the G"P. Do you know why Mulroney seeme so thick. And why bis solutions nover fit? The poor guy bears a heavy load: Ho was born without a genetic code. Watto add verses? Send them' to The Free Pires Are you mad enough about the GST ta bring down the Mulroney government? Them, let's act ta: 1) rid Canada of the Mulroney curse; 2) sabotage the GST. The Mulroney government is an insuit ta democracy. They've spat in our faces. They've made no secret that they don't give a damn what their electars think. Since virtually ail our elected federal officiais seem ta be suffering from psychological or mental paralyses there is no TEGST has caused a lot_ of: changes and -confusion ,às to which items 'are taxable. Above Dave Berkerc,, assistant*manager of Johnvie é's owtQn, t> store, shows salted and unsalted peanuts -,salted are taxable, unsalted peanuts are GST exempt. Chri.Boy!. ph<«b What will happenà to the chilIdren? To the oditon: job and with careful budgeting, we wiil survive. choice but for the people to a e I amn writing this lettor eut Of I cannet, tiowevor, undorstand inatters inta their own banda. admiration for a newspaper that how the single parents, the Only wo can restore democracy is taking a stand againet the un .employed parents or parents and return our country te ite GSI'. You have my gratitude and on a low incomo will be able ta former sanityl support. provide for thoir children. We muet unit. ta formn an As a teacher, on a one-yoar Asa teacher, I have taught in omergenicy citizons? action beave without pay, MY faniily and some of the màst deprived ar-ea ceniittee, destroy the GSI', and I are already suffering from the ef thls province. At the best of force a federal élection at the effecte of the GST. I am a mother times, I have seen cbildron oarliest possible moment. And of four beautiful children. My hungry and cold. I have brought while we're at it, lots begin youngest child ie only six menthe in my own childrens mismatched drafing our new constitution. old. Aftèr worIng for 15 years, I mitte ta givo ta, students without, If Canada is tabe eavod from flnally throught I was in a end I have had ta dip into my complote disaster, every citizen position ta devote a year te xny lunch ta feed a hungry child. must participate. We went a family. Little <id I know that the What wiil happen ta these Canada that ropresents all recession and the GSI' were going childron now? I fear for their wel Canadiens, net just the elite few, ta turn thie year cf feinily hopes being and I fool that by writing te, se yeur veico muet be heard. W. inta a virtual nightmnare. you, perhaps this oe voice wiil be need now blood, new idems, new Wo sold our home in heard. In your emall way you are raies, and a new will. The Scarborough and havo settled in flghting back, and with this pen I old-style politicien is deed! Weve WVhitby in an effort ta provide car amn alse taking a stand. learned the bard way that wo can family with suitable accommoda- Now I intend te write te thoe ne longer ontrust ,oliticians with tiens at an affordable price. Wo who have created this econemic centrel over peoplosà deetinies. We are yot ta furnish this home, and disaster. I hope that rnany of your muet make tbem our servente, the cost of window coverings readers wiil folow suit. As long as net our masters. The concept cf a aloe e as, thrown us for a bop. we are. wiling te flgbtw. cannot participatory democracy is ne We were stunned by the consider ourselves defeated. onr ju a lofty ideal; in this difference the GSI' bas made on rapidly-cbanging world itfs the price of some of tho moetMrhaLu become a national imperative! eeeential household needs. whib Please pass this btter on te a Needless ta eay, outfltting four friend or relative enywbere in children -for -the cold winter Canada, and ask theni te do the menthe is net an easy .tesk., We Pas sanie. Yeur participation counte. bad hoped tliat the January -sales - Mulroney muet go! Please caili weuld give us an opportunity,. fc r tae me at the number listed below te purchase snowsuits for the little discuss the dovelopment of an ones but the GST and provincial effective etrategy for removing sales tex adds anotber 15 peW ent To the editor: this dangereus man from power. ta .eur bills. We have hadta scrimp in other areas, but Our ~ .çi A~r~~*7WIarI ê ~ ~ I~.t 72.3-9691 moment. My hueband etili bas hie Durham Management Contre

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