Whitby Free Press, 9 Jan 1991, p. 5

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Building a national antiGST coalon By Doug Anderson, Publisher Last we.k'a announoement Mhat t&e J7iftby F.Fraya ouid not cllet the (BT wa o Bigned tattratLb. widost possible media attention. A auce,ded.'Folio wing la a brief Oum maYOf whatfollowed Day 19 Wednesdayt Jaz. 2. .Interviews were conducted by, CFTO for the noonnews, CBC for the 6: 00 news, CHEX-TV for their local news, CTV for the 11:00 national news. A cali from CC'. The Journal wa. promlslng but they had too many other, thinga on that night. Day 2, Thursday, Je.8 The previou. day'. media attention pald off. Calle from a printer ln Peterborough, a businessman in St. Catherines, a former country singer in Thunder Bay who ha rcode an anti-GST song, an interview for a Peterborough radio station, and another with CR00 radio. Rug h Rilly from Toronto cails. Irelasputting together a "GST Prevention Kit" ta be sold to raise money and ralse awarenes. A free-lance writer in, Van- couver who saw me on Canada AM file me in on what le going on in B.C. and gives me smre leada. A local cail from auctioneer, Henry Kahn who offers the use of bis hall. Dey 8, Frlday I make contact with Carl Sindlng who hua started the Vote Fund to finance an on-golng erles of anti-08T ads acrou.s the country. A business person fromn Brockville calla. Day 4 &59 the weekend A chance to reflect. My overal impression lsa &buge pool of pent-up frustration and anger - people are not sltting on their banda - they are dolng thîngm Dey 69 mondar 1Idecide te lI ln thegap.The Alberta connection la Ace Cetinski,- ah accountant in Edmonton. Re in turn refera me te, Wally Morand the publisher of the Ruronia Business Journal whoisa organizing a revoit ln the Oriflia area. I contact B.C.'s chief prota- gontet, Brian C aider, a reai estate consultant in Vancouver. The Ottawa Sun calis in connection wlth a stery on al the protesta that are golng an. Day 7j, Tuosday Jan. 8 getting reacly for wk Wieth you in spirit To the edtcr Congratulations te <Doug Anderson for taking a stand an the appauling issue of GST (governirent spending tactics). Even though I am not in an employment.position te join yau, I arn 5with you in spirit. You are te be highly cammended for yaur action and it i. my hope that mare businesses safil take note and fallaw in your foatatepa. Mr. Andersan is correct te atte we are a democracy (even though Brian is trying hard ta take that away), and as'such, should have been listened te by the governument when we said loud and clea,'"No GST!" 1Perbaps other businesses shall "ecde ta unhte forces with yau and oust the tax. It is aur second iast chance ta, teil Mulroney what we think. I say second last because aur iast chance is ta use aur democratic right, to vote (w. still have that, don't we?) and rernove him promptly and permanently frarn 24 Sussex Dr., Ottawa.. At this paint in time, I think it would be advantageaus to, have a systern of impeachmnent, 1k. our neighbauing U.S.A. Afler ail, isnt that wha Bilan is fashoiorng us after? Kràstn O'Dameil J. Fairhart Whitby :~: ***...«...........E GST is 'comforting' WRffYFREE PREMS WEDNESDAY, JANIJARY 9,1991, PAGE 6 Action "irresponsible" and mischievous" To the Editon Doua Anderson's stated Intention of brealdng the -law of Canada by nat coliecting GST on advertisinj sale .irresposible and nilachievaus. Whiie civil disobedience can be' ratioxialzed on matters of high. moral principle, your action seem tobebaudon a "nial fecpion <i ofthe normai dislile of aynew form of taxation and on the currently fashionable con- tempt for political leaderhi . The. facta that you shouid have considered are these: 1. the aid FST discriminated against Canada'a rnanufacturing sector and made it uncompetitive on world mxarkets, thereby reducing ernpioyment; 2. moot indus- trialized countries have a tax similar tothe GSTand itworoe weii; 3. additional tex revenue is badly needed ta offset the ever increaaing national debt which tbreatens te destroy the social systeme we are me proud of, and ta, drive aur country into bankruptcy. Actions like yours make this country more and mare ungovernabie and hasten aur economic callapse.- I suggest you direct your righteaus anger at the. reai cuiprits -- the people and pressure groupe who stridently demand governinent services and benefits but are unwiling te, pay for them, and at aur politicai leaders of ail leveis who are toc, insecure te say flot and 'who praceed to satisfy aur demanda'0 with borrwed money. You don't have to be a genius te see where this la al ieading us. Our children will be the real victime ofaour financial negligence. I hope that the Wbitby Free Presa can help the fight against the national' debt by promoting public awareness of thus Most serlous national problem. And leave the law-brealng te thoe people Whowould like tosme out coutiy fail and break apart. JodaCapil t~p g~ F .- ~ I 3OCDF r Z cMhe FOR TEACHERS& GROUP PURCHASERS 150 Hokis S , U it3, £V Sb The'summer is, gone - so is pasture.putt. The hilis are ready for winter fun. Remember our pies & tarts,ý available year round. 15 miles north of Whitby, on Lakeridge Rd. For more information, colt1655-3091 By James PrLest Now that the G8Tbucks are flowing in, I no langer have concerne about the MP's pension fund that bas ail butdried up.. Also, it has become terribly worrisme how they were going ta, manage without the. additional $6 000 tax-free living ailowance. And I just know ail Canadians were getting very cancerned about how we would be abl. te, pay the Geritel junIes in the. Senate their $80,300 (with $9,800 of that tax-free) plus somewhere in the arder of $153 par day just for showing up for wark (when they do), that's aime tax-fre.. I amn nat sure if they get a gas allowance or -nat, and I amn warried about that. It is me comforting ta know aime that we, as Canadia'ne, will be able tg continue t ay for the 64 free airline tickets MPs receive te travel Canada, and take the spouse aiong free. And I arn especially pleased that the GST will now furnish funds te help Quebec sete fram what used te be Canaa. My real worry la that someone, somewhere, samehow, wiil malte the freeoading pliticians toe the lin. and become responsible grown-ups. If that happens I will have noting tacamplain or write about Quat-Icding, rm r eally not wrdabbutthât); The. GSP rnaney machine wil da -great thinge for us ail if yau reall think about it. It can put us futer inta debt when we purchase a new home, it will bring back the penny, it wili lower aur standard of living, and drive smail business crazy trying ta, figure it out. Along with a whole bunch of other good thinga it may even encourage us te, se. more of the U.S., as we do aur shopping. Who knows? The benefits are endiess. W. were me excited about the GST on New Year's Day w. ordered Chines. food for. aur guesta, just sme we could say we were on. of the. first ta contribute aur little bit tewarda Mila's next trip abroad I hope some of aur contribution goes tawards the pay raises MPm gave themselves. It r.aliy would b. comforting te know aime, that same of the GST would go tawarda r.tiring smre of the for.ign debt w. are owed. Yes, I will naw sle.p better knowing that I have been forced te, do my part, and it la really comforting. You may thinik the GST la tough niedicine, but each time you fork it over just think of the aid saying,. Its more camforting ta have it taken away than ta receive."' Opinions expresaed are thoee of k&h S, -h-r....... -,... SoestWnlwDesnsI . mm

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