Whitby Free Press, 23 Jan 1991, p. 12

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'PAG '1, WHTPYREË PRMS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23,19M RICK MCMULLEN< I thinic t is necessary because obviousiy if Saddamn is not-step-. pDed h. wl p'ush ,,farthir. In WoýrldWar tHeôallies made> the mistake of not s'tepping lu at tii. beginning. Hojpefully tii. war wiii end gqulckiyand'i t appears we're doiug thinge rlght." Rick MeMuIlen * PAULLUCAS "I think what they're doiug.I e nRgh t. Thij have te gthm (Saddam Hussein) out orbhe wMi go a lot fartiier than h. bas. We seem te b.e doiug~ good, and rm giad that tii. Patriot missles iave ben sent te Israel for defense." WENDALLJOBNSON "rm concerned witii the reace marches. I think we'siiould b. gilu support teo, ur force@. Piee wbe wanted diplomacy have seen what-he bas doue, to Israël, now diplomacy bas enàded. The forces ueed te feeél they have support. In Iraq vou- see tiie peopfle whô are pro-Huissein..Our troops could b. more ,effectiVe if they had our backing." Jim Jaçkson THE GULF WV>AR Cayeu Nicholson CAVEILLNICHOLSON "Ii. United States. are our ueighbur sud if we were in tobe tiey would iielp us. I don't think tuis is over oil. I tink we have suotiier Hitler sud wiiat le tth. good of living under souieon. like that. As a Canadian Fin proud of our Prime Mlulster doing the. rigbt thlng by seuding our men .te protect 'us aud our neighbours. I thiuk w. ueed te get *stronlger su ad put more money into, arme. TRICIADAVIDSON "Fm for it. I don't tiiink it affects.us as Canadiaus as much as the U.S. I don't think they are goingte try and bomb us but we ee d te show support for the. United Nations policies." JIM JACKSON I tiiink tii, wgr le goi te be~ longer tan pole'thnk.-I do't 1k. what, h.eis doing te leIra'el. It scared me te realize what he le. 1k.." Tricia Davidson TANIA SUTTON'- "l'm for tii. war. People are protestlug for peace but there is ne other way. Hussain le stub- boru aud crazy." BOB BRINDER "I think -it is prety ad. They should have trled barder te put, sanctions inte effect. Fer more people wilil get kiled before this ie over."l Kathy Rumsey KATHYRUMSEY "rmn not r.aiiy for it, but 'I support it. Tiiey ehould have kept on wlth the. sanctions. The deadlile shouldn't have been so strict." JOB VERLEZZA "The aggression had te b. stop- *ped and if sending troope in was the oniy way te do it, tiien so b. it. I don't 1k. te se. anyone get kiiied on eitber side because ît's politicians that make these deci- sions.', STEVE KOSS 1"I hope net tee many get kil- led. W. siiould take more te tthe effence and not. let up. Some peopie have said'h. bas mined the. oiùweiis sud tus le not unusuai for hum. But w. cannot let up." RON CASEY "'I feel, sanctions were neyer u Te nsed. T e ercans gave Iraq su ultimatum te get eut or go te war. Hussein wanted.a way eut but was foroed te dig lu and now a lot of Americans are going te die neediesly.", NOREEN BARNARD It <war) le uecessary, because if people dou't obey United Nations sanctions -then sialler countries will, continue., te b.,b taken over. It le 'upsettlu .g te wonder if they are going te corne over ber.. It shouid be over in six weeks tiien I think SaddaKn wili let.Kuwvait go."# M Board, 'war notice' to parents Tii. Duibam Board ýof Educa- tien bas respeuded te the issue of the. Guf War suad its effect on studeuts. .lu a letter sent te parents, cirector of education ' Paùlie Laing says.echools wiii be foiiow- ing certain guidliles te beélp students understand the current crisis. Laing states: «In-class discus. siens wilI teucb on the -multidul- turai diverslty *of our s<thool population sud wiil stress senslt- ivity te a wvide rang. of attitudes and politicai vlews found'ameng students.' SLaing aise -notes, that emèr- gency evacuatien procedures. have been lu pluéeè for four years becausée dfthei. .roxlmltyof tii. Darlington and Pickering generating stations. me The. Board, of Education bélieye.,heljjPIn ,ëbikken, . deal pbj Withe tQi.4.vèts f -'wa2r le' thý ~osbi 1 ofboth' parentp DENISE RIVARD- "I hope it wiil b. over soon.. Tiiere's alwaysome way te solve probiemoratiier than fig-htng. JASON STONE "rFm for tiie war. Sanctions bad been o ônigoiug for five .montii. Saddmhas bn ling Studenmts of St. Mathew (Graâde S clas.) JOHN TAYAG It' sad and scary. It looked like they blew something up on tii. TV ERÏN ROSEBOROUGH My cousin is in the. wargqud myparents 'iiewatcblng. LURA-LEE DONALUBON uI> dou't think "tiiey$diould bavîe a war. They should tal it out. «Saddam shouldgive up but I don't think b. ,wiii. DENSE FARRUGIA MY famiiyle scared.0MY grandfatiier cae'bckfrom war sd h a a ia ttak. Yellowreb bon^-.,- display at home While inHalax NA to visit her brother, 'a master, ereant in theqCanadian naval forces, Susan emayof Wtby pttdhundreda of- yeliow' ribbons ,smolcf spotfor tooe n tePesanGif Lemaha atieda ribbontoherflronttree and is trying to, enco:rge others te follow. ,Wenm as in Halifax visiting Les I saw ail these'yeilow ribbons everywhere. I was toid that this was a navy tradition for those who were away in conflict and wished them a ,safe, return home.» Although a yeiiow ribbon is displayed on ber front tree the, tradition h as not -caught on. wThereés only' two, I know: of,», Lemay said.«There are. some high schooi students in Toronto dofing tuis.» Her brother Les Await'is stili on standby in Halifax, 'and' L..em!ay hopes h. won't be the next calied te action. "He calis me twice, a week and I caîl on weekends, but it's always a nervous.time.» RUEECYCLE) TEReport ma~fmilirizeyiri ithti.Rus tre. - tie cotieswih arne Rtisiroduca ed telr om aReyluinum.OII tropicaltaoas. e rim) Rof alinum Cne h PI cniIsve enerycomared te e fonea Dihiirlu SInum1fomor DJ..ji orancmat r ae n ikrn vatcnnit Asi c> aste maagementor acmbin ti ofthee sud rnayHot m ail *t e yti ithme ndust'isrm hc i am.n soaeroduc oresmiaproduc"tas wfýnuasmiinaliy Almnuctured.o-.Cnààý M.fiO trpcalms.-Icooed ornï-âi ûmat carnwh chcnmaded ene soilasa codtoner. Compost 'lis proucefrom kte BIONTAMIN-Nm any aerIai uc-dbthbsae rflefc on rodc rth gbh fawse matril.M&jo wst CORRGTRCADOAR D - pape apeboa1usepasth cautongma steijpinorrug.bk aed boe.'.I* »M&-f (ulL ape ,orcti. shedgaswihcn bn,,.ombiâ nd ib sLyIca reylbeppthe makin.ug t mi wood i ti. aer n tprocenergyfluh recovz. erale tate:usatitl ýy i formho stamorrelectr smicity.dc gwa n 1 'coptr paerwch ipfen clleted r hn offies u schools foru recychug.tèhe Mi oiU s 'LoOP tiie. smbo orreyin ue b u rcydiu groupeea peintisg .s aymbol conveys ti-i. ona i»te ndr teuse bfiofmaterialeia. Wi à't non-ref ciïbesf n otaininat* fleies, are maotiis materal BEUCIN ti genertinn lse wth e tbrpog pcain decisiot n, d uc eig hnesoPsl~fl mlaeres nau farsctur ing. ët SLUDG COMPSTING - ya er liduse as eto fi elu<. m-,a useful diycompd btxes I I J IL

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