Whitby Free Press, 23 Jan 1991, p. 26

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PAGE 26, WHfTBY FREE PRESS, WENESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1991 *Uncontested Divorces e)Immigration Matters *Simple Wills e Completion of Forms e Incorporations e Etc. NEED HELP PLACING your ad? Cali Joanne, Whftby Fres Press, 668-0594. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F PA'OG F BY-LAW 616 INGSRE GREENÀ-LAWLER HOUSE. IN TH1E NATfER 0F TIE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.0. 198, Q33 AND IN THE NATTER0F LANSD AND PREMISES AT -111EFOLLOW1NG MUNICIPAL ADDRESS UN 1THE PROVINE 0F ONTARIO TAKE NOTICE tt de Counci of -hie Coepation 0f thm Town. of dy hspassed By.Iaw No. 2937-90 b- designae thie kI>i~r~, ben fhistorie and arclutetum value or interest undergat"I o lIhe Ontarlo Halage Act R.S.O. 1980, 0.337. The Green-LMW H Fouse 616 IG Stret HSTOmI The Gmen-Laivler Homs was buit i 1876 b y Wiarn Gm~n, a wealtmy è& cm ed in 18,but dm e fTU ortinued bown the an active member of Town Counail in 1902, 1903 and 1905, adayr in 190W. Mr. Lawier wars aiso a member cf hte Whiby Board of Ê bEdtn for 20 years. The GoeenLawler FHouse is a klgex>osbrey brick home. It centaines seveàal Matures of the Loyalst-oRgman traiion iidudl symmehvical, elevationts, Mwo wndows on each s1de cf #»e cnÃŽra doomW and a gab-ed roof. 1h. ,aldng tin on hie gables. PO-'d&Y iegbl nceof r eman bloUk f thouse, are augmete e"aieboardBt*h have intrcat Daled at thie Towvn of Miby Iis 9tb day of January, 1991. DauulG.&McK ,Twnk The CmoTefleTwn fflb WHITBY uUtoLN2MB "M dN:<(416) 668SM0 SHOP'IN THEýý CLASSIFIEDSI. You'lI save time and money if you shop the ads in the classified section first! It'Sthe place to find the big bargaing you're looking for. 4 '. ~. t j47~ t5.~ CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN, JANUARY 25 AT 6 P.M.* PROPERTY 0F MRS. H-OWIE 0F LINDSAY, PLUS OTHERS Duncan Fyfe drop-leaf tbe&4 1matching chairs, 3 po. Queen Anne style 'bedrearn ste., 9 ,pc. 1teakwood dininpj roomn ste., 1Admirai automatic washer, cook stoves, .Mfoffat 2-door fridge& matching 30a stove,. mapie buffet, 2 -4-drawer metai filing cahbinets, walnut. dressers, bridge lamps, round. oak pedeista table & 4 chairs, 'new grandfather dlock, antique chests of drawers, coal*ail iaps walnut, haff-moon table, par[or tables, qty. of oak, walnut, cherry, buttiernut & cedar Iumber ($5 & $10 cased), Olymppic coins, qty. .of china, glass, & coilectible it-ems. <DON & GREG CORNEIL, AUCTIONEERS R.R. #1, LITTLE BRITAIN (705) 786-2183 AU CTION SALE 'KAH'N COUNTRY -AUCTIONS- Every Wednesday at 620 p.m. Lacatedaon Brook' Rd., Pickering, 3 -miles north of Hwy. 401 (Exit #399).- Featuring every Wed. an excellent selectien of antf fine furniture, glass, china, calecibles, primitives, -and the unusuals. Sa loin us every Wedý.and participate in one of Ontario's 'true ,auctians wihno buy-backs or .reserves. ý"Consignm.ent and estate seiiing Our- specialty.w Cal us -taday. Previews from 1:00 p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041- Ã"RVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS SAT JAN. 26 - 10 A.M. LARGE ANT IQUE AUCTION AT ORVAL MeLEAN AUCTION CENTER, LINDSAY. 2ND DAY OF ESTATE OF LATE VERENA, SANDERSON, > JANET VILLE & OTHERS 1l4 Royal Daufton figures, dlocks, gargeous 10 pc. oak dining ste. <8 chairs), 9. pc.. walnut dininig ste., 6 pc. carved aak dining ste., dressers, chests, washstanids, aak hall seat, china cabinets, set Limages dinnerware, bedroom stes., aId toolspintings3, ail lamps, Ige. qty. m1iniatures,. bottie callection, about '130 doîl col- leto,30-40 antique tin toys collection: 2 Marx train sets, 1930 truck, fire engimes, dinky toys etc. chesterfield, fernery, gramelpkone, braided ruqs, Avon collection, hat pin collection, buckle collection, 1rde stove, linens, qty. aid rers, TV, round centre pedestal table, oakdini ng table & -chairs, asstd. smal tables, fancy, ladies desk, elaborate gone-wth-the- wind lamp, beautiful hanging Iamp, green sy alamp, 6 was et, 2 Franklin collecter do Is, officiai U.S. Olympic cemmittee stamp collection, other furniture & collectibles, 1989 Pontiac Sunbird LE.- Don't miss this Interesting estate sale. Large sale. Starts 10 A.M. sharp. Selling 2 rings at first. To list yaur winter sale, cail:' ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS (705) 324-2783 LINDSAY ORVAL &BARRY McLEAN,- AUCTIONEERS GIVE THEý GIFT+ ""OF LIFE PLAY CHESS An open house i. scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 29 at 7:30 p î. o the inter-regionalAHAW ChéeaAssciatio n at ,Sir, Oliver Mowat C.L, (stafiroom),,5400 Lawrence Ave. -E,'(!- block'west of Port Union Rd. near Rouge Hil GO station). Bring a chesa 'set. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Durhamn Centre Progressive Conservative Association will hold their annual general meeting for the élection of new executive on Thursday,,Jan. 31 at 8p.m at Whitby Centennial Buildng,.'Gold Room, ý416 Centre St. S., WVhitby. 'For '.further, inomain, cail Sylvia, Soga 723-7669. ROBBIE BURNS' SUPPER The 58th Annual Robbiie Burnsi Supper will' be 'held at St.- Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 209 Cochrane St., Whitby on- Friday, Jan. 25 at 7 p.m,. TIckets are $15 for adulte, $5. for children under 16, and are available fromn Ferguson'a, Big V. Drugstore, or the Church office. 1 ALZHE«MR FAMILlS A support group for Alzheimer familles meet the f ourth Wednesday each month. The next meeting -will b. Wednesday, dJan. 23 at- 7:30 p.=. in the Senior Citizens' .Activity Centre> - 910 Liverpool Rd., Pickering (juet south cf Bayly, St.). Spaer will be- Chan -Lam,- pharaciat, Witby. PsychiJric - Hoepital. Rers -ente will b evd Everyone' welcome. Fur more information c ali 576-2567;ý BOWL FOR MILLIONS The Bowl for, Millions campaign icks'off Saturday, Feb. 16 from 2 ta 6 pâlm.* at North End Bowl at Taunton- Road- and Ritson. The 1991 comnitte. hopes ail participants wil spend the afternoon- at the lane te cheer on the competit.ion, and toin in« a buffet supper at 6p.m. Agrand 'prize draw fore a weekend for'two aï the' Piniestone Inn will b. available for ail bowlers turning in their pledge sheets. and nioney on the ick-off day. Pledgesheets are available .now and-rnay b. picked up at the office,,-or oel 579-2557 for delivery by mail. WINE AND CIJEESE The Fairview Lodge family, support group will hold a- wine and chéee party' for faxnily memb.rs and frienda on W.dnes-, day, Jan. 30, 7 p.m., in 'the. b d ge's auditorium. Guest speaker will b. Sharon, swain, lodge administrator. Cail H. Tim at 668-5851 .(ext. 49) for more information. GENEALGICAL SOCIETY The Oshawa-Whitby branch cf Ontarlo Genealogical Society wii meet on Tbusday ..Feb. 5 at Whitby Public Libray auditorium from 7:15 ta 10 p.m.. for ýa silent auction. and 'Bring, Browse and Brag -Night.' Meetings are free and open to.the public. For more information contact 683-2476 or 668-8177. FIEID NATURLALIgI'S The Durham Reglon Field Naturaliats wiil hold its montbly meeting Jan. 28 at 7:30 p.m.at Northview Public lbraiy,- 250 Beatrice St. E., Osbawa. Global Environmental issue as they pertain te .Durham PRegionwill be'the topic. -AB are welcome. à. t~ *, ý-;j I . 't 7 -WORKING WOMEN The Business and Professional Women's Clubý of Durham'wiil be meeting on Wednesa, Jan. 23 at Le Gala, 65 Sunay St.ý, Whtby <north fr-om Consumera Dr., west of Thickson), 'with, a reception at 6 p.m., and dinne r 'at 6:.45'Ëp.m. ($25 for mo-mbers, $30 for nonmemer).Guest speak#r will be Constable Gerry Sniith OPP Whitby detachment on 'Trave ng lone.' Resrvations muet bW in advance by calling 686-2085, 668-5504, 430-1944, or write te DBPWC, R.O. Box 222,, Ajax, Ont. LiS 3C3. WORKSHOP The '-Faniily --Education Resource Centre-,, f Durha:n House is, offering a workshop which wiil focus on adult children on alcoholica' recovery issues and how 'these affect relatiené lups with others at home and on the job. The workshop, wiil be held at the Mlinistry of Revenue Building, Oshawa, from 7 ta 9 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 28 and,.Feb.,4 'andý 11. 'Thle cost i. $24 per person. For more 'information, and 'te registWrcaill thèe-'centre< at 579-2021 or 686-4353. CIIESS CHAUMONSHIP The inter-regional AWHPAWO Chess Association is holding registration on Thursday, Jan. 31 at 7:30 p.M. forit annual invitational cheas championsbhip scheduledfor Feb.* 7, at Sir Oliver Mowat' CIL (staffroom),' 5 400. Lawrence Ave. E. (onie blo'ck west cf Port Union,.Rd.). Associatio and Chees Fedération. c f. Canàd membership, needed -te pian this ,comipetition with otiher Durham, ,-and -Scarbqoog ORIENATION lhe ýBig Brothers, -,Asoc4 of Oshawa-Whitby lwill ýhold,, a-n orienitation'session for prospec- tive Bi g Brothers and mothers on Thrsa Jan. 24i,7:30 p.m. For more Uinration and regist- ration cal '579-2551. VALENTINE'S DAY SALE The, Volunteer Association' at Whitby Psychiatrie Hspital wil hast a latanniversaiyrelcation sale in their gift hop in thile administration building> #27, Whitby Psychiatric HoSpital, -on Feb. 14; ýfomÈ 10 a.m. te 3 p .m. The «gift -s-hop (Open aWily) is operated by volunteers, and offers' a wide. selection of mierchandie' inlûdng'imiédedition porc.- ladoll.Teassociation is currently actively recruiting for výolunteers in the gift shop as wel as a variety of other volunteer programs. or frher informa-w ,tion, caIl ,ýJoanne*,As4jey, 668-5881, ext. 5323. MARCOP 0FDIMIES 1991 marks the 40th arniversary cf the Ontario March of. Dimes, a not-for-profit organization that asista adulte withphysical disabilities. e aual winter 'fundraising camag runs fromn Jan. 2 te, eb.15.ý The -March cf.Dimes' York/Murham Reon -will under- take community cirn'Igns te ralise amgal of $45,00.r ORGANIC GROWERS »The -Durham--ch pe fthe Canadian Organie Growers8 wil nieet in the poga mroom of the Whitby Publ=c L ary on Jan. 23, 7:30 P.m., ta exchalinge infor- mation on crop successes, and failures. -Heather Ap le, re- aident ;f the Heri e Ld ro- grami, wiiloffer information' on grownmg and s3aving heiloom seedà. Ail welcomre. Fýor more -inforationoeil 434-6231. NOTICE TO CREDUTORS AND OTHERS» Creditors and athers having dlaims agamnst the estate o f Gertwjde Luella Drew who died at Whltby, July l2th. 1990, are requested ta send particulars of such claims te the- undersigned solicitors for the Executrix, on or before the 4th day *of March, 1991, after whIch date the* Estate wiII be distributed having regard only ta daims that have been received. SALMERS STRIKE AND FURLOI4G, Sollcitors 5& William st- Oshawa, Ont.L1H ÏV

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