HARBOURFRONT AT LASTI New luxury condo. Aduft,, two bedroom, plus solarium, two baths, parkng health club. '$1,100 monthly, cable & utilitis In'cluded. 430-8995 after 4 p.m. BROOKLIN - Large 1 bedroomn apt. Fridge and stove. Close to, al amenities. Ample parking.ý 655-4544 daytime. Evonings NOW RENTING -'Brand 'new 1 and 2 bedroomn apartments at 30 Avenue' St., Oshawa. $680 and $780 monthly,' ail inclusive. Oshawva 'Property Management, 728-2969. BROOKUN - Bachelar, 1- and 2- bedroom apartments for FebJ March, 1. Close ta al amenities. Herb or Day. Visser, 985-0856 or, 430-7341.' STOP Dont throw It out. Someon. May want IL. ry he ClaasIfIeds. Cali The Whltby Frie Prose F1JLLY FIJRNISHED - WEST LYNDE, Weil mantalned 5-bedmom spllt level Uvhm. igon ing rmin,4-0m. ,2.piecshmIymm 0"do<U kvowy, brgefenoed Yum. 1 year kmse. Rofomenco. $1,.500 0.« month. Utlitios extra. HOUSE FOR RENT- Whitby. 3 bedroom, brpht and dlean. Walk to GO train. Eaymcess ,to 401. Available now. $800. 666-4850. WHITBY FUIRNISHED :ROOM 82.,,CAMARO,'white. V6,,T roofs, .for ront. $90 weekly. Batliroorn & air conditioriing, power windows. ktchen tacilities. Student or workrAsking 290o etotr peferred. Walk to ail amenitities. 655-8079. 666-376 aor 6 p.m. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1I BEDROOM AVAILABLE ln oodfamily 'homie ln Whitby!s ngýckneghbourhood. Close tobu route. AvaIlahie tram Fe b. 1. Ciail *430-8725 iter 6 p.m., Monday toFrlday. Anytîmoe weekends. WHITBY - Thickson Rd.& Hwy. 2. Fumnishod' bedroom* and family room ' ln new townhouse. Share kitchen, bahroom & laundry. $450, tiret & last. References. CalI 434-4672 anytime and béave message. Woul suit non-smoking professonal tomnais. Avalial immediately. COURTICE - Two rooms for ront wth shared ktchen and laundry facilties. One et $300 permonth, one et $350 per month. First and last and reterences roquired. Cal after 7:30p-m., 436-9640' 1985 BUICK CENTUIRY wagon. Ful.ly Ioaded. Thîrd seat. Ziebarted. 86,000 miles.., Original owner. $4.750. 427-2170. 1983 SUBARU STATION wagon 4 x 4. Air,,tit, AM/FM cassette. Asking $1.400. Phone 430-7450. PARTING OUT or seil complèe. 76 Ford V/2.ton farmn truck. Originai low miles. Phone 655-3298. 1979W BUICK RIVERIA. Loadod, power moon roof. 132,000 km. Good condition. $1,'300. Phone 430-7450. 1987 VOLKSWAGEN Westala. camper. Low 'mileage. Good codiion. $16,000. 666-8100. I ...... FREE TO LOVING HOME- Sianieso cet wth extremely Ioving temerent. To good home wit thos 0h wil love hlm. 666-8382. WHITBY. Clean, quiet, furnlshedi, -super large bedsRtt ngý room with watorbed, cable, telephone. Ktchen:use. Responisibie working maie preferred. $400, tiret and iast. FURNISHED or unfurnished ln new house. Use of -al tacilities $350 per month. Cali after 6.p.. 666-5854. NEED HELP PLACING your ad? Cal Joan ne, Whitby Free Press, 668-0594. S......*........ I t i There, are always plenty of activities. «a nd sights -to eénjoy during the winter at John, Brouwer- Garden and Lande aping Centre. ltIS a terrific place to bring the family'and spend the day. The outdoor ibe skatingrink is. now Open for food fun and great outdoor exercise. .Enjoy 'a leisurely skate accompanied by, music e very day'of- the week until. 9 p.m. Afterwards, why not -stop in for a, hot hooate nd a hot dog? There -are. aiso plenty of animais to- meet and'feed'lnciuding a number of deer, don.keys, ilamas, goats and even baby. Iambs,. Beau 'tiful swans also spend the winter months serenely swimming in the,"outdoor pond.« There are plenty of things to see> and, do insid e theë gardening and iandscaping centreas weli. Two large, indoo *r, glass enci.osed ýponds feature an exciting array of colourful birds from Canada and around the worid. Mural paintings of marsh-Iike scenery are' part of, thé fascinating feature that's currently being added- to- thes e ponids. And why not conclude your visit with a ieisurely stroli through the Vast retail store and three greenhouses fiiled with beautiful plants? lUstruiy a day Weil spent.- 650 Lakerldge Road South', Ajax, OntarJo Li S 4S7. Tolephone: 686-1545.or 68-18 Open: Monday to Frîday:.*9- arn.'o9 pm Saturday: 9 arn to 6 pmi, Sunday:-9 m to 5%pm* , 3 BEDROOM HOUSE for rent - Whitby,- Gerrard Rd. Master. ensuite, fireplace, dock, parking. $1.000 per month, utilities included. Available. March i 576-4579. WHitrBY, DETrACHED 3 bod- room bungalow. Finished roc room, f ireplace, central air, garage, quiet court, f erçed yard. Reterences. Flrstand lest. $925+. 683-6638. PLANNING, TO SELL your home? Interview David Roney of NRS' Reaty One. mc. 8 cars' experionce and tul-time commitment. 436-1800. :S: +.,yx CARTOON STRIP by 127year-old Whitby resident IAN ROGERS j~~~~~e MW ~ IAEIi NEW, RENOVATED OFFICE space to rent. 500 sq. t. Call Dan or Tony. 686-2075, Pickering. STORE FOR RENT - Downtown Brookiin. Front St. location. Front and rear entrance. Ample parking. 655-4544 daytime, evenings 655-8989. BROOKLIN MOVE - Start your own business et our locationi on Hwy.. 12., Reasonablo rent. Great oxpasure.. Cali Herb or Dave 985-0856 or 430-7341. CLASSIFIED RATES ARE $5.00 for 20. words pre-paid or $750 biiled. Caîl now ta place your ad. 668-0594. "LEAVE-YOUR CARES et home with us.w Protessional pet/home sitters are tully bonded * and insured. Custom Home-watch International. 666-5353., BUILDING SPECIAL clearance. 20X20ft., $2,9CO; 24x24ft., $3,100; 28x36ft., $4500; 32x36ft., $4,900; 36x48ft., $6,900; 4OxBOft., $8,800. Caîl 985-7930. LEARN TO DANCE TONIGHT. Arthur Murray ,Dance Studio (singlesand couples welcome>. Phone430-014. LOSE WEIGHT NOW.. Hottest diet' today. 100% money-back guarantes. Cali 1-416-760-3218. BAHAIS BEÉLIEVE. Adversity is tollowod by success and rejoicings. tollow woe. Cail 668-8665. BIR11TH CONTROIL and tamily planning counseiiing.ý Free and confidentiaat,- availabfe -Monda y.ta Friday, 8:30 arn. tai 4:30'p.m.ý Clinic every Thursday 3:00 p.m. ta 6 p.m. For furtheri information,< cali 420-878,1 or, 433-890.1. WOiMEN, IN ABUSIVE reiatlonships. For, help, cil the Donise House for, Women and Chlldren. Toîl f ro.-800-263-3725, or '728-7311. ,Confidentiality assured.; (FormeriyA.uberge.)» IF YOU WANT TO DRINK, that's your business. iyou want ta stop that's our. Ca-0l ALCOHODLIOS ANONY'M'OUS Lakeshore -Districts (416) 728-1020. NOTICE TO CREDITORS XND OTHERS- Croditors and otes having dlaims a.ainst. h saee Gertrudetela Drow who diod et Whtby, July 2th, '1990, are requested to send particulars of such dlaims ta the underslgnod solicitors for the Exocutrix, on or before the 4th-day of March, 1991, atter which date the Estate will b. distributod havng regard, only ta dlaimsthat have been received. SALMERS STRIKE AND .FURLOiG, Soîlcito rs 55 William St. East Oshiawa.,Ont. L1H ïV4., PUBLIC NOTICE m 1 L!