Whitby Free Press, 30 Jan 1991, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WHITY FRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUAUY 80,1loi Published every Wodieàdày' *By 677209 Ontario mC'.> Phone: Maurice Pliher F e668-6l 1 lEitor I l-TorontoLUne i i L~ I427-1834 Alexandra Martin <, ~]Doug-Ahderson -Production'Managçr,. S VOICE 0F THECOUNT TW 131 BrockStreet North,, SThe, only Whitby newspaper independently owned and operated by P-0. Box 206, Whitby,'Ont. ,2n.dC," mB PIt Whitby-residents for Whîtby residents. 'UN MR5S1 rtin 055 in twu uuirnt anc reuauiveiy new -services, sweps are being taken or consldered ta get the "kinks" out ai the -Whtby Transit has faced much crlticlsm sirice Rt was f lirt 'iaunched In 1980 ta meet the ne osa the growing communlty, and variaus studies and changes have been made ta Improve the,,systarm. The Introduction ai GO Train service boosted rldership considerabiy <GO train users. and students make Up mare than hall ai al passengers) and thaose numbers couid furiher Inrease shauild Whltby buses ink.with those In Oshawa. The latter proposai Is curmntiy'the subject af discus- sion between the two ,municîpailties, and, not surpris Ingly, a report, says both, transit systems Wiii see mprovng the system.* increlased rldershlp shauid the Interface be lmplemnented. Such -a. connecting link is encouraged, at the very least on a triai basis. With the expected Increàse ln passengers cornes an Increase ln revenue that. wouid f urther1 negate the claim o nce'maciethat Whitby offers 'tadilac bus service,' at an accompanylng cost ta taxpayers. 1When blue boxes were distributed three. years aga, Whitby residents, re sponded ln a huge way ta recycling efforts. But. as ansâ resident. noted In a letter ta this newspapr last year. -the job0of. blue box collectors miht b. made- a lot saser byproper distribution, of materiais. Now' Muc!oTransport Lt., 'the 'pivate »contractar whlch took overbue box collectian In, Durham Regiàný last month, is urging such a distribution by. remlgnding. residents aof the'. guidelines for type ofa imatial ta 'b. coilected and how ta packae it. Such reminders shouid be welcomed, for knowing, the ruies *,Ill oniy improve the -service. In the case of both buses and blue boxes, changes should pave the way ta impraved,. more1 efficient and, more used, services, thus providing for taxpayers, as the saylng goes, a blgger bang for the buck. 'Lckofunderstadn'abou S To thi.editons I have recently noticed several letters ote .Whitbhy Fr.. Presa concerning the new GST ýtax. 'fier. seeme .te b. a ca'nmiderale. lack of understaànding concerning tis nmatter. lieh. seven'per cent GSI' is nat an additional tai ta the system, but, rather- an alternative te the pre'viôoly 1asassd 13' per -cent DISmntid-ewelfrestate mnufacturera'sales tax (MST> which was incorporated into the cont of many- items purchased. It wa ecgized by ail government parie tatthe- MST had an advreeet on our'exporta and that replacing -it should lead -to increased export business and more much-neÎeded jobs. Accordingly, items' k. cars,. household appliances, cable TV, Bell phone, etc.Marexecte t cost us les,. having a erad like haircuts, legl fées, etc., which were not previously-taxced, will bave an increased seven Per cent cost component .which will likely b. passed along tôathe consumer. Essntiel items, 1k.ý household groceries, , are, not affected. It was consdered- th e GST wvoud mpact more severely" on lower incme hushM dwhich MEPAGE8 To -the. editur. Your bleating little campaignb1 stop the GST lis ail wrongf Ites. government spending ant dernocratic rnab ru]. in ti welfare "tte that need' te)b elmiatd.Successve Canadia guverrnenta have" allowed:à deficit of hundreda of billionso dollars te, accumulate over tii yemr. The. GST ia deerne necessary becauseOttawa can nq longer justily soaldng tii ever-srikig manufacturinl sectorfoth money i t needa t4 keep this rdiculous. houseo carda, lnown as the Canadiar cnonfunction*n Ected officiaiLbve, for tax long, been selling 'benefits" fai votes (imagine that, surrenderini $1 ta Ottawa for 25 cents wortl of "benefits") ta, fools convincec thatdemocracy meansi prosperit3 for a. At whose expense? Anc how long do you suppose that thi G&T will remain "revenui neutral?" Fifteen par cent GST b3 195, anyone? -DO you know the differenci between a million and a billion ix J practical ter? ma gine havinE to, count one million cllars hi $1 bilas at the rate of on. par seconc without reat. You could do it ir 11.5 days. To counit an. billia]n dollars in $1 bilils at the sainE rate would talc. you 32 years! This debt can neyer b. repalid Canadals future dosa not belon@ te, us or to aur children; thiE mortgag will sean b. foreclosed! 0Of course, the GST muet gc, but wbat happons next? The debt fcertainly won't disappear, pan. sioners muet continue ta receive their 'benefits," health care and education must stiil b. funded, and se, on. Make the rich and thi corporation pay a fair tax? Thene la no such thing as a "fair" tax. AUltaxation, especially tax an honest incarne, la theft. No honest individuals engaged in any legitirnate enterprise deserve te pay mortai. Trela only on. answer iunrny 'view. This idiv-ec welfare state pon bI. be amatd a truicya mosi ob raqic y a ul laissez-firree"publHcic mW t qtate-s. Canada shoula, have a constitution 1 lke. that of "the to United States, only strengthened by the 'inclusion of a property id rights, amendment in order to Le severely restrict the ability of the 'e goernmnt to levy taxes.. n What b eas been. lost in the a American constitutionsi tradition of is the notion'thatthe constitution, Le ia a restriction on, the govern- D ment not; on, private individuals. O1 Democracy la a miserable failure je everywhere. Canada desperately ig needs to rid itself of the tyranny to of democracy. of TheGCaris asymbol 'of that tn Ian Mdneo Dr Whitby g We'lVitby ie Should bai wtaxat]'ion e ofG«:ST g9 To the. editor: !a M Tad a HaVyr New Mi Brian Mulroney's Christmas gif ie to Canada. S! The goods and services. tax is cL now eveiyonels worst enemny and !g nightmare. I believe Whitby s citizens should, join foroes with the- merchants of Wbitby and 0, show disagreement with the tai. )t Whitby merchants, coula ban I- GST taxation. If ail merchants re worked together, we could al La maybe beat this tai. Take a look È1 at dawntown Whitby -and counit te the nuzuber of stores that bave e cloeed. Does this have a link with r. the GST? n A new tai bas been introdluced t at the time of a recession. Corne [y on, we are* the lasersý, not the ;o goverrnent, and w. are being taxed to death. Neit year, wbat y will they introduce, an MST1 a (Mulroney sales tax) or perbap aa a BST (Brian sales tai)? ya. hlb 0 I Moreabout SalmNot Wr To the. Editàon' In the. Jan.. 23 edition of your uewepaper ru u bl 1 ished a photograph in 11which I was baiga aigu, Shalcmn, Not War.' I arn a veteran of World War 11, sud bave apaut considerable time aince then considerig alternatives te war. The wr t'Shaom' used in, my aigu ,i. a stronger word than ' peace.' It bas positive. connotations of right restoration, -justice .sad wholenesa,* besides the uald meanng*cf peace as the absence of war. What la just about this war lu the guMi Justice cannat -b. partial. The issue la not primarily teaching Saddam }iussein a lesson.. .It la, rather, -the res toration of justice and wholeneasia lal -f the Middle East. 1Soin. 600 were killed in Iraqps cruel invasion of Kuwait. That la" horrible and deserves- sanctions. But Canada has turned'a bliud- eye- te Iame invason of' Leébanon in 1982 when nearly 20,000 were kIlled.- Because of Igsrls saturation .abn technique, 90 pr centoths kiled were civDas. hr. was Canada then? Where wau Cavel Nicholson? W. are lu thia war-because aur leader refused te cansider likh . hli i pisthat lu any ettemeu cfanyhuman Thisaplies 1te the -Not-In-My BackyarJeisses.u in" tby, and mot certinily. te the wide-ranging injustices that bave festeredsonon uthe.-Middfle I arn encouraged by the. fact: that lu tii early stages of the. war ~ofoin pole amchasBo and Bonn Caeyýwho show- suc h snstiviy',and,.for mij&t lu aIl, I ar'n uouragedbyti radei 3 student cf'St. Matthew àchoal, ILaura-Le. Donaldson, who, showed the. wayte .real shalom in 1>d think theyahould bavé, a war. They should talk it out." -r -, 1

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