WIUTY FREE P1IESS. WEDNESDAýY, FEBRUARY 60 1991, PAGE il 1~~~N VOGUE -EVOIJ N VOGUE Bridlai show at tradlé centre 'There'. something old something new, something borrwed and sonietbing blue at the Metro East Bridai Show coming te the Metro East- Tade Centreéi Pickeing Feb. 15, 16 and 17. Visiters will flnd eld-fashioned service fxù the long-established businesses of Durham Region, offering years of. experience te brides-to-be planning, their big day. Something new can be seen throughout the show -as "~hbitors display new products te miake BSwedding unique. Something borrowed can be the advice offered from the.. consul- tante ready te answer al quýestions about weddig plan- nmg. And somethingblue i. offered through the blue skies and deep blue seau 0f honeymoon distinations' on display at the show. The complets ranr0 bridai exhibitor will vin ude bridai salons, cakes, caterers, china, consulting, disc jockeys, flonts, gifla hair and make-up styliste, jewellers, «limousines, mon s formalwear, photcgraphers, reception facilities and more. In addition, the Metro East Bridai Show' will run- in coejunction with the Metro Eat Women's Show,, an exciting exhibition showcasngwomens faMhon, acceusories, health and beauty, childrenlsexits careers home decorating, food, crafts and recretion. More than 200 exhibiters from the areas of Scarboeough east throug Oshawa will gret wine ath new prodcts and services for women 0ffl esand intereste. ýThis is the flrst show of ite kind 'in Durhamn Region and show manager Kathy Ã"&ar expects. a great turnout. .Touaddtothe ecltefmeneach visitor te the Metro East Bridai Show and Women's Show bma chance- te win a trip te Paris, Frânce, - noed by' Dufferin Travel andSposa 2000inmagazi1ne. Show houre are F'iday, noon te 10 p.m.; Saturday, 10 'a.m. te, 10 p.m.; and Suqnday,, 10 a.p.,o 10 pM. NLETRO EAST WOMEN'S SHOW Admi s i $7. (Oilidren are admitted free.) For infor;naition, cali <416) 661-2056. FASHION SHOWS:F'iday - 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., Saturday - 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., Sunday - 1 1p.m. and 4 p.m. IMAGE CONSULTATION&: Britt Haynes and Margareta Madsen and consultants from Style & Image Consulting of ,,Whitby will sponsor a sPecia consultation area ail weekend. Visiter. te the show can indulge in free make-overs, and colour adwardrobe analyos;a Mr MacLeod, nationay known visual image consultant, wiil look at ways you can project an image of succes sad confidence through posture and body language, manners and etiquette and voice projection. Location: Séninar area, times: Saturday - 1 p.m., Sunday - noon; Joan Ann Evelyn, owner 0f Communicate with Confidence and- member of International Traii*ng in Communication, will help you learn te identi1fj your personal ikils and taients and build on them te succeed both personaily and.professionally. Location: seminar area, times: Fniday - 4 p.m., Saturday - 12:30 p.., Sumday -2:30 p.m.; Janice Npfu*n, certified wellness sud lifestyle mager, and StreuMa tramner introduces you te, the concept Of weflnes. ILocation: seminar ares, times: Saturday - 4 pan., unday - 3 p.m.; aerabics classe give new inspiration with a workout that prmie hugh returna with les. wersd tsar on the body. Se. a clasm in progress while learming the benefits of ' The Step.' Location: -faséhion show stage, times: Fridlay - 6:45 pm, 3:20p.., pnim'. HOME' DECORATING 'AND GOURMET COOKING: Jacqueline Glass, independent interior decorator and consltant for Harrison House Interiors, will --present two decorating seminars on Saturday; ante asi elmnsof .deuig n d .,get METRO EAST BIIIIAL SHOW TWOÃ" SHOWS FOR' ONE ADMISSION! The Metro Easst Bridai Show ... From Wedding Fashions to Honeymoon destinations. Ail the products and services you'Il need to plan the perfect wedding. And ... The Metro East Women's Show, leaturing... # Spring Fashions é Health & Beauty e Self Improvement e Womens Services e Childrens Fashions é Childrens Services é Careers è New Food Produots è Home Decorating Events è Spring / Summer Fashion Shows é Guest Speakers e Seminars & Forums e Wedding Fashion Shows è Wedding Planning Seminars é Free Child Care Sponsorod by of Ayax Produced and Managed by Klanside Imc. Tel. 661-2056 February 15, 16, 17, 1991 Show Hours: Frlday: 12:00 fan - 10.e0 pm. Metro East Trade Centre, Pickering Saturday: 10:w0 a.m. -:10-00 p.m. Brock Road, just north of 401 Sudy:1:W. -ff p accessorizing tipsanmd helpfùl hints to decorate your firet home.' Seminar area, time: Saturday - il a.m.; Learn the basic how-to's Of sponge painting, seminar area, tirae: Saturday - 3:30 p.m.; Suzanne Grace, owner of The Kitchen Cupboard, wiIl cook up a complote, -easy-to-prepare gourmet meal. and share her secrets to, culinary success. Location: seminar area, times: Friday - 3:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m., Saturday - 3 p.m. and 8:30 p.m., Sunday - 2 p.m.' JUST FOR KIDS: McDonalds of Ajax, together with Discovery Toys and Child Care Books, wiil sponsor a free child care area. Mime liniit: 90 minutes. EMDS CAN SEW: Whitby Fabrice and Husqvarna White Sewing Machines present a program for children aged 6 te 17. Location: Whitby Fabrics booth, times: Friday - 8 te 9 p.m., Saturday - 10 a.m. te noon and 2 te 6 p. and 8 te 9 p.m., Sunday 10 a.m. tonoon and 2 to3 p.m. and 4 te 5 p.m. JUST FOR BRIES: Style & Image Consulting of Whitby will give tipe on choosng the "right white" for the bridai gown, how te choos attendants' colours te coniplement the bride and make the bridesmaids glow, and tips on make-up application and colours for your wedding day. Location: Fashon Show stage, times: Friday - 1:30 p.m., Saturday - 7 p.m., Sunday - 12:30 p.m.; Mike Gazo of Celebrations To Go will demonstrate orne of the basic. in reception hall decorating using balloons, rbbons, streamers and lots of creativity. Location: fashion show stage, times: Frday - 7:30 p.m., Saturday - 1:40 p.m., Sunday - 3:40 p.m. g1asfiioLç ForS 0- q 99 Today's Classies by Susan Bristol e Herman Geist Eagles Eye e Jessica McClintock Brooklin Village Shoppe e .Fine Ladys, Wear Hwy. 12 Brooklin 655-3474 Evening Ho urs Thursday & Friday to 8pm 0 » Sundays 12-4, Open 7 Days A Week. Est. 198 m 6mm "da .m " à me V e I e w - ". - We'll Make Ail Your Dreams > BecmeA Reality I-f)<.SE 0F DESIGN SPECIALJZING IN: Custom Des igned *WEDDING GOWNS *ENGAGEMENT GOWNS BRIDE AND GROOM GOWNS *GOING AWAY OUTFITS *VEILS -CUMMERBUND AND BOW TIES *LADIES WEAR FOR ALL OCCASIONS *PROM DRESSES Corne and View our Designs of: *bridlai gowns e head pieces a gowns for the attendants and for special guestÉ e and mûuch more. Rush jobs a specialty 1450 Hopkins St. Unit 2 Whigtby *666-1ý.171l t M