Whitby Free Press, 6 Feb 1991, p. 24

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PAGE 24, WffTYREPRSWJM48ABRAY,19 Hawks' take Consolation Henry Street.Hawks won the consolation title 'of 'the Oshawa Times Basketbali Classic tourna- ment over the weekend at'Dur- hem College. In a gýae that went 'into -double overtinle, Henry won 62- 54 oVer Bowmanivfle. Miat Cook ha d 16 poiantssd Douq Oliver 12 for EHenryin the semor bas- kethali ;math-p Ptr Turley snd Adam ys each had eight poins, ikeWolff and -Paul' isa moyen each, Jemie Wat- ters fouraud Merk. Muldowney OeilI Reden: won, the tour- nement chempionship with'-a70ý- 55 win over .York Memrial, in thefinal.' Henry reeched*the onoation' final with a 72-68win over Paul Dwyer in the senu-fiînals. Brumeybot. of- Whitby, fin- ished -one-two in -the midget-ege 5-metre.hurdies at the Cana- IenL on indoor champion- shpa ork University Feb. 4. Bachiohi wes on.e f seven, members of the Durhem X-L's treck sud fleld teeml who won Sld while competing as part cf a Baoehiochi's turne ithé hur- dles wes 7.08 seconds, whiie Brumley's wes 7.09. .Baoehiochi was second in long .ump with a leap of 6.38 metres. Brumley was third in both the. 50m and 200m runs. IRoxenueà Woodley of Whitby wes fourth in bentam, girls' long fjp wie Adrian Wooôdley wes f Iurtnei idget boys' 50m hur- dles. Whitby froquoisý Club. ontai. opCuj> KathiymMdoàiqr &d a50fty Eh b M100 fm 'Eh lOb. Eh 1mer, 1000... Toma. Iltational Sprnt Meut oa i@ 0 XUI ndyaD~ul~ *0l~0 2ai 50 fr. âSd 200fr.. Lim DeM'. lu.t 100 bak, 200frhm 2md 6ol m do0bun 1* 5 lt 0 freI, 0 bru.a 2mi 200 fi». y-eth 1L0 Si 50 bie >4th 100 back 2ad 100 fris. 4th 100 Iaci mh 200 fl ah 1000.. KlisemKnhk 71 lb.k,2000.. AML. 1lot50flDy «bd bock ltu-MbOk WHI.BYIrquois rep socer c'lb, in the youth 180' division, played ,a' tough OlYmpic Flames. club from Toronto on-the'weekend. Whitbylout 5-. ChiliBoie photo WhitbyRaycau Financial major atomAAZ hockey-teem recently'won their fifth tourna- ment 'of the season iPeter- borougjh. TheWVhitby teain, now in play- downs leadinig te the all-Ontario championship- finals,, aliowed only four. goals in four games in te Peebr~gtourhement. Josah Evanens hdle only five ,shots as Whiutby- won the lrst .À ane 4-0 Over-,Toronto Hillcret Whtythen defetod..a* *stan, MA teen 4-land'aG(uelpj AAÀ teain 9-O -,Brysu Croué had sixpoitéýSteve Death '-five and, Jesonh- otchidsfour inthe easy- victory- over Guelph.,Eveus earned the. shutout.i Inu the. champ ioshi p 'final,- Whity edged Stratford, a AA teem, 4-3.. Crouch opened the scoriug sud later soeoed what would prove te b. the gae-winner. Whitby led 4-2 eftetwo perideasd thon held on inthethir. Goalteuder Tommy Lawson was -a key- performer in 'the Whitby win. PLAYOFFS ýWhitby bas won their first three gaes of the playdownis. Wh tby defeated Pickerig 5-2 on Jan. 16, sud 5-0- on Jeui. 22. Evesgtte shutout in, the Lasw esmod in a 5-1 win Borre on Oir JiMette Borre cf: Whitby heu been named te, the Ontarirm B3mo,19 ? hcalijuuior B champion,wii Sompetewith tthe tean çeiutU.S. gymnet i Florida ni March. Bort. wu second on beani sud fe.urth overall in A' division cr- 2wins, 2 ste StelHwksgi shareof lstplc Whitby Steel Hlawks bounced ikhdsngeoas barck* fom-an enbarrassing *r ig' Mil e eain playedI' 1defeat lest week te trounce goal for Steel H1awkê7t Brautford 22-9 in National In Saturday's *gaineat, Buffalo Lacrosse League action on Mon- Derek Keenen had two> mais and dar niLt.six assista to paceStee Haks ý'..trie tby «hom"gan, WhitbW"I ledT3-1rs InýýB ioç' yil period andn 'rlooked back In Arnold aud -Scott Roéërs ý-each the 'penàlty-filled coûtâst. scored four ' goals, .whie John Kèevin Bigg scored four goais, - Fusco had two ,goals '.and' our w*hile oh usco,- Eri errn assists. The win ws costly, .hàOwe- .-nd: -.Doug . Célby eec scý 3(orïed veýr, as'Arnold'suffered'a back twice. ýPerroni>.also" .hâd three iuy uad could b. euùt cf, action. ýassists *hile' 'Fusco had -two. for two weeks.~ Andy Shaughnessy had four as- a'Brantford walloped, Whitby.i ists. g ain weL utWhitby, Buffàlo oén Feb. 2. Monday'swi place wifiretfrd ch tee i e gaeWhitby a hare of -firste' with threp wins. un' 7ut us faialst tîme- n ea last tbu"ireverse.- said Steel fawks coachBob ifenna a'bout the victory over, Brantford. >"Vie ran:well, checked> well'sud TheBrooklinijth.y Xnsmen layed with discipline,"seid novice B hockey tem ,,haoin- MIan'a. Brantford scored ouly p1ted the jregular.seuon i one power goal - after scorinj 15 ocke with an 7un dei.feated poe la y goals ent Wltby rnod iletweekascontet.Whitby srhut -out Pickering 13- Audy Shaughnsy scored O and Ajax 2-O te fin"~ wi&h 22 twice and had two y assiats wis in as meny gaines in eguý- eçeinet Brentford, wbile Kvnlar play.1 BîggJon Grant, Deug Colby Wh-ty layed A teems m-, sud eroe Belleperche each had exhibition,;loýing'3-2,te ýNewmar-ý two goals. Jim Vllinef had the, ket aud defetig .Merkham. 21. othor goal for Wihitb., in preparation foi playoffs. Mik Cole adthre goals for Brsutford, and Mark Coc(ýhrane IOURNAMENT two. Bob McNabb, Chuck Mer- Whitby again fell te -a touéhý tin, Ed-Comeau-endGreg Van- Bellevillé teem in the finalofthe <in Johnston Memorial . AA 'Tournamentin Whitbïy Feb. 2-3.- SWýib had defeated- Melvern 10- dAjxAA teem- 2,1 ý,te reech the fial egiu-Bellevlle a team which hedetWhitye the consolation oud ia ou- nement ini Belleville eerlier tus' season. Bellevîille 'defeated Whitby 2-0 in the final., It.wes onlytheeighth ýloss of the seson .for 'the 'Whitby teain whichas won atotallof,59gemes in leag», exhibition suid tourna-, .mentpay. league ~.nthrdW.n1n, Whitby E.gH..,h Ondh Pawoe over Merkham en Jeu. 24. Whitby bas, lest only once te a. AAlevelteem this 1esn.Tu fer ,W hitby aso i.. usu titan"io 'am4*.- tis 'Fed&mtion e-nnual'>u selection 'meet In'.Suidbury Bonr,,amember Of'téGmn G'netica Club of. Oshawa-, Why, is euce of six membersof th ii outrlA tean., losse s in Playoffs WMhys Dodd & Souter major atom Bs. bave got back on the right trck' with beck-to-back hockey playoff victories . over Pickering sud Ajax this peut week. ,Pickering was set, back 441 .Thursday night, with Rich Slanders stoppi-g the. teain toi -Yictoy. GetSouter. Dai Tweens .capturegold Midaa Mufiler tweeuB teain over powered Cumberland 8-3 in the gold- medal gae in the Ottawa Winterlude ringette touruament. Amenda Wheelsns 'was outsteding in goa3l, suppoeted by- the st81--g defeuce cf Katie Hey,- Samentia .Kubu su ad Ja Tre p deyu led the. offence withEdaG" fh' Wiesiolek sud Kim Vsuderlip al assisted with th oals- WMhy reacb hefnais by postiug wins over the hst teaiin Ottawa (9-4), Markbam (4-O) sud tyn1 Cumberland (Se) i aý hd-fought battle.. Wiesiolek played goal in-the. ahut-eut sgainstMarkbarn. Qule. led in overslW*scoring with 14 gas follwed by , sueykcî waiM.awen, Jânnifer Ct with. t* ~ ~ t Mor il.tÎo, and 'hon. sud BlnCrleach'E E scoed agoal, sud an assis with Derek Van Egmend counting the 1 .ti 1 fourth gal. JeSh Williams added WÙ'trbffaIo 9p to the cause with a pair ofasit wbile ILars Clay 'sud Wayne .u 4tf9edb Wtbr 2 Richard bad one each.ý WhViNty demolihed A.ax 9-2 on U~IG~ akturdayý,- paced by the thxee..goel ia1m 5ntSi.Iet fi., pefrmne fPaul Gray IVyl' O@P tfl narrowly missing bhis bat» tric, Supb 0 Gdht. sud ingle goals camie off theTo sticks of ,Biydeu DýIenyes#,Van Eg«mond, Souter asudThone.00,GoAmPIm ScofttYoungécounted thre 4 181, 2 asssta Criily had a pair.-sud v '4 r-nm 7 13 20 Sng «' ên' t Rm IL9- -- im dLwB]ý 4 8 17 20. MieCrwih, MacCarl, Jlm MOth.MM&t. 4 "0 12 18 1SoterThone1ud ray 4 12 4 16 Bnt Jhm aglid-'inet m41 5 7 .14 sud Richard sud, John ILang were Jh om> yý34 8S*12 tenacious-i their foeoceckiug4 3s 9 12 sud back-cbecking dtis'teMM't 4 85 U scuretbfewin. fW4N*euIrIDI 4 7 2 d-2-18461 O HawkRUbs ad 51 t S<4.A Atoms win 5th torament. 3 34 67F 0

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