PAGE 18, WHJTB FREE PRES8% WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY la, 1991 HKALH EART AWARENESS DAY Durham Save-a-Heart is co-ordinating its annuel 'Heart Awareness Day' at the Oshawa Centre, ini frot of Laura Secord, on Saturday, Feb. 16. The theme of this year's exhibit is 'Signe & Symptoms' of a heart.attack and response time. There will hoa fre. blood pressure iclinic, aes, a draw, Andy the Ambulance, Dr. Do-It, along with displays b~y the Oshawa chapter df the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario. For more information cà l 666-0995. DOWN SYNDROME Durham Dcwn Syndrome Association wiil hold, its monthly meeting Feb. 19 at Whitby Baptist Church, 411 Gilbert St. W. Building our child's self esteem wil ho the subject discussed by guest speaker Catharine Starcie fromn Durham House. For further information call 831-8300. CHIAR1TY BOWLING The Certifled General Accountants Association of Ontario,-Durham chapter, wil present their annual 10-pin Charity Bowling Tournament on Feb. 16, frcm 5 ta 8 . a Leisure Lanes, Whitby. Poed from this event go ta the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontaria, Whitby chapter. There ill ho prizes. Cat is $10 per pesn(tennms cf six memibers). Frentry information, oeil (416) 51-1582 or Fax (416) 571-1586. BUNNIES A 'Meet the Bunnies' seminar to show the proper care anc1 handling cf rabbits, will ho held on Saturday, Feb. 16, 1 to 3 p.m., at the Knighits cf Columbus Hall 133 Brock St. N., Whitby. There willaloo suanangora wool demonstration. Admission is free. PARISH MISSION Parish Mission will ho held at St. John the Evsugjelist Church, 903 Giffard St., Whitby, from Feb. 16 to 22. Father Julian Phelsu will ho special preacher for the mission at masses on Feb. 16 (4:30 p.m.), Feb. 17 (9 a.m., 10:30 a. 12:15 p.m. sud 8 p.m.) sud ý?eb.* 18 ta, 22 (9:15 a.m. sud 7:30 p.m. ). Caîl 668- 3676 or 668-9109 for more infor- mation. Non- proft conmunltygroup IWhltby or havelha e a I subetantial Whltby rmemberahip may place their or activide nti page at no coat. I F al;pin. THE TEENAGE Mutant Ninja, Turties be free donuts, pizza, balloons and soft will visit Owasco Volkswagen i drinks. For every test drive, rentai or Whitby on Saturday, Feb. 16 in support sale, Owasco wil donate money to the of Whtby General HospitaL There will hospital. Chu aBoviphoto AWARENESS NIGHf The Neurofibromatosis Society cf Ontario wiil meot on Wednesday, Feb. 20 from 7 p.m. ta, 9 pam. at the Whitby Public Library for an Awareness Night with a talk, flms sud information. Everyone welcome. Admisson free. Refreshments will ho served. For more information caIl 430-6141. PANCAKE SUPIER Westminster United Church,4 25 Manning Rd, wiil hold a pnaesupper on Saturday, Fe.16, 4:30 ta 6:30 p.m. Adulta $5, children under 12 $2. Pancakes, sausages sud pies. Everyone welcome. For more information 725-5417. Brooklin United Church news At the morning service, the members of the unified board for 1991 were installed& Rev. Lacey's sermon tapic was 'Vision sud Service' The junior choir, under the leadership cf Patti Scott, sang 'gTheres so, much more ta come' sud the senior choir, directed by Jerryy Miiler, sang 'We Bow Down.' Cupid's Dessert sud Card party wilhoheld in the Chiristisu education building on Feb. 13 at 7 P.m. For tickets cail the church office (655-4141) or Marg Wilson (655-4559). The Mar Martha Unit wil meet on FM. 14 at 1:30 P.m. in the church palour. Sunday, Fob. 17 at the il a.m. service, the lenten communion - will ho celebrated. Ail menihors sud friends cf Brooklin United Church are invited ta a meeting on Fob. 20 at 7:30 P.m. in the Christian education building ta take part i a discussion on the question cf the future of Canadla sud a response to the citizeni? forum on Csuada7s future (Spicer Commission). The sacrament cf baptism wil be celebrated on Sunday, Feb. 24 at the morning service. Parents desiring baptis fo thr chidrn wilmeet with the minister on Feb. 21, at 7:30 p.m. , i the church parleur. Religion sud life emblerni can ho earned by scouts and guides by attending instruction offered by the Christian education commit- tee. Members dressed in uniferni will attend the church service on Sunday, Feb. 24 at il a.m., marking Scout sud Guide Week in Canada. Evenaong, on March 3, 7:30 p.m., sponsored by the senior choir, nIll feature the Whitby Rotary Maie Choir. AIl are invited. Lenten Bible study will ho held on Wednosdays at 7:30 p.m., hoginning Feb. 27 and continuing until March 20. Wednosday Noons in Lonten will ho presented at Ail Saints' ,Anglican Church in Whitby, noon ta 1 p.m. World Day cf Prayer service will ho hold in Brooklin United Church on March 1, 1:30 p.m. The theme prepared by women of Kenya is 'On the Journey Together.' This is a combined service for the several churches of the area. CRISTIArN SINGLES Christian Singles Coffee House, Pickering Pentecostal Church, 755 Oklahoma Dr., Pickering (401 ta, Whites Rd., southeast te, Oklahoma), will feature Marlyn Edgeley-Brooksansd John Brooks (songstress sud vocalist), « Story cf Love,' on Saturday, Feb. 16 at 7:30 p.m. Meetings are held the third Saturday each month and aIl are welcome. For more information calI 728-9720 (Oshawa) or 929-0826 (Toronto). WVTBY WI<PHOOCLUB The Whitb~y Photo Club wiil meet on Monda y,Feb. 18 from 7 ta 10 p.m. at the Wbitby Public Lùbrar. Maurice De Cunha wii give a presentation on cropping slides, sud élide clinic Il wiil ho held. MON'1HLY MEETIG The Durham Rgonal Chapter of the Canadian Abortion Rights Action League will hold its mcnthly meeting on Feb. 19 at 7:30 p.m. Ail pro-choice advocates are welcome ta attend. For more information call 430-1663. HOME SHOW The Kirismen Club cf Whitby will ho sponsoring a home-show at Iroquois Park arena from noon on Friday, May 24 to 6 p.m., Sunday, May 26. Booth capacity is 94, so preference wil ho given ta, Whitby businese on a first-come, first-served basis.' Deadline for registration is Feb. 25. Proceeds ta the Whitby General Hospital FIrstClasa Fund. For more information, contact Fred Wynistorf at 434-2894 or Bryan Childerhouso at 668-5206. CREATIVE LAY WITH CHMREN If you would lilce ta know more about young children sud their play, come sud join a workshopt for parents being offered by thec Famfly Education ResourceE Centre cf Durham House, 1521 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa on Thursday, Feb. 21 from 7 ta 9 pam. For more information or ta register for this or any otherE prograrn being offered thie season, cail the- centre at 579-2021 or 686-4353. ECE The Ladies Auxilaiy cf the Royal Canadisu Legion Brsuch 112, 117 Byron St. S., Whitby, will hold an euchre on Thursday Feb. 21 at 8 p.m. Admission is $2 per person, with cash. prime sud lunch. BROOKLIN FJTNESS CLASSES A five-week session cf fltness classe ishin offered for seniors at the Bokln Community Centre starting Thursday, Feb. 14 from 2to 3 p.m.Tlhere win ho a $Sfée for the session et<low impact exorcise sud a medical Permission form, in necessary ta participate. For more information cail 668-1424. LIVIG WELL P.ROGRAM There wiil ho a lecture on Thursday, Feb. 21, on how ta, 'Est Heart Smart!' Joan Edwards fiom the Heart sud Stroke Foundation wil present information on how ta sehop for hearthealthy foo he lecture w elh heldat 2 p.m. in the Whitby Public Laibrary audi- torium. Refreshments wil ho served sud a door prize awarded. There is a $1 fee at the door. WORLD DAY 0F PRAYER «On the Joui.. y Together' is the theme cf the 1991 World Day cf Prayer service at Brooklin United Church on Friday, March 1, 1:30 p.m. This year's service is written by the wcmen cf Kenya. For more information cail 655- 8025. ORIENTATION Orientation for potential volunteers for Big Sisters NOW will ho held on Wodnesday, Feb. 20, 7 to, 9 p.m., at 179 King St. E., Oshawa. Caîl 436-0951 for more information. FRE 0R TRA1NING Have you evor wondered, what ta do if you had toasasist a casualty experiencing chest pain, ehortness cf. breath, bluenesa, about the lips. St. John Ambulance, Whitby branch, is offering free 0FR (heartsaver) training ta hoetter prepare you for such su emergency. There wil ho a smail charge for the toit bock and certificate only. CaRU 668-9006 ta register. further informntir 723-3753. aton FAITH BAPTIST Faith Baptist Church on Taunton Rd. at Hwy 12, will hold the 25th suniversary service on Sunday, Feb. 17, 6:30 pam. -Ail former memhors are invited. There will ho a parade cf Pioneer girls. For more information caîl 435-0742. j CANADIAN ASSOCIATION INVENTORY CONTROL CAPIC, Durham chapter, wiil hold. its next ý-meeting-,on Thursday, Feb. 21 starting wita fil-day worksh 'n pct RequieentPlanning,' at Durham College, followed. by a, dinner meeting on JIT at Le Gala, Whitby. To regiser, call Sandra at 576-0210, ext. 479. DANCE The Ladies Aumilaiy of the Royal Canadian Legion. Branch 112% 117 Byron St. S., Whitby, will hold a Valentine dance on atraFeb. 16 from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Amssion is $10 a couple, with door and spot prizes. RefreshmentsMwil be served, wiîth bar privileges. Music is 'to ho provided by Ron Moore. PC USR The next meeting of the Durham PC Usera Club wiil ho held on Thursday, Feb. 14 at 7 p.m. mn the staff lounge on the second floor of Durham Coilege, Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. Ail interested are welcome. Bug sessions and demos are often on the agenda. For- further information oeil Bernie at 655-4156. MALL WALJKING The Wbitby Seniors' Activity Centre sud the Whitby Mail are working together on a mail- walking progam on Monday, Wednesdansd Friday mornings; fr-om 8 ta, 9:30 a.m. Paricipants regster at the lottery booth at the south end of the mail sud log their laps in the log bock. It's a fun way to "ty healthy sud keep in shape. Bringa friend sud join in the walkng. For more information cali 668-1424. HIEND INJURY SUPPORT GROUP, Head IiWury Association of Durham Region wiil hold a' suppot grup meeting on Wdesday,,Feb. 20, at 7:30 p.m. at Whitby Baptist Church, 411 Gilbert St. For more information cail 683-"44. PICKIN'SESSION Pineridge Bluegras Folklore Society wiil hold a 'Plcin' Session on Sunday, Feb. 17, fr-om 2 p.m. ta 5 p.m., at Camp Samac, nmin council hall, O"hwa (use north entrance, off Conlin). Ail are welcome.. WJDOWS AND WIDOWEIRS A pleasant socal club for widows sud widowers wfil hold its net meeting on Sunday, Feb. 17 at 7:30 p.m. in the 420 wing, Oshawa airport.. There will . ho dancing, shuffleboard, darte sud carda. For more information oei