PAGE 22, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20,1991 Sehool boa rd says no -to CondOMS. By Mike Kowalski Durhamn Region high school studenté will not ho a b e to buy condoms at their schools. By a margin cf 9-8, Durhamn Boardcf Education trustees last week rejected a recommendation froin its prograin committee te permit condom vending machines in secondary schools. Ail three Whitby trustees -- Patty Bowman, Ian Brcwn (board c hairmaný) and George Milosh -- voted against the recommendation. I addition te defeating con- dom dispensers ini schools, trus- tees approved establishing a pro-, gram tha 't will promote atinence as the host method of preqenting AIDS and other sexually transmitted diueases. Philosophical, rather than moral grounda, was the reason for Brown voting againet the comnittee recommendation. Brown said hae and sevaral trustees had te dacida whather this was an issue within the board's purview or a responsibi- litArhst left te others. "Is the dissemination cf con- doms a right cf school boards or one -for parents, health councils and retail merchants?» asked Brown. "We've assumed s0 many res- ponsiblities that arguably have net fallen inte the realm cf edu- caticn that in years past wculd have Lieen the responsibility cf other agencies,» said Brown. «T'his was not a moral issue for me, I know kids wil have soi,»" he added. Brown said although Toronto and North York school boards have installed condom mamchines in thair schools, there is net overwhalming demand 'amcng students for the product. «It could ho price, lack cf choice and variety, I don't kncw,» said Brown. "Its the same at colleges and universities, only 23 cent cf students use thein..I¶ certainly net an issue of embarrassment there.» Although she opposed the sale cf condoms, Bowman said her decision was based on «factual data" and net on «émotion or passion.» Bowman said research bas proven that condomns have a 15 per cent failure rate and te ber the risk is net worth it. With almost 20,000 high school students in the systein, there is' a potential cf exposing some 1,500 kids te AIDS, disease and pregnanc , said Bewman. She welcoed the hoard's deci- sien te develop a pregrain based on abstinence and~ bas offered te counsal studants herself on the subject. "f told one vice-principalII wculd ho willing te spaak te bis students. ]Pm legitimataly single, ]Pm a trustee and ]Pm abstinent,» said Bowman. «W. use direction education for smoking and drinking ... it's3 time te use it for sex.» Accerding te Bowman, the issue is net oeaof "condoms or ne condomsj" but the entire ,approach te teenage sexuality. rIm net'fighting on hohaif cf kids who want te hoe abstinent, I'm not syn abstinence or net »said eBowman. %;concern is students sieek- ing their identity. Whaît happens to thein at this lavel cou Id ho positive or negative in terins cf their sexuality.» Therefore, Bowman suggests that abstinence ho proxnoted by' teachers and board officiais as an option fer students te consider. "We talk about contraception and sexuality, but are we ineet- ing ail their needs? W. should ho telling thexu abstinence is an option," said Bowman. «One student teld me that puberty comas hofore maturity and that's something we'al bave te, realize.» The condom decision was applauded by the Durhamn Ragion Family Action Council. A coalition cf ccnservative groups aimed at preserving fain- ily values, the council mounted a lobbying effort against tbe cofi- mittee recommandation. Directer Tarry Ruddell said the council was not eut te pro- vent teens frein having sex, enly te provide information te trus- tees. "I don't think ycu cen stop anybody frein dcing anything,. said Ruddell, «it's nct our man- date te teach students and adults.» Rathar, the council acts as a lobby group when controversial issues corne hofora goverimant bodies. I this- particular instance, the council pointed out that a 6Q par cent drop in teenaga pragnancy eccurred aftar a Texas high sichool instituted an abstinence prograin in its curriculum. «Ail w. are saying is thase prograins are working, lat's take a look at thain,» said Ruddell. «A lot cf people dont haver this information available' te thain. W. hope te provide it. By Samira Arfai It bas been a very btisy week for students here at Henry, especially. after the success of Spirt Week. Iisports, the midget girls' volleyhall team hosted a tournanient on Feb. 9, had a very successful day for they won eight out of ten gaines in the round-robin, tying with Barrie Eastview. Due to the points difl'erence, Henry placed second in their pool. In te playoffs, Henry upset Dunharton in two straight gaines. The teain then went on to play Denis O'Connor in the chaznpionship match. O'onnor won the first 'gaine while Henry camne back and 'won the second gaine. Henry lot a very close tiebreaker 15-13, to talce the silver medal. The senior girls' volleyball team participated, in the MeMaster University senior girls' vollaybail tournament in Hamilton. Twenty-four teams frein across Canada compated, amnong which were the top three ranked teains in the province. Henry played 17 gaines, and surfaced with a'ton and'seven record. As ea,'-resuit, the girls captured the silver inedal in the consolation chaxnpionsbip. Congratulations te the entire teain and- te Kayley Moore and Michelle Parton who ware voted te the tournament consolation ail-star teain. On Feb. 12, the senior girls anded their regular season on a high note. Henry defoated Courtice in the first match, 12-15, 15-12 and 15-11. Hawks won thair second match in two straight gaines 15-6 and 15-0. Hemy finished the season with a ton and two record. I boys' basketball, the midgats conipeted at the Kanner Collage teurnament in Peterborough on Feb. 9. -Hawks1 defeated Crestwood 72-51 - and Peterborough 53-46 but ot -,te Kennar 42-35 in the final.» On Feb. 12 the junior boys played against O'Neill butwere defeated 24-18. Congratulations te ail the members cf the nordic ski teaxu. At DYSSA, Geof Harris placed third in the novice avent whibe Kerry Wishart- also placed third, in the junior girls' division. Good luck te Kerry who nlow gees on te OFSSA. Course information day was, held in order te help students pick classes for the next school yaar. Do you know what you are taking yet, for it is the middle cf Option Weak? I would also liko te conimend those who are participating in the World Vision. Thirty-Hour Famine.- By Dora Perroni HEGENERIC Theatre Company, Toronto, staged Shë prtcniusa tf 'Midsummer Night's Dream' for students at Bell- adshool s rticntinesasnstaff wood publice chool recently. Michael Quinsey and aradlstudes prtield in two Eleonore Prokop, two members front the company, pr-iuge ed i h hel o itrouce Shaespare to ouner atr theon Ash- Wednesday to Pe ô itoueSaepae t'yugr mr h beginning of the lenten audienoes. Chrs Bovie photo season. Students were renunded that Ash Wednesday is set a"de for TR F L A ÀA T ES H O fasting and introspection. Also, theAusinbody was asked to pray for world peace -- especially By Lara Jfixninezscols dbtn scit peace in the Gulf and for alI those I cali the bouse to order. making preparations for the in need of prayers. Welcome to the first round of Fulford Debate approaching on Rc yse orth e comxng bouse debates. The resolution Feb. 23 at Branksome Hall, option Shs frthtom before the bouse today is...' The Fulford is attended by 13 19-2sho er ln ih1 The main focus at Trafalgar schools, each given a month t'O their report carda and7 over the past*few weeks has been prepare a governinent and an Parent/teacher interview forms. debating. Weekly house debates opposition speech. Each The yearbook committee came have gained popularity since they participant is paired up with two together on Feb. 12 te finalize have moved froi evenings to the other debaters, composing a first subniissions for the 90-91 lunch hour, and two successful three-person teain. Given the yearb<x>k. discussions have already been nature of the resolution, which is h utngrl'vlebl judged., The resolutions are « Sinal countries are the bane cf teain is going strong as practices designed te ho creative, with this world,'. each debate lasts continue for xidget and juniors. opotuiy o hmu adaprxixtly> mnte P ollowing in their footsteps is the EA. FAIRMAN pbli c shool is holding a 'Read- insrigtTefopicsmour-datedavemuprepration andmintesughtAustin girls' badminton teaxu, -as a-thon' during ]February. Students obtaipledges bengt.The youthcf todaye have gon pepaion n the speches practices began Feb. 12. for the number of books read to raise fumds for borine' and, for the day before If the success cf past years is Congratulations are in order for the Cystie Fibrosis chapter in Durham Reg'on, Valentine's Day, 'Love. is an y indication of what the futreAustin's flrst boys' curling teain. Shown above (from leff) are students Ian DaSVIva overrated.' Coming up this week holds for car debating Society, the The teain played exceptionally Danka Scepanovie and Ian Probert. is 'hehad ha rck te fuur i gh._Good.&li well in two close es at the Chi. Bovie photo crà dlée.5 The .. ý * 'V --'i 'V 1 HENRY STRFET HIGH SCHO-OL 1