Whitby Free Press, 27 Feb 1991, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WHMTYFR P RESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27,1991 THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM PUBUC NOTICE UN TH-E MATTER 0F:, The Municipal Act, Sections 298 and 301 (R.S.0. 1980) TAKE NOTICE THAT -the Cauncil af the Regional Munscipalfty af Durham may pass by-laws authorizing canstnxldof a the folboWng projects: Ro)ad No. Road Name 5 4 9hocRd. Muicipaity Pikig 6 'SafrmtMl Rd. Sa«go 2B Rossiand Rd. Osha 39 Road 3Q 47 Road47 Uxbuidg Bmck 55 Towdnve Rd. ohoaNewcastie Upgmding from Rioad M3 Harmoy Rd.) bo Lot21/22,' ToAno Newcastle TaunbnISteeles Connection from the West Duffin Creek Bridge ID Road 1 <BrodcRd.) InWesection Improvements ai Andeison St. Fmom west of Clammfontweswey Ib dmi Duiam/York Rsplacement ofcLiver Lot 18, Concession Rossiand Rd. from Road 16 (Ritson Rd.) Io Gdrason St e uu frmRod M in ro o Regional Bounea" Townline Rd. frm Ave.) Plans showin details of the proajpcts and the lands affected rnay be seenihe afficeoof the Chief DMsin Engîneer of the Durham Works Deartment~ 105 Consumers Drive, Whttby, Ontaro, Telephone Wodks Commutte., being delegtd yRégional Council as the hearing body, shall hear in person o b is or her counsel, solicitor or :gnt, n grson who daims Nis or her land will b. prejudicialy ected bW eby-laws and who apbis on or before Mardi 5, 1991, ta the undersgned ta b. heard ad a meeting of the Woks Committe. on March lZ 1991. DATE!) ai Whitb this Sth day af February, 1991. . ,, ** -~.* * . ,,,#'W.&A.1WELV.ETREES.P.DIQ.% WORIC OOMiTâ EEOHAIRIMN OLIISSIONER OF WORKS READLESS WEDNESDAY Rtegional Faxnily Literacy Week began Feh. 23 and wiil end March 2. One highlight wiil be 'Readless Wednesday' on Wens .y Feb. 27. The public is chaienged to try to get through the day without reading anythuing, and are then asked to cail the READ Hotline at 1-800-263-0993 and relate the experence of not being, able t red. For more information, eaR 1the iàteracy Coundil at* 434-5441 or 1-800-263-0993. ST. DAVJDS DAY On Saturday, March 2 at 7 p.m. at The Earl of Durham, 227 Brock St. S., Whitby, the Oshawa and District Welsh Society will celebrate St. David's Day (Gwyl Dewi) with a dinner and dance. For information, cail 576-0711 or 725-3458. Handwoven items by Margaret Otto will be exhibited in the display case of the Wbitby Public iàbrary, main brandi, from March 1 to March 28. Items te be on dispiay include fine weaving -- a par ofwail hanginga entitled ' EnvironmenV~ a set cf six Christmas cards, 'table linens,, yardage in Merino wool, and a stole in mohair. PHOTO CLUB The Whitby Photo Club wilI meet at the Whiby PubliceIàbr- ary on March 4, 7 te 10 p.m. There will be a print clinic given by Susan Thoms, and Jan Magrath, with her pres entation 'Inner Canyons,' will take mem- bers« on a tour of the National Parks of Canada and the U.S.A. Nomination forms will be handed out in preparation for the upcom- ing elections i:7D DURHAM WORK[NG WOPM The Business and Professional Women's Club cf Durham invites you te attend a meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 27 at Le Gala, 65 Sunray- St., Whitby. A reception wiil be held at 6 p.m', foilowed ILy dinner ait 6:45 pa. Members $5, non-members $30. Guest speaker wiil b. Dr. Doris Guyatt, president of the Canadian Fèdertion of Business and Professonal Women. Resêr- vations must b. in advance. Cal Joyce Marshall at 668-5504 or Dinah Howe at 430-1944. VEGETABL4N COOKING CLASS Elaine Lindo, R.N, B.Sc., vegetarian nutritionist and lecturer in many colleges (also on TV), is holding cooking classes at GO'Natural Health & Beauty Centre, Whitby, on FridayMarchn 1, 6 to9 pm.and Studay March 2, 10 a.m. te 4 p.m. Lose the desire for harmiful, fattening foods while eating delicious simple - exotic dishes and lose weight naturally. Space limited. 668-2661. DIN & DEAM AUCTION The County Town Singers will hold a UDne and Dreain Auction' at Heydenshore Pavilion, Whitby, on Saturday March 2. Auction items include articles, timeshares, sailing excursion, tutrinandmany other ser- vices.Boo iven at the door will bast ail items for auction (payment by cash or cheque). The reception begins at 6:30 pm dinnier at 7 p.m., followed Dythe auction at 8 p.m. The County Town Singers will also perform. <Çost is $5. For tickets eall 839-1370 or 723-0202. THE REGIONAL. MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM SPECIAL EVENING MEETING REVIEW 0F THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN Take notice that the Planning Commitlee of the Regional Municipality of Durham is reviewlng récomrmended changes ta the texi and maps of the Durham Rlegk>nal Officiai Plan in accoidance with the Planning Act.Prnor bo making is recommenidation 10 Regional Counicil in Apuil of 1991, Planning Committe. is inviting the public bo provide comments through written submissions and depulations. For those who cannol attend the regular Planning Commutte, meetings, an evening meeting has been arranged on: Tusutsy, Maeri5, 1991 CoumcI Colmbsis Rolnl MurIcmUty of Duuhsm 605 Roelm Rond Eat WNiby, Ontado Any indvddual who wshes 10 appear before the Planning Committee ai thiseeng meeting or other meetings of the Planning Committee should contac. Catherine Ca. cof the Planning Deparimenit ai the telephene numberidbelow. 'A copy cf Commissioners Report No. 91-P-i contaning staff recommended changes b 1 he Du=ha Regiorial Official Plan is available frispection at the Reuonal Planing Depariment, the office of 1h. RegKonaI Clerk the Clerks Office in each Area Municipaiity and public libraries. The report can also b. purchased frm the Planning Department at the address lisieri below. Further information may b. obtained b ycantacting the Planning Departmeni ai <416) 728-7731 <Whitby), <416) 686-1651(Ton ner by Wdnt 1: Durham Regional Planning Depariment Box 623, 1615 Dundas Street East 4th Floor, Lanq Tower, West Building Whitby. Ontario UiN 6A3 MARIE HUBBARD Cm,Pknnkq Comit.. DR. M. MIOIAE, M.C..P." -Coimodukumon.ofptiu*ïg- -ý PARKINSON SUPPOIRT CROUP Parkinson Support Grou, Durham Region chapter, wiil hof a general meeting on Monday, March 4 fromn 7:30 te 9:30 pma St. Mark's- United Church, Whitby, corner cf Coîborne and Centre Sta., south door entrance te assembly hall. There wiil b. a video on'The Route te Better Management*' of Parkinsei's Disease.' Ail are welcomne. Refre-shments are available. For more information cail 666-8576 or 668-6580. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY The Whitby-Oshawa branch of -the Ontario GenealogicalSociety wiIl meet on TùÜesday March Z, 7:15 te, 10 p.m., at tle Whitby Public Library. Tom Belton -of the Ontario Archives will disews health and medical records infor- mation. Al welconie. For more at .723-7460 or Joyce Hilton at 668-8177. THE CORPORATION 0F ~ THE TOWN 0F WHITBY Amn you intered in runninug foblca government office? if you plan to seek offce in the 1991 municipal elections for nljmuncpalconc*,hool bord, or hydro-electio commission, you must registerwith Ihe Tow Clerk before you spend or maise any money for campaign activties. For more information contact the Town Clerk. Cal befooe ySu canqmsgnl DONALD G. MCKAY, CLERK The C oS uIc.Rnd RoTod EmaotW ' WhIUb ' Onado.LIN 2MB nhoe: (416) 668-5803 DURHAM 3 Wrucheter Rd.ci hawa/Newcoede 4 Taunton Rd. Pickein 4 Taunton Rd. WhIt:y ucomun g etins or cactiviti es n page t o cost. Prfitrbri maklgo o-hty fpollowng ee8etings l plaeat no5p.m hodit rontlmeting on eb. 28.d For mo in frmaetigon ea 725-0394. KIDNEY WEEK Whitby Mayor Bob Attersley wiil proclaim -March 3 1-9 as 'Kidney Week with a flag-raising ceremony iat Town bail on March 3 t930 a.m. The event promotes The Kidney Foundation of Canada's annual March door-to-door, canvass ng campaign ini Whitby. PROFESSONAL DEVELOPMENT CONîfE)ENCE The Ontarlo North Shore branch of the Association for. Early Childhood Education will hold its annual professional development conferenoe .at Durham College; Simcoe St. N., Oshawa on atrday, March 2. Registration is at 8 a.m. The =enoespeaker Wiil b. Marion Biaco-director Adierian- Centtre for Counselling and Education, folowed by- morni ng and afternoon workshops. Members $30, non-members $50.' For 113reo Md workshop McArthur, ECE Connecticn, at 416-683-5241 or 1-800-263-3170. WORLD DAY 0F PRA&YER 'On the Journey Together' is the theme of the 1991 World Day of Prayer service at Brooklin United Church on Friday,-March, 1, 1:30 p.m. This year's service is written by the women of Kenya. For more information cali 65 8025. BONSAI SOCIETY' TheMasy a Bonsai Society will meet on Moday, March 4 at 7:15 p.m. at Faith Place, 44 William SL W., Oshawa. Ail interested ini bonsai are welcome. For more information. cal 416-683-2568 or 416-668-8333. ANNUAL GENERAL MEI'ING The annual generai meeting of the Ontario North Shore Branch, AECE,O will be held in the Durham College dining room on FridayMarch 1. A reception wil b. held at 6:30 p.m., fioeby dinner at 7 p.m. Cost o inris $15. Guest speaker wifl be Kay Eastbam, _ director, child catre

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