PAGE 12, WHIBYFREE PREASSWEDNESDAY, MACH ,1991 ENVOGUE! -EN VOGIJ! E-N VOGUE I NVOCWU! EN.,VQ LEESON CLIFTON AND ANNETTE DESCHAMPS, Whltby Massa ge Therapy Inc. WhJ tby 430-2183 There is a purpose for' massage therapy befare, after and during a+ health pro gramr. Massage thrapy also he lps ta decrease stress and tension throughout the body caused by the stressors of everyday living. Massage therapy helps, to increase circulation, decrease muscular tension and help eliminate lactic acid build up within the body, thus giving the individual a general feeling of +well being. -For more information- call Whitby Massage Therapy 430-2183. ROSSLAND SPORTS & MASSAGE THERAPY CLINIC 701 Ro ssland Rd. E Whltby ,à 430-6788 lae Start the >spri-ng feeling lred and.-lbalthyl RosslandeSports & eMassage Therapy.Clinlo wouldlike ta invite you ta their clinic. Frank Webster-,R.M.T. and Jayne McCormicleR.M.T., bath RegisteredMNpssage Therapists, affer massage and variaus farms of hydrotherapy. Gift certif icates are available. For an appointment cal 430-6788.- DURHAM MASSAGE & HYDROTHERAPY CLINIC 23Byron St.S. Whltby 666-0406 Massage therapy- is not a luxury. Everyone can benefit from ht. Not only is* massage therapy an effective, aid in stress reduction, it can alsa relieve muscle pain due ta iînjury, pregnancy, exercise, e orpotr and 'much more. assage helps ta maintain good muscle condition ta* prevent Muscle strain or injury. massage - a drug-free therapy -your healthy habit. By appointment: Mon. - Wed. 1 -9 pm, Tues. & Thuns. 10 - 6 pm. TRECKMAN HEALTrH SERVICES SuIte 8 -,519 Dundas St. E. Wh Itby 430-2923 Are you tired of niot feeling well? Do you want ,ta, feel * good? Do you feel run ýdown, stressed out and feel that nobody cares? WE CAREI WVq talk health.'Our nursing service pravidFes, relaxation therapy, reflexo logy, cleansing -and nutritional- counselling. A Homeopath provides natural remedies.. An lidologist does eye examination for health and a therapi!st for Rebalancing and Reiki. Give us a cal: 430-2923. SCISSORS HAIR DESIGN 601 Dundas St. W. Town Plaza Whltby *668-1.640 ,We offer complete hair care for the whole family with a -full range of perms, tinting, highlights, cuts and styles as weIl as manicures, pedicures, nail tips and waxing. We provide prof essional and frie ndly service and carry a fuit uine of Redken and Sebastian products. We offer permn specials Mon., Tues. and Wed. ,plus gift certificates for that special persan. STRANDS Pearson Lanes 666-0550 Whltby Mail, Whltby' 433-0394 Service is number one priority- at Strands- where customers always came f irst. Quality hair stylingý, colors, perms, hennas, long-hair up do's and braids are aIl dane using Paul Mitchell and Joico products which are also available for sale. Make;-up is available for weddings and fashion shows. Open 10 arn - 8 pm, Mon. to Fni., open Sat. at 9:30 arn. Ad orn,eaà irs wit hg o'ld Goldglittering at your eà rs is*warrn ,lnd wornanly.' Pierced o r .fot, don't pass Up the chance ta adorn your ears with gold. Dangling and swinging, smail and hutton, large and decora- tive: There is* a goid car ' ing to flatter your faZe, hair style and ear. Since carrings can make the most sta -riling différence in your ap- pearance, choose your gold earrings with care, a mirrai and both-your catrs! Neyer buy them without trying tlicm lbath on and tceing yourself in thei rom ail angles. A -rounà d face favons carrings that* have a contour go- ing up the car, or drop* earrings that *elongate the face. A long, narro w face looks best' with birtan or Icluster carrings. Car award for resident Judith Walker of Whitby was recently awarded a brandnew Mercury Topaz GS ini recogntion cf her leadership and sales achievemtents wih Mary Kay Cosmeticis Ltd..- RSCALS Boys & Girls Fashions Up to Size el8 Anniversary .Celebration, Infantwear *Dresses. o First, Com *munion Gowns *Suits *Gifts- *\Accessories mmfli M- .W -v m Mar~g .. .. .. . .. .. . 39 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA Mon. to Thurs. 9-5, Fni. 9-7, 571-5435 PSat. 9-5. OSHAWA -77t k ELECTROLYSISv CLINIC (P N 4ed.......... ...p........ .......d....... ....... Ab...... .... By -appointment: 57685 356 KIng St. W. Oshawa 10 Tanning Sessions $60. GET 1 FR E E Glazed Ice Fiberglass Virginia for (Reg. $45.) Facials * Manicures & Pedicures Waxing - Lash & Brow Tints j I disoi adrenal diseaE Easily pq deternm the u and/o ý -ai electr col ........... such factors as: eheredity e racial differences 0medications rders involving the ovaries, gland or hormone producmng tumors ses such as dermatomyositis ,rformed tests may be done to ine the cause. Depending on mderly-gcause, medical ur a treatmentsar -olysis,; Have your problem M leey assessed by a Oshawa Electrolysis -Clini«. i LOSE upto3O Ibs in--only 6 weeks and reshape your body with the VITRIM program without exercise or going hungry for anlly Per Week on a I Program Basis $ 2 We'rems sure you wlf lose the weight that WE GIVE YOU -A WRIITEN LÎFE'IME OUA RANTEE, Oshawa Electrolysis Clinie ESS DIRECTORY Your guide to Durham's haîr and skin -specialists',health club and beauty professionals j