wEMTY PME PRESS, WEDNESDAYe MURH6, 1991, PAGE 21 ý.Wbtby Dern"m nm Chrisynne Wilfby Whilhy Davd BeMa wMalm Cochrane Whitby flnlhtd as tanninup. W.Idty a PetecbOough Lucas Nqlor 2 2 Wxffd AiTtll Andnwm liS Whitbyý BOUSE LEAGUE Widtby shawn Devers Wlaltby Whtby Peulnt. Whitly GrahamWhte shutout .2 pinHMa Whitby 0 Wltby Whltby Armando ubrlal 8 W..t Roug 1 B E 2 Malvem Final WMt1my 0,Aglncurt Wbtby loct en penalty lins Wedneday dart league, LAEATI'Se 13LG1RT DIVISION W. L PIE WbIfby Tropv Houas .128 et 12M whitby Wem= 96 92- se- aymnllnancla os9597 os- Beke i"urzturo Plnhhng 89 101 80 Perma FOaRn lnt.ratlonal85105 as Claremont Collecter Cn 79 111 19 CH) Cltchd etplace. Top a Sores, StoreCooper Day. Pinder mnarker John IMcphOuGB L«c Omudet George Blard Teopiv Hou a Esycan inal' 6 Wtby Weemme LAHATFS ABOM DIISON The Daly Phnst DaryliNortona Servics Dodéul&ouBroadlaa GUiYCoppi" s erice me iAsetw BM XtdéPe nmmrd Aà Pq Bubflest BobBà d Dodd & Suter 2 oOldbem Athhotl B0Kle lpoo BbPo al Adan-Vandsabrock Evfleoe 2 Aglnéouri 5 MalvernB O Merkham 2 Wkdtby Shutout" Wbitby 1 Aikncoeart s 1 Wed Eouge O O Agincourt .2 0 Peteborog. 2 1Semnis 2 7 E»Verto Nlck Cer DoLvid Advoet 6 -et Mattbsw Lamb .Petites gain eplitwith Markham teame = ïtb Lo.etteB rin ee score of 12-1 in league play March 2.,- 1,- AneaPoland scored four g9=s Ls Vanderlip and Karyn Paokscored three each. Sra Larocque netted two. Assists went- to, Luanne MacKenzie, Christine MacDonald, .Brea Blight, Vanderlip, Poland, Laroque and Peacocke. hian exhibition game 'on Sunday, March. 3, Whitby Lions tied ]Richmond EHill, r-5. Poland gcored two goals and ha.d an "uait. 'MacDonald scored two gpals. Peacocke 'contributed on. mal and one asaist.> Vanderlip Ei easit. Wbitby was defeated 9-2 by the. Markham #2 team. Vanderlip and Poland eachiiad on. goal. Asssa went to Peacocke, Larocque and MacKenzie. This was WhitWs% firat loua i the round-robi playof Tu. Armiage, third at LOSSA Hexather Armitage of Anderson * ýCVI had athird-place finish at; the Ontario Federationï of School Athletic -Association (OFSAA) open swimming championships on Saturday. S Armitage was -third ,ini the 100m backstroke event at thé. meet h leld at,, thé Etobicoke Olypium.ý As a member, of the Whitby Iroquois Swim Club, Arlg was l4th i the 50m baktoke at the. Senior National Swim* Meet i Calgary, Alta., Feb. 18- 24. Anothier club memberKa- McBurney, was in2the i Onbutterfly and' 100m but- tefyat the- Calgar~y event, the. hihest calibre, sWlm meet i anada. Rùnner is 1l1th, Kate Lari-viera -of the Whitby igers Running Club was 1lth overali at a half-marathon race i Peterborough recentl. Her. time was one. ou 31 minutes. 5h. led the. Whitby club to a' third-place finish in the. team standings Other Whtbyteain members were Michelle 'Carolissen (on. lbur 38 minutes), [orna Smith (one Ixour, 43 mi.), Leona Postili <on. hour,, 48 mi.) "and. F. Mis- ner (on. hour, 52 min.).' .A1ny female, runnersiterested i johing the'club can caîl Smith at 668-7047. LAKE ONTARIO "'CgSTEEL COMPANY HOPKINS ST. S., WHITBY -4JILACROSSU WE REGISTRATION -NOTICE Registration for the Whitby Minor Lacrosse, Association wilI be held on the following dates: DAY- DATE TIME LOCATION Friday Mar. 8 5 pm,- 9 pm. Luther Viporid Arena, Brooklin Saturday Mar. 9 9 arn-2 pm Luther Vipond Arena, Brooklin For more information oeil: 433-4644 -AGE- DIVISIONS ARE AS FOLLOWS: DIVISION Perweght MinorT k. .Major TVke' Minor Novice major Nvc Minor Peewee Major Peewee Bantam Midget Intermediate <f numbers permit) YEAR 0F BIRTH 1985-87 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1977 -78 1975-76 17 pears and over REGISTRATION FEES PAPERWEIGHTS OTHER PLAVERS 3 OR MORE PER FAMIL LATE FEE $2e0.OO/PER PLAYER $60.OO/PER PLAVER -Y $150.00 $20.00 ~ ,* Mà lvwnfl 2Westflqe 6SAndriw 0 1 Weford 2 AJlncburt Whutby. Staven Poro 2 shutout: sSotPowefl Steven Porc. 2. Luca. Nejor Withy Lucasejiler DenejCawr shutouL' &Supbffl THE 1991 SUMME R HOCKEY LEAGUE (4th Season), REGISTRATIO.N Sunday, March lOth, 1991 Iroquol Park Arena. Lobby from 2 6 p.. Open registration, first corne, first served. The Leagiue featurés 4 teams in Atoms, Peewees and Bantam with a. 17 - 1.,1/2 -Hr. event schedule that starts May 5th, until August 25th', playeèd at. Iroquois Park on Sunday afternoons. Sweater, socks, trophies, surprise draw and -many morefeaitures. For furtherinfor !ton, cali 571-1558 477- 387 PermaFeSm . Bakr Puriture 4 Cleremont 4 Whtby men' hockey W L T (0V GAF1 Meà nlePrOu es14 8 8 -1128 31I B.oy% EnterpdS. 12 6 3 97 61 27 CIL Auto A2 6 1 m8 78. 27 WcOMIerd . e 9 66974 68 23 Davda Ch&8 84, 72 78 20 fonwes 7 85,78 73 19 NollenLuber 6_ 8- 6 67 6W 18 CuatoAuto 8102 72 78 18 CUEJAD Plumb. 6 9 6 GO 69 17 Ceisy% 711 2 76 87 16 ESIWU7 611 4 74 98 14 AtteslqTlrs 414 2 59112 10 smss1WmV. 21 aNis" Pringles 5OToclu 2 R.oyEntorpriffls'0,NRS Iy2 Davldsim Chiyu& 4 Cutm Auto 3 Atteiy Tim a6 Cimm snplu. O ,Wombcrast 6 CX. Auto 1 RcllendLumbet 6 Cmss"s 4 Weé% Sc m n en flNorton T.sDatly ph"ne4 iVAN & TRUC-K I WORLD__ 20% to*5O%OFF MARCH l'st to MARCH 3Oth Running Boards $69.95 anid up, Bug Shields $1 9.95 Installations HAIF PRICE @ Box Liners $21 9.95 and up eTruck Caps stardng at $399.95 *Captain Chairs & Sofas - 50% OFF eMouldèd Hood Guards from $39.95 1670 Simcoe St. N.s Oshawae.579-6868. Slo«Pth Whitby Men's League Requires: * eams *Individuals e Sponsors 30 game season at Iroquois Park For'more information contact John Vickery 6681108