Whitby Free Press, 6 Mar 1991, p. 26

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PAGE 26, WHIIBYPMEEPRES, wEDNESDAY,MARoe 6. 1991 - j ~Whitby Free Press 668-0594I Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 am.to 5:00 pm Fax.,668-0594 I WOMEN- UN ABUSIVE. reiattanships., For help, cati ýthe* Dense,,-,House-, for Wamen and Chidren. Tati free 1-800-263-3725 or .728-7311. Confidentiaity, assured. (Formerty Auberge.). TrHANKî TO ST. JUDE' amd the Sacred Heait of Jesus for favours recehed. EW NWW SINGLES CLUB ý,starting. Frve Counties Singie Ctub,,c/oi Cembal -PublicatlonsQ Box 250W, ,Marmora, Ont. KOK 2M0. (Enclose seif-addressed, .stamped BAHA'iS BEUEVE. Gtory not in love ,for yoùr count ry, -but tri love for al manktnd. Cali 668-8665. ABORTION referrat information. Cati 430-1663. < .. . . .....- .ATUFIDAY'S AUCTION ACTION SAT' MARCH9AT 6:30PJIL PENHICK AUCTION BARN, HAYDON. 1 MILES NE.,0F OSHWA EVRYSATURDAY NIGHT AT 620 P.M. This week'we have alargesatate ta .inctude Victorian sotte., oMl rail-top desk., 9 pc. oak' dining raom ste., 2iceboxe.oak buffet, gwalnut. china cabinet, walnu aro al-topdesk, pins server, ine 2 pc. fat-to-watt, pne-sofa tbe,,carouse'horse, 2 oak arm- chrs, orinal AJ. Casson Ltd. ediionprnts, Robert -Noet print, James ELumbers Ltd. editian print, 2 pes. Moarecroft pottery, aid stamp cotlection, aiod -madet train cs, 3 PC.bedroam ste., matching frige & stave, plus lots of 'ornait collectible pcs. Viewing from 4 p.m. Terms are cash, Visa or approved c h~e For more information cait u'9416-263-4252. Sale managed and sold by: GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS AUCTION SALE' * KAHN COUNTRY ALJCTIONSý Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Located an, Brook Rd., Pickering,3 miles north of Hwy. 401(Ei #399). Featuring every Wed. an excellent selection of-antiques,- fine furniture, glass, china, collectibies, primitives, and the unusuals. Sa loin. us evry Wed. and participate- in on. of Ontario's utruer auctions with no buy-backs or' reserves. "Co<nsignment and estate setiing aur secmialty.u Calt us today. Previews from 1 . .. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES >(416) 683-0041 CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, MARCH 8 AT ô P.ML Six matchlng -press-back chairs, teaý wagon, new 5-gun butternut g:. cabinet, new oak corner cabnet, floral chesterfieid, love seat & 'adchin chair, round walriut dtnin tale, new cherry, rot-top desk, uprightpanoglass1 top coffes and endtabes, woen wheeled bicycle, 7 Windsor arm- chairs, domse-top truriks, quifts, creamn caris, walri buffet, wairiut, china cabinet,, coal ait tamps. crocks, Bench Mark tool box,. rili press, Busy Bee table modet band saw, ru Busy Bes -planer joiner, qty. of oak, tumber, cilina, glass& collectible items. DON & GREG CORNEIL RR#1, LITTLE BRITAIN (705) 786-2183 PLEASE tNCLUDE the, 7% GST when paying ads. Sample. prices: Prepaid ad, $5.00 +m-35 cents GST - $5.35. Bitled ad, $7.50-+- 53 cents GST - $8.03.l If you have any questions regardin. your, ad, cati Joanne et Whitby'Free Press, 668-0594. FROM PAGE 1 are relocated else where on the prermises. The new trailer sites muat.aiea be fully serviced te -prevent maintenance probleme which have plagued résidents in recent years. Huggin>s could not be reached for comment on this lateat deve- lopment.. Durha'm llege get additionial-fundiýng Durham Collge, wiIl receve $392,00-ta extra funding as part df the governmentes £anti-reesson Allen announced.. m.Te funming wiIll help c.tb-seconidary isiuin untiate short-trm labour intensive projecteaîamed at allviatagsom ofthe hardship of the cretrcsin. This fundinigis pa!rt.,of a total of $94 milion, the. colbgel' and universitioes are receiving thrugh«* the anti-réession programn. Combined .with the- *189.4 milion in ýincreasedoertg nté annoumced two weeks aff*, tOtropost-secondary. institutions will ho *283.4. million more atha st year. The funding Will help Durham Collego make its facilities more accessible te- the disabled and improve 'the.;intitution's physical plant. > The comrnunity will beniefit. getyfrom this' investiuent" SaiUDumond White, MPP for Durham, Centre. "Ifs a much-needed shot in thearm1 ina difficult period.0 A total of 65 pYQict-in ý27 municipalities»wi. b% lmde frthe pragram &-rat aimounced by Ontario Itreasure Floyd LaugWien lest Docember. Gordon Mls Mp for Duirham EPat,.s.4d, "'w annnounceetilntonly hel thoso in theOha-Drm ares, but aise > the many, comuniiesandrgions that are.- .experencing serious economic, lb cpialprq.jecta a Duha College are expected teîotea total ofl96 esoe-wees embl * ntit, he Os>hàwa -ares.. =,informatinrgading ,the 1991-92, capital allocatié,ito Ontarjo'. post-secondary institu- tions will fbe released ithe.nemu Suiture. Buil d 'a log, hom Durhiam College, is offering,,a log-building course from March. 26 teJune 16. Ron - Ne anarasica Log Home% Mwiiteah students how te build a log home. The course will include instruction on care and maintenance of too, flowe joist4a, wiring- o o hzeý fttmng windows and doors and the final sqilaring of the building. At the. end of the session, students will havé constructed an 10 ft. by 20 ft. pool change house with two rooms inside. The. sessions wll ho held evyery, Sundyfrm9 .m.to4 p.m.,at the ~ ~ I Gaa.aa L gHomes building site on- Durhamn Rond 9. Th-coot in $352 lplus supplies and GST. Supplies may coot Up te $750, depending on:tools requird. Jotai with -a 1frid'and sarethe coot, of supplies., For more information,.cai (416), 576-0210,9ext. 496, "orte reiste by Visa or Mastércard, cal (416):., 436-1100. College-calendarready,ý, Durbars Colege's conttauous Iearning division. will ho disriutngtheir soprig/summér caldendar mrh 15). Thé calendarý will outline the available courseoï dates and prices.Some 0of thé courses aaable will . ballroom dancing, -camps'for lIdds, flsh 'n Canada, f ly flshing, make a quilt. ta 12 hours, and stainea glass < creations. Registration at théeschool *begins March 23. Telephon registration startson Mrch25,i- by calling (416) 436-1100- If youwigould like o eadded te the calendar mailing listý- or for inform ation, cal 576-10210,eçxt. .507.- _______~-y_-JpJj~5~ _____ readynow The Ontario March of Dimes of York/Durham Rgon las announced the avallity 0f their 1991 golf passports.. The golf passports can be purcase fo $5. The passport holde sentitled ta golf at 59 different courses throughout Ontario- during thé summer df 1991. The passport has an approxixna value of $700. mhe 191glfpote are available bycllng the local Ontario March0fDimes office at (416) 434-5280 or (416) 853-0383. Proceeds from sales 0f thé 1991 golf paseport 'Ill elp uporthe Ontario March Yf =D nh York/Durham, Region. The Ontario March'0f Dimes works to pride gpportunitieo:'for-,adults who are physically diuabled, o they may lvé independent and Whitby froquois Swm Club Whltby meot invdving dut. à-cm Aja, NSethYoek dTe" at Anne Otnrte ftd Feb. 24 and 25 Lad Mags lot 60 brmdéle 600Dy,100 LM. 2nd 100 br.eatno hi 100h.m Leslie Colo hd 100 LM Pla Mollo Ord 5007y,100 LM. MatthwDdLuito lt 100 L Brd 100h.m James A>otte 2nd 5011>' ard go brousatroke 1w..BM DrwSrd 500>'. 100 LM. 11£ UfflfflNOVICE maiwaetarp *lut 50 bock.SO0Oy, Amanda Moule lut 50 br.oatitoka, 2md 50fr...go00> 8rd 60 bock. 100 L 2ad 60 bacIr 60 breusatrole, 100 h., 100 LXM aB 500Dy 13 & OMM NOVICE J.effy TSoeio 100 ftLMgo.b au" la lit lO0frà,@%20mm hi 100fr.. .JonlfoeAn.rmh&d100 bock TamAriwtt &di400fr.. Jou Hondaesm BdI 100fr., 200 b.ck, 200 L - ilattew Rampal &d 100 bok. 2W0fr. A.ablgcrowdar lit 60fr..% 100fr6. 200 fr.% 200 LL %Sy But 2hi 1W00>', 400 frxe Néie Meukm.n hi 200 bock 8hd 100breoststrcke BgmhnMatuanlot 100 ODe, 200fr.. hi 1000Dy hr i 0h200 LB Son4>Hmdruom lot 50 fr.. hi 10 bock. 200 bock. 100fr.., Brie VanDjk 2hi 50 fr.., 200L hi 1000>', 100fr.., * 200 fr.. Colin Mowbrmy 'AM 200 bock H.OLwhWInhkIlit 10007, 100broutatroke, 100fr..e, 200 LM. hi .l00back hi 200fr. RnSAyutte lot 200 bock hi 200 IL JunlfrCrowdoe-lot. l00bo aBM 1000', 100 h. Tilhno uflie hi 100 h. AnmmniaBrimbi. hi 50 fie, 200L hid 200 LK nmdetMdmo 2hi oo0bock, hrIW 0back PMtc1ILke 2hi 1Wbrentsrok6 Tracey Aitiatt Nd100bremat«trake Chri. Moule. hi 1W00>' g PaRrIrIParrIuhlF. PIsW» check your advsrtlsemerit for errors'an th e first day of publication, Th. Whltby Fr.. Pross wiIl not b. hiable for faiture ta publlsh an ad,. or for typographie errors ln publication beyand the cost of the spaco occupled by the error up ta a maximum cost of the Insertion. The Whitby Fre Press reserves the rlght ta, classity or reject att advertts.merMt. PRE-PNuD <(Cash, VISA, cheque received before deadline) $5.00 for 20 words; ($5.35 includes G.S.T1.) 120 each'additionai word; (130 includes G.S.T.) BILLED $7.50 for 20 words; 150 each additional word ALUCTUIONSIARNNOUiNCEMENTS 810o per agate line (14 agate uines per inch) minimum charge: $5. prepaid, $7.50 biiied DISPLAY ADS IN- CLASSIFIEDS (Ads wth barders, pictures or graphies) Regular display rates appiy - 860 per agate Uine Minimum size 1 column inch $1 2.04 <14 agate linos per Inch) j PLUS 7% G.S.T. DEADLINE Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication.

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