Whitby Free Press, 20 Mar 1991, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WHYIBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1991 Reiet ace .loss ofel.ectricitýy FROMPAGE 2 over, tins,, st'giry searna toha willing ýte do the work but he's runn, ntprbeawith finances,» Copies.of Youngys -latter wera aise dalivered te park residerits.- "I regret that this action must be, takari, but I arn cenvinced that tIre electrical afety of the tenants'can' only be assurad by a disconnection at this time,» .ong adds. A -recenit meeting betwean Whitby officiais and ownars- of the Subway Mobile Home Court failad te produce a ýcommn"iment from tire ownars that' -Tewnm ordered repaira would ba moade te the property As a rasuit, the owriers couid soon be facing' charges under Whitby's property- standards bylaw. Acting Town administrator AI Claringbold -said %Whitby'È- pro- perty standards officer met wmith ownar Deug Huggins and one of the ark's mortgageesat weak. '«eewas ne progress from my understandhng," said Claring- "I balayve the naxt stèp la issuanca of an erder te comply,' depending on whathappan'saitr that, deterrmines tha course of action.» Lat mentir, a notice of viola- tion, outlining four specific bylaw infractions, was, served on Hug- gins. The notice states the proparty does not comply with the bylaw in the foliowing areas: * xterior electricai -wi«ng, connections, caps and enclosures ara damaged and bare and r uira rapair; axterior electrical wiring la in a stata of disrepair and is incap- able of provichng adaquate and safe electricai supply- S* hydro poes are ieaning and in poor. condition requiring straigtening and/or replacernent; . driveways and parking areas ara damaged anid require repair. (The driveways and parking areas ahould be freea frorn pot- holes and unaveneas, statea the notice.) The Town'a notice stems &fom chargea laid against Huggins by Ontario Hydro Iast yaar. Huggins was chargad and sub- sequently convicted undar thre Power Corporations Act becausa of severai. fire hazards, lncludlng bare wires. However, the deficiencies cited by hydro ware neyer rectifiad. Huggins could not ba reached for comment. Maanwhile, Huggins has a razoning application befora the ; undas St. E. property. Lest June, council approed tire' rezoning permittingH ILns te build a commercial develop- ment, and towrihouses on-tIre site. But a holding designtion on the land willi not ba ifa until 67 trailers now occupylng the prortyara relocatad alsewhere ont thaprmises. The new trailar sites must be fuily serviced -te pravent main- tenance problerna which- have plagued residents in recent years.- GRASSROOTS.GROUPS The 'graasroots level of environmientai. action' is a terni which refera to what an individual or community group cari accomplish. For example, grasefroots initiatives invoive borne composting,, curbaide re3ccing,, saving reusable items for crafts, sharlng magazines,. wrlting letters to mnanufacturera and your governanent representatives, encouraging the use of cioth shopping baga and changing purchasing habits to exclude- over-packing. By working togeter, individues can ,have a. dramatic imnpact. One extremely successful grasuroots movement came from a, community action group called Environment Watch.'lhIey give demonstrations in schools on how students, can bring an- entire lunch in reusable containers. Their garbageless lunch concept. haspactically eliminated waste from classrooml eating areas. Te 'EnvironmentaI Tea Party' isanother grasro taidea which is gathering monientum. Simply get together lwithg a few friends and share information about your concerns. A small group Of women in Vancouver who met regulariy for coffee, one dadecided te talk about ways in which they couid become a soution te the garbage criais rather than a part of the probiem. In a very shôrt time, they've become known as the Wrdidde Home Environmientaliste-Network (WHEN). Closer te home, Citizens for a Safa Environrnent and' Grassroota Albany (Abany is the name of thair street, se one can 'attach 'graaroots?' te any atreet, community, business, etc.), wili offer literature te get you started. Since its beginining just over a year. ago, Grassroots Albany has iniitiated' alproImately 60 similar groupa acrosa Canada They will. aise aow use oftheir logo. To'raceive information from any of these groups, wriet WHEN 1919-27th St. West Vancouver V7V 4L2; Citizans for a Safé. Énvironment, 165, Queen St.E. Toronto'M4M 1H3; or Grassroots Albany (include a seIf-addressed, stamiped anvelope), 211lAlbany Ave, Toronto M5R 3C7. '7his w. know D7e, Larth doas not belong to mani, ma> belonga to the Lard>. AUl thingw am connected 11k the blood that unites uu al Mai>d not weave the web of life , h. is merely a stmandin At. . natever he does to the web, he does ta hinselfChief Seattle. There'sone more t.hing you, can do to protect your family's future. It may be somethingwhich neyer occurred to you, but by planning your burial or cremation now, you'll be making the future easier for your friends and family. Because you remove the burden and anguish which can arise at the time of the death of a loved one. Pre !arranging also allows you to lock in the servicý,at today's prices. For more information on pre-arranging your burial or cremation cali us, send us the coupon or stop by somnetime for a chat. r -- - -- - - - - Please send me more information about protectlng I my family'sfuture. NeM r. E Mrs. n Na e Ms[]Ms E_____C_____ IAddress ICity IProvince___________ Postal Code _____ 1 understand theres no obligation and no one will cali on me ex *at my express invitation. Thornton Cemetery, Crematorium & Mausoleum 1200 Thornton Road, R.P. #.1, Oshawa, Ontario L1 H 7K4 Telephone: 1-416-579-6787 I -I1 I-ep IF IENE WESTRIK Irena Westrlk, former winner of the Business Person. of the Yaar award in Wiritby, died at Oshawa General Hospital. on March 10, 1991. .Sire was berri in Zeverihuizen -Holland daugirtarof -Cora and Jean lIrygsman. Sire married John Westrlk on Octeber 3, 1964 in Atylmer West. An Oshawa residant for 30 yaars, Mrs. Wastrik owned Towne Flowars Plants and Gifts mn Whitby. Sha was a member of Zion Ciristian Raformed Cirurch', Whitby and a memïber » of- the Wbitby Cirambar of Commerce. In 1988, sha was honoured by the chamba*r ais Business Parson of the Year.1 Sire is survived by her hua- band, John mothariJean; chul- dreri, Rick 'and Jacfc estre Marianne Westrik and Pii Nicols," John Albert Westrlk, Valaria and Richard Cain- grand- children Steven Westrlk and Richard Coin; siaters Jane Annen, Cory Hilliker and Mary. Tardif-, brot er Ke r N ¶yman,. sistera-in-law Bep anigLe SPECIALISTS FOR OVER 10 VEARS IN CLOSET AND STORAGE PLANNING, DESIGN AND INSTALLATION *8 types of wire shelving-we cut to 16" & 20" and we'l cut te size the fit at no extra cost. length required. *Ail Vinyl Coated Steel Shelving. Guaranteed installations by our own *Ide 'al for clothes or linen closets and qualified installers, or you may înstail. * storage shelves. Competitive pricing, personal service. Rocis and brackets extra. Over 300.000 feet of shelving sold *Available in widlths of 6m, 9, 12-, annually. LSPAE fAGE SHELVIN FREE IN HOME CONSULTATION 80 ThicksonFRd.,S., Whitby *, (416) 430-1636 <~ ~'Jo6 ous:Mp~ edlOm-pmThrs &FnC.aI9~ Sa.n-epm - -~Sat. q -- -vecht, Ria Westrlk, Garda Jenge- jans JokeWesV4trl&k and familles. Tiefqnraiseviewas held from the7Towne Funeral Chai on Wednesday, March 13, 1991. Interment at Thomnton cemetery. JOHN FOIRBES John HowarÏd ýIra Forbes of, Wiritby died on March 10, 1991 at Whitby General Hospital. Ha was 55. Ha was borri in Kaladar, Ont. on April 13, ..1935, son, of Ira Forbes and Aima Beatty." He, married Saîîy Maria. Kellar on. Decamber 14, 1957, in Kaladar. A Whltby residant for 28 years, ha was an electrician at Whitby' Psychlatric Hospital from 1969 te 1990, and worked for Brown.. Elactric and Gower Electrie.1 Mr. Forbes was a mamber of St. Mark's United Church Com-, posite Masonic Lodge, Ï'htby, the Haliburten Snowmobile Club and Minte Hunting Club. Ha is survived by' his wife,ý children Kathy Denshýam, Karen Tryon Steven Forbes, Sandra Carroi-and Darren Forbes, ais- tara. Marion Zurawel, Wiliam Forbes, Ina Craig, Leslie Forbes, Charlie, Forbes and Bonnie Al- son. Ha was predeased by hls> parents. ire funeral service was held from St. Mark's United Cirurch, Wiritby on March 13 1991 Rev. Brian Gea and ]Rev. tbesie'Lane' conducting. Interment at Flinten caméery. 6 Generations of Servio Quality & Trust *Family Monuments *Granite or Bronze Markers *Cemetery Lettering *Sandblasting Stafford Mnmns 318 Dundas StB, Whitby 668-3oru 46 ~6iU ~âm~aadfrnm13 1~___ ARNTS TOPSOIL Corne see us at the POOL - SPA - LANDSCAPING SHOW METRO-EAST TRADE SHOW March 22, 239 249 1991 FOR QUICK RELIABLE SERVICE CALL 683u'0887., TOP Soli - Sand - Curbs - Rockery Stone * Gravel Flrewood - Umestone - Pine Mulch - Patio Slabs - Treated Timbers I Obitu-arile's . [ cnnn~-piot sèrviçéo,,he.comrnunity since i984__ marýý-& xc

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