Whitby Free Press, 20 Mar 1991, p. 20

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PAGE 20, WHITBYFREEPRESS, WEDNESDAYMARGE20,19»oi ~q& .-CORPOIRATION 0F THE )TOWN 0F WH ITBY PARKS AND RECREATION GLEN DUCMUTVSHOOL SPRING PROGRAM 1. ADULT FLF-DEIPENCF- - Leam basic defence techniques as welI as how to ldentify and avoid potentia situations. ThuauùLdys 8:&50Zp.L Steaflae:, TuuUdY, ayZ 1991> Cool: *$20.00 (5>Weks) SPECIAL NOTE: FAMILY FUN FAIR,- SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1991- Mark your calendar nowl The numbor ý,of p'ýeople 'attenclng, Iast year surpassed Our wilet dreams. this year.,more évenits are planned along wth the 'oplàr Bicycle ,Paradé, Pet Show Haunted Hçse and Flsh Pond. D-u av anysgetin orFNF5l activities? If you can spare 1/2 anhour b out or if you would &iketé become more Wnolvod by helpng p or publicize, your community FUN -FAIR'..plase oel the GLENýDHUCOMMu'NITY SCHOOLoffice at 666-0969. WE NEED VOUI Look for more FAMILY FUN FAIR news in May. COMMUNITY SCHOOL SUMMER CAMP INFORMATION CAMPS OFFERED ATTrH FOLLOWINGCOMAMUNrTY SOHOOLS Bellwood Conmûnity School., Pringle CreekConimunityScliool, Gien Dhu Community Scool., Palmerston Commuünity'School- 30 BellwoodDriveý 80 RibbiesW dleDvê 29 Fallinàbrook Street 400 Palnmîton Avenue 571-477,( .66e-06l PRE-SCHOOL SUMMER CAMP (3.- 5 YEARS> Ns cmp fr po-sooolchilrenwiIlproide oùto r, activities includng nre m wls, wat erp, gme ndarsand ciâMs.-The faculities wifl Incud anarsrom g rasu.aswIIa park and pWagmound area.' Smrt Dâb: #W.*l.mh, "J3 19 EndË: W*wshy,>Aaigust7, 1991 No Cas: A'gut5'1991 Cons: $7 .G0(lO m*%w » or 2. Tusus&Tlwmday9:30-11:30 &m. strt Dite: Tusmdsy, ilY 2s 1991 Ende ~Thurud.y, AugmiSt, 1991' Cog: $85.00(12 : m&nigs HEYDENSIIRE PAVIUION Water Stroot (Brock St. S. bo Water St) 668-1262. Fobokngs "and pe"iscal 668-7765. Facily rea nomton alwt ihn, 350for dance, 53for meeting' CENTENNfALEBUILDING 416.Co3ntre<St Sifobooug a Facilit; ena nomto: ea omodoned wt hm1danèe for13 pepl. metng or200peple)î,,GodRo(meeig for 5 eol) ANNIEDTrEBFiTE POOL IROQUOIS PARIK COMPLýEX (écomerofi-1Iýenry-&, Victoria'Sts.).,668-7 765 ,GROUP SW1MMING LESSON. FEE:, $45 SPRING RECREATUONAL SWIM PROGRAM 1991, iuSteel lH'av 'j B- Whitby Steel Hawlcs, moved clouer to secondp lace with' a 14-12 vlctory over Brantord in a National Laàcrosse Loague gamo lust wook. Scott Rogors scorod throepgale whilo DYerokKoonan JîMif Erie Perroni an~d Pa'ul Day oach scorod twice for, Whi*tby. John, Fusco an& Rob, Crough had' the' othor goals whflo Terry Bullen Fusco and Keonan each' hac throo amsts. : Jim Merodith had, thregoals and, hré ýaseàtifor 'Brantford throo @pals. Troy Cordingloy had 1Wv. assists. Stool Hawkswith sovon wins. and fivo lossos are now only two p onts ^behind Vrantford., Guolph oads thé* 1"guo with-'arec'ord of 10 wins andthefslosses. Tho.,,lIeaguo achodule was recent 1 revisodi. Next gaino for Steel Hawks will '-bo -on Thurs- day, March 2à, agô.inst, Guelph. DUE TO'A DEFECT IN THE PRINTING PROCESS THE FOLLOWING WERE, OMITTEDIUN THE SPRINGI.SU)MMERA. ACTIVITY BROCHURE,-.' vks ege 'Brantfordý Tii hitby'oe aewill .Min'orLacrosse'1g b. e~o in Potoroog t Thor. Wll b. frée adrItssion M 1ma Centre, and it will b. for pan holders. Whitby,ý Ir(quois indoor soccer HOUSE LEAGUE Matàh 16 Dan.Joflo St. ClafrPaini Brook Gçn. Bard. NBad Bwoa i2 - MLaaNyl Itý Cam. Contre 1 Carda Emo O C..C.S. 2 Slavn BowveÏm'n mitthow Doua 6 '1hraway Mufle 1 Slavon Goodfowm matthow lafwge 'vlctocda mohvqon 2 North York Flockets 1 Uw1~pGoabma~, K. CanIf M Normàn D. àMae T., Matlil a iwiix P. Konol C. WYaao ATONS Mtch 1 ni-adwe CodardloCarp. 2 Bay Sports 'O OY1 Cam. Logim. e Slavon Potco 2 RoyalCaaLl Aglon David Grasa - Danny Cair 10 Mitchell Inauac David Crabbh-o Top Go.laooeoe Slavon Potco < Malthow Morgan Luca Nylor David Crab' Kyle Murdock ' Jonathan Blndor Paul Gwuchal NeffUub)oy Kyle Murdock Match 16 Whllby OpHilmla Josph Longe Jam Rua.m Krinon aWindlowsl Kovia Pope a Luas Nylor., 2 EtookilaIGA 0 imea=a I I I I I 3 7'Checkmraaloy 2 maàm@ pam îryaaKyrnen 8 DevIDaProno. O simun Ruinr Chrla Trmnblay, CalfS.araks I PrInglolGA g MlkaHmrrla5 Pan) calq2 MatthovWholan Adam Mur Monlrud &,P BlueaPlh a ichadl 3ukowukl DouiPrma i But LouicB.rro 17 15 14 j ~' f9~ j s 4 4 4 .8 Si 1, 'Val".?tlMark,0. Ant9xonyRaathna2 CjC.S An4Mb thyca2 Tyler ScÀ»' Paul Alomparte Br" Enaiey 38 l Bigonta 3sarod&Mlichfl I1 W Ian Murdock John GlIngluaý 3S JamLN elyn 2 le Top Goehooe Ilan Eey 28' ilBlnElo 2D il Baor a Berswa 17 John lIlIninîn17 Danlal Mill14 DUa"nNa I Scott Adama. ,9 AyMaihym' . 9 SlaSin-Rnoe -O a Minch le Whltby Optimiate 4 Chokan Vaniy 4 ScoU afla a p Jamm mâlna. 'N.J.M£cDmmO l SnPitg2 Doutraa 4' Bo rla 8, Ian WwOh Uta. 1>vb..~ OuatElBainlay r Juhaurdmn. RyanUaalag WbllhyRoy.L.glom 5 cUcaCc.tr.~. 2 AàmiUuksa112 Rahatlialpln2 RY.EMaEUnla' MaiiPayn. PalarOw.is Brookll, 1k' jmmathbmàlaà2 Armando dm.) HardbnaalçMouatl PUBUC ADULi PARENT i TOT 8S1ENIORS/ (mi poo<)PHY8ICALLY - - CHALLENGED MONDAY 7.3".W:3PM 1200-130 PM' 1'j:0-30 PM T11:00-12.00 noon, 8:30-9:30 PM . 1.-30-2M3 PM TUESDAY- 12:00-1:30 PM 12.00-1:30 PM WEDNESDAY 7:30-8:30 PM 12.00:1 *30 PM .12:00-1.30 PM - _________________820-9:30 PM THURSDAY 12:00-1 30 PM 12:00-1:30 PM' FRIDAY 7:00-8:00 PM 12:00-1:30 PM 1200-1:30 PM 11:00-12:00 nmon <8:00-9:00 PM SATURDAY 2:30-5:00 PM 8:00-9:00 PM 7:00-8:00 PM SUNDAY 2:00-5:00 PM 1>00-2.00 PMI FAMILV SWIM 5-30-6:30 PM SUMMER RECREATIONAL SWIM PROGRAM JUNE 29 -SEPTEMBER 2, 1991. PUBUC ADULT PARENT & TOT SENIORSI (mi pool) PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED MONDAY 2.30-5:00 PM 1200-:30 PM 12:00-1:30 PM, 1:30-2:30 PM 6:00-:00 PM 8:00-9:.00 PM 5:00-6-00 PM, TUESDAY -2:30-5.00 PM 12:-1:30 MPM 12:00-1,30'PM - 8:00-900 PM WEDNESDAY 230-5:00 PM 12100-:30 PM 12:00)-1:30 PM 8:0900 PM THURSDAY 2:30-5M0 PM 12:00>130 Pl( 121X)-130 PU 8*00900PM FRIDAY 2:30-5.00 PM 1200-1:30 PM 12.100-1:30 PM 6:00-8:0 PMI - 8:00-900 PM 5.00-6-.00 PM SATURDAY 2:30-5:00 PM ________ 7.0-800 PM 8:00-9O P SUNDAY :0-5:00PM. 1.00-2:00PMI 5:00-6:030 PM ______ ______ FAMILY SWIM i u$!.0"DISCOUNT Ion ANY service., V ',wlth this coupon. Expires Feb.1/92 TO ING24 HRS. U' Boostin Ope 7 wek ITire Changing- das *t Doo'r U n làking SERVING:,* LUReicovery Whitby - 666-'4613 U~ Towing Ajax 86-463 <~coupon per cu.stomr - Ra'ý'ycan and Baker move ôn inipaof ItRycn' Financial defeated Clroont Collector Car 's >-3'in Wednosday Nght Dart >Leau paoffs last woek. Bairker Fu.iture-Finisigei minatod Perma *omItr nationaùl 8-7 in an xiig over- time match.: There Were fist round byos for' Whitby TrophyHý>-ouse ,first-placo il. ixeËd bague GaryCoppins Services will' plý,ay t-place Daily Planet, and .seco6nd-place .Daryll Norton. services will play Dodd & Souter groadloom. Wtby Fri À&- F ,Tum Armstrong' -who has deliveredi.he WhtyFree Press in the Queen's Commonarea for,"-ovyer, two"years, has been .recognized as lhacarrier-ot the month. ,EACH CARRIER'OFTHIEMQNTH WILL RECEIVE A,, McDONALD'SWATCH'"AND COUPOýNS. Guelph Powot '13 BanlfrlWarnloa13 = SWkwlo12 PmuR"12 Pnlday nlght'a rouilla ,Whlby 1 10 30 191150D 20 8 50 221 188 161 7 50 161 159 14 012 0 142 ý218 0 nt Brauttod 12 Top Somma - Mata ch 16 Aan cola 2n DatnyWood National lacrosse. leagiie GP W .L ,T GGA PMS lorakK.onanýWhtby ý' Troy Cordlngloy, Brant. Grog Van Sickle, Brant. GerK Hots, Guelph 1 JIm Meredth, Brui.L- John Fuaco, IWhy b 1 BoblHnloy, Brantkidl& JIa Vla.., Btanlford1 Jo. Hot,Guelph 1 KIp Boennick, Brantioni Paul st john% Guelph,1 top 00 AsapTr 12 30 .40 70 12 24 36'60 13 27 28 55 13828-28 6 13 18 30 48 12 13 34- 47 14 32 46 Il 9 35 44- 18 27 12 '39 13 18 26 39 18 12 27 39, Saturday, Math 23, Biaiford ntBaffa Thuredoiy, mth 28 ,.GulphatWhltby (in Peterborough Fridaiy, Match 29. BuffalWaiBmat(onl Saturdoy, Mth,30 0udphat Buffab Mndy, Aprâ 1',; hIVN yatBr.nit(on Wednaadq. Apffl 8 BranirtaiGulph Saturdy, Aprt 9;<O> at Brantford<oaTMN Sanday, April 7 aiBranlai (mn MI 6P'.. ïk,

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