Wmm TBY UB t~1S, WEPDNESDAY, M&RCH I,20ý 1991t PAGE 21 Welland tournament Atorn, ms r,ý.each .ýconsolationfial Whitby Dodd :& Soeter major atoin Bs concluded.their 1990-ý91 seà son as consolation finalists at the annual Welland Little NHL tournamnent. Wbitby stormed Woolwich &-1 in their first, gaine, on the strength of " Dan Th orneo'. at trick and singles by Grant Souter andBryenDenyes. Derek Van agndi deottYoung andBriani Crilly each had a pair f assists with single helpesfroin John Lang and Mik Cartwright. Thorne was riamed moot valuable player.- hi gane, two, 'Wbitby tied Peibari 2-2. Sue had a goal and assist wbile defensemani Ryan- MacLeod rounded out the scoring with his first gag.Assiste in this gaine came froin Wayne Richard and Denyes. Crilly garnered MVP honours for bis PlaMèh Sanders playedà shutout, goal in. thethird gaine asWhitby acored seven times. against St. Catharines. Thorne bad a pair of goals -and, asssts wbile Souter also' potted a pair, and added a single assit. For bis strong play, Souter vlas credited with gaine MVP. Young scored twice with the final* go cornng off the stick of Van Egmond. Denyes, Cartwright and Whitby select hockey, MMOR5QUIRr Whitby 2 Dn voni Sesheshata iRyoFarmw Markham o Y-n Famw Wdn&Gaoe u Tmwaa DnvnEschocholta lm"do Whitb7 7 St. Catarinus Michal Koda 2 IDn alar 2 Bie Stanton MattheWHrmok. EF4n Matthews Whitty 5 GfgJohnsto 2 Den Von Euchacholtz 2 ity'an Farrtw Whitby NOVICEC plham 0 St. Cathares Osbawa Citnl Lim a a.amt whltby Kyle Ruttan Whltby 7 Staem Farquharuon MatthiewTyo 2 Scott Cook' Michael Atalas iCevn Pool matthewhite Whithy Ian Wataon 3 1 Lindsay LNlILBnains 0 3 LNHL OiBrs 3 chanmodip Ga Whltby 4 LIMM Oflle staem Famuhanaa Brandà n MeBtidS Leugme Gaine Mmzh 2 Whlfby 4 Wexfonl Kevin Poo JamSe Hnkman Michad el o-wd0vlh2 INOR BANTAM FëL.24 Whithy Adam Knut Raèb DSa Geaffcoe y ithi IL re Mares E. 23~uura Wtby 2 D«sdaCanne cmigafed=eeu bmarh4 Whithy 2 X1cDitmar2 Woefanl 3Nacth Yoeki Narth Yaek AgincoarIJ.Jana 4 Lars Clay contributed two helpe ro each with single assists 9ro." icbard, CrilIy and Josh Williams. Whitby fell short to the eventual, tournamnent champs, Thorold, 2-4, in their fourth contest and tbis set the stage for the consolation final against Bell River. Adamn MacCarl . was particularly strong on the Whitby defence in the Thorold 'contest and Young's ofesiveeffrts were rewarded with gaine MVP.' The Anderson senior girls' vol- leyball teain was defeated in the quarter-finals of the Ontario hil h sehool championships (OFSAA) recentl. Raiders, LOSS A and DYSSÂ champions who had been un- defeated tbis season, lost te a strong Georgetown team, 15-12 ad1-7. Raiders played, well, . ven without twotp la ers Kelly WatsonandMicheAea e. It was a successful year for Andcrsons girl volleyball teams S Denyswith -assisto --,froin Tyson Pe and Richard, and with' Richad froin Clay and Denyes, were teonly, Whitby sicaters to crack Bell, River's defence. SCrilly earned bis second gaine MVP for bis effort% '1inthis contest. The Wihitby coacbing staff Of Dave King, Bruce Johnson and Kent MacCarl, along with. managers Steve sud Jean- McLeod, were very pleâsed with this yearsà squad. as the senior and midget teains captured LOSSA an& DYSSA. tities.'1!he junior Raiders grab- bed LOSSA honours. Although -the team's outà tand- xn player, Lee-Anne Muir, won't be back ' next season as -she attendit Eastern Washingn Universit on a scholarship, the senior Raiders will aquire a lot of talented young players. Raiders midget girl s' team also won both LOSSA and DYSSA while the junior teain won LOSSA. THE WHNTBY Geinini- Gymnastic Club fnshed firet overail at the Niagara Cup. Sisters Kimberly and Hemr Sinclair aptured first and eighth place respectively in individual coptition. thr.. "'CgE COMPAN FiPKINS ST. S., WHITBYý 1670 Simcoe mSt Nos OshaM 0'e579-6868 *~%IT4. WHITBY IROQUOIS 'SOCCER"CLUB.' 1991 SUMMER SOCCER RIEGISTRATION REGISTRATION DATES: MAÀCH 22, 1991 6:OOPM TO 9:OPM' FRIDAY. MAFICH 24, 1991 10:OOAM TO 3:OOPM SUNDAY After these dates registrations wilI be accepted only If space lis avallable. PLACE: Peel Park Club House (Note change in location) AGE GROUPS: All boys and girls born inthe following: 1987/86 ROOKIE 1985 SHRIMP 1984/83 SQUIRT 1982/81 ATOM 1980/79 MOSQUITO 1978/77 PEEWEE 1976/75 BANTAM, 1974/73 JUNIORS For-more information please -caîl 668-2009 Noteé Ail free soccer bails'weie clalmed at'earller registrations. Bring birth certificate. Girls 1981 and earlier please bring. pictures. COST: $ 55.00 per person, .$11 0.00 -for 2, people,. $1 20.00 for family of 3 or more. Save $1 5.00,,per persan by registering by March 24/1991 deadline. After-March' 24/19917registrationdate h~cs wiII be.$70.00 per persan. .Anderson 'beaten >in OFSAA volleyball VAN &TRUCK 20% to 50%OFF MARCH lst to. MARCH 3Oth* eRunning Boards $69.95 ani up - Bug Shields $1 9.95 *Installations HALF PRICE 1* Box Liners $21 9.95 and'up *Truck Caps starting at $399.95 - Captain Chairs & Sofas -50% oOFF *Moulded Hood Guards'Ãrom $99 2