PAGE 10. WHMTYFRMM PRESS, 'WEDNESDAY, MARGE 27,1991 I LIK EJTHSPCER Have you noticed how Keith Spicer is getting a lot of flak frM the poiticians these days? When MulroneY set up the CitizeWs Forum on Canada'. Future, the criticism wes. ail directed towards the Prime inistr - -to1 litie - too late - but as the forum has phuged away ýat its mandate, it hase exposed the -sft cnebel f every poitician. People have been telllngthe commission. in drove that they dà n't like politiciens,' they dont trust the Prime Minister, and they think Parliement le a waste cf money - bot/i the House cf Commons and the Senate. The politiciens and a lot of ordinary folk are countering that the Spicer commission is a waste cf money too because, aller ail, there's nothing very new in~ those revelations - Gallup and Angus Reid have been saying much the same for yeers. But Sicer, quite unexpectedly and in spite of ail the pratfas andgeff of bis ragtag commission, ahptured something that the pollsters have missed. Pierhaps it's simply that there are faces behind the opinions and that these are actual identifiable constituents, but Spicer lias the poiticians worried like no polilihas ever succeeded before. Even Mulroney has becomne decidedly lukewarm te bis own- brainchild - not surprising since he has become one of its principal targets., 'Wat .Spicer bas found ie that a great many. Canadians do indeed care a lot - an awful lot - about their country and, inspte cf ail the ',oiticial negatvism, a re- openly and pubhcly stating their *sagust with what politiciens are doing te theiir country. And the way Keith Spicer is talking these days, it seemse he's quite wifling te put it ail in bis report, riglt down te the cuss words. SThe commission bas only three more months te finish its work - even though it has only recently got its act together. An impassible, agenda, but one dictated by h ederal government se its respomsete the clameur for public lnput that -arose at the, time ,cf the Meech'Laloe debâcle. If th.y thouglit that the appointument cf Spicer, an othierwise loyal To", Would silece tht lameur, they appear te have miquýdgsd both Spicer. wilingness te, listen and our own des"rete le heard. There in still: time te register y ûourvie-Sie shgl unlikely te hboar the million.,vcices he wae hop' ingfobu » t re is it edonottepoliticiens whodaeperately' wan tedicreitthe S3picer Commission before ifs evený finished. You have your chance te lie heard on Thuirsday, April il when the" Wlutby Chamber df Commerce is sponsormng a forum et the Whitlhy municipal building starting at 7pm. I. intend te be there because I care deeply about my country. Sucli forums were rueant te lie the essence cf the Spicer commission's plan te hear from a million people. Somewhere along the line, thougli, thà t message got lst in the media hype about electronic. tewn hall meetings and linkcing people from coast te o net. The heart cf the Spicer commission was meant te be grass roots. Its principal instrument is the Group Discusson Kit - a set cf questions te get the discussion going, snome forms for recording group and individuel commente and an envelope te send it ail back te Ottawa. EverYbodY was .invited.- te participate - any citizen couldhost a neighbourhood meeting 'n their living room or a gathering at their seniors' club.-A few cf the 1er er meeting s sc as- the one at the Whitby Town Hlall world be attended by a member cf the Forum, but the million voices woiild. come from smeil private locally organized meetings. *Unfortunately, bureaucracy got in the way. Way toc few its were printe and only when you called two or three times did you finally get one. I requested one 1-800-66FOIRUM back in January. Nothing came. I wrote a brief instead and sent that in. In February, I tried again. Alkidnds of apologies, but.this time they would make sure my request was on the '<rush' list. It arrived a few weekS ago. It was only then that I was able te ses the gressroots vision and te reelize the extent te which the bureacracy lied derailed it. Spicer's commission lias lied a rocky road but its inability te get its grassroots message across hmsthus far been its biggest failure. rm convincedtat many more than a million people would have wanted te participate'if they lied realized that they could set up their own local meeting. In the meantime, we have to do the best we cen - let'. pack the tewn hall'on",Aprl il and make sure Whitbvs IITIZNS' FORUM ON CANADA'S FUTUR ThUrsdy, April llth a t 7pmJ Whitby Municipal Building, Roslanid Road East ' sponord by the Whitby Chamber of Commerc everybody welcome! knitters are weîcome. For more information, cal Colléen et- 1991 MEMBSHIPS IApplications for membership in the 'Whitby General Hospital Corpraton for the yeai F ebruar 1991 te Januaiy 1992 are being accepted et Wbitby General Hospital (office> cf È; executive director, sertery tC the board:11), 300 Gwodon St., Whitby, Monday te Frida, 8:3< 4:30 Pm. Callln eac,' 668.831 xt.1315. lhe cast is $5.,,Me;iehipe mnay h ýa tee eut 'et any *tjJip However, eligildlity te vote et the 1991, annul meting'le depenident con being e mem ngood standing at least 60 day. prior te seid meeting (i.e..April 26, 1991). The 'ânnual meeting will ha held et 8 p.m. on Wednesday, June 26 ini the cafeteria et Whitby Genere] Hospital.* For further information, call the executiv e directe?.s office et 668-6831, ext. 1314 or 1315. HOUSING ADVOCACY GROUP Durhiam Regionial Acces. te Permanent Housing Comxitte will held a mee ting on Thusadey, Mardi 28 et noon et theWhiMtby Curling Club, 815 Brock St. N., Whitby. Bruce Porter of the Centre for Equality Riglits in Accommodation will ha the guest speaker. Admission i. free but pre-registretion i. requested. A iglit lunch will ha ser 'ved.- For further information and registretion, celI 686-2661 before *5 p.m., Merci 25. Ail are welcomne. Tlhe ninti annuel meeting of Durham *Seve-a-Heart will ha held on Thursday, -March 28 et non et the Durham Save-a-Heart>, office, 1450, -Hopkins - St., -Suite 106, Whitby., Special guest speaker, VickW Pidgeon, wiil conduct a > «Hearty-Eating' presentetion. Ail are welcome. For more information call 666-0995. FVNDRAIING EVENT- The, Oshawa Chamber of Commerce will hold'a fundraising event te celebrate the 50ti anniversery of the Oshawa- Whitby-Newcastle United Wey on Mardi 30, 8 p.m. te 1 >eam., et Oshawa'sJubiles Pavilion. CHUM' morning man, Rager Ashby' wMi help te, turn back the dlock et this ' 1950a Reunion Dance Perty.' The evening will- feature prizes for ,hast theme costumes, door primes and a grand' prize drew for e trip for two te Las'Veges. Tickets are $25 per person and are available, by celing the Oshawa Châmber c f Commerce e t 728.1683, or et Merle Norman Cosmeties in the Oshawa Centre. PARK1NSON SUPPORT GROUP The Parkinson Support Grou, Durham Region chapter, will hold e general meeting on Monday, past, or have any old memories or photos te -share. 'Contact us et i 668-2009 or P.O. Box 552,c Whitbý, Ont. 14N 5V3.a The, Central Lake Ontario" Conservation Authority (CLOCA) rwill hold an EasterEggHunt at- Heber Down Conserva tin Aiea m Whitby on SundayiMarch 31, B11 a.m. te 4 p.m. (Cfldren cen hunt for. special egg. tokens sand trade themi forchocolate treats. Paneikes wil hoèserved at the picic shelter from noon te 4p.- Tget to Heber Down, te, WY 12, go west on Taunton Rd î then&, -&rthonCountry Lene Rdâ. For. mrinformation cçal 579-0411., BONSAI SOCIMT Matsuyama Bonsai SocietyN will meet on Monday, Aril I 7:15 p.m., et Feîth Pace,4 william -st. W., Oshawa. The meeting will featurre forest plant- ing by Harry Kamstra. Al wel- come. Ceil 683-2568 or 668-8333 for more information. FRTOSHAWA ITC CLUB 'Fine Tuning,- Your PrÉesentetion SkiE Ils'i the theme, df the next First Oshawa ITC Club meeting to ehleld on Tuesday, April 2 et Hong Kong House Restaurant, 89 Simoce St. S., Oshawa. Fellowship at 6 p.m. Dinner et 6:30 p.m. at a cost of $13. Vince .DeCosta, an eward-winning speaker specieli- ring in the deslgn'and delivery cf management .training programs, will Ieed a workshop on <Presentation Techniques.'Al are welcomne. For informaionor reserv ations,' caIl Joan' Ann Evelyn et 725-9179 by Merch 31. CITIZENS'FORM Ail s'eniors -mhi Whly are> invited te help a Canada'. future et the PMitby, ,Seniors ActivCentre o uedy, Apri 2 et- 1:30 p.m. Marc Kealey fro the Citizen.' Forum will set. as facilitator. To «attend, cal 668.;424. OPEN HOUSE St. Elizabeth Visiting Nurses of Durham. will hold a n open lieuse on Wednesday, April 3 from 3 te 6 p.m., et 209 Dundas St. E., suite 302, NWitby. GENERAL MMESI MEETING A general membersbip meeting for the Oshewa and District >Associa tion for. CoMmumity <Living will ha leld on Thursday, Arl4 at 7:30 p.m. e'atthe' Oshawa Public Library, 65 Bagot, St., Oshawa. Topic, for discussio will ha 'Employment opportu-' nities in our communityfo individuels with developmentail handicaps.'-A number', cýf community agencies will ha represented on the. panel. For furtlier information, Cali 576-3261. ANNUAL AUCTION SAYE The annuel auion smmae f the% For further infiormation, oeil 434-4636'or 668-0552. PEpSY CHLAP R, MEETING The Oshawa and Aiea Epi jlepsy support :Group -will hold e meeting on Tuesdey, April 9, 7:30 p.m., KiYnsmen Centre,ý 109 Colborne St. W., Oshawa. 'Ail are welcSne. For fujrtier infocrmation,. ca 436-3152. Thius i*ý sà e on-bwnfitý Non-prfit .coimmunhtg0uD whlch arie basedIn WhItby*or have a subetantial Whltby momberahlp may, )eplace their uerigmeefIn 81 page at. no cost. ANlOANG * OnEaser Snde, 6p.m., ett Whty Christin Aïsembly corner cf Brock- and Rosslend Rd.I hee l' ha-aspecillmsc Mentetion by.thé Visioneires,ý fhnIdonesia. The unique- group ' singe and Jur. C 5s bklo5itig o president otW1EvaVeCl Thelocal guest speaker. wl h 'GENEALOGICAL SOCIET Tii. Whitby-Oshawe brandi cf the Ontarie Genealogicel -Society will hold ae meetingon. Tuesday April.2, 7:'15 te 10 p.m.,ý inth auditorium cf ýWhitby ,Public Library. Jim Glendinnig wil speek on three disestrous fires in history, and there wiil ,bh,ae displey c fire memorébila.,,All are welcome. Admissidon i. free.> LIVING WTHARIii îTIS The University c f Torot Rheumetic Diseese Unit and-the Osliawe brandi of the Arthritis Society wiil sponsor 'Living with Arthriti.he series of -four public programe) on Thursdeys, ,Apri 4, 11 18, 25, fiom, 7 te ille-dele Mener, north buiding9 <auditorium, 600 Oshawa' Blvd. N., shea. Fr:e pârlin-g. ire admission. repo- fessonel in'their fields,,-and wil deal with theiirtoes in. easily-understôodtrm. or more information, call 434-7221. GARDEN CLUB WOIRSOP The Oshawa Garden Club will' held a workshop on &'turdq, Api6fn rom .il a., e2~Op et the Senior'Citizen. Centre, 43 John St., 'Oshawa. The subjectý will ha'pno g an Afria violet-,qrkhop' et e cost cf $5. Thére wi-,bh.a freeplent te tae home, -p7uà cutting&, Bring an old. -violet and'learn how te revitalizo an' -l ln.For flintherý information cail Christine Gile, 986-03100 WKrF[TBY PI«YOCU TIhe Whitby Photo Club 'wlll meet eat.>the Whit:y ,Public IÀbrery 1on ModaApril 8 fromI 7 te 10 pm. Theélestésida chéic of the year will ha presenùted, and Devid. Bradhurst will return te, the club to entertain memâbers ýwitl a éide presentetion on Wales. 'i I I