Whitby Free Press, 27 Mar 1991, p. 23

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W~BFM EPRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAROH 27,1991, PA Hawks "win despite .8 due te sausenion, hibySte Hawks dea Banfrd141 Thursdayngh in National Lacross Lageaction. Theplyers wre uspneb tscu for ussng ekn prac Te i.Hawks ared Mm igpayers due te injuries, tlayàd on.e of their bout games o Whitby now stands in second place witha 8&6 record, with a gamin h hnd on the 8-6 War- nrio. John Fusco had an impressive 10 p oint evening, inciuding & hat tric. Wily ýArnioid scored five tines *and had two assiets, whiie league scoring leader Denek Keenan recorded five points, in- cluding two goals. Kevin Biggs and George Belle- perche each scored twice and had two assiste. Singie goals came from Terry Builen and Scott The. Hawks have two remei- ing gaines in: their schedule. Tiiey face Guelph in. Peter- borough Thursdaig ht,àpd are i Buffalo Apr'lito aglbwih the winiess Rnegades-- Novidces are Top Gun final. Belamys-Whitby major novice AA, team succeeefly completod their 1990-91. bague playoffs recentiy. Rleceiving a bye for finiehng Nem &rketinlesecond round, two -aiesto, none. Whitby thon adacdte round. tbreeand. defoated Ajax three gaines to one.. Scores »were 4-3, 3-4, 7-1 andi 5-0 r eepectively in the son..s against Ajax. The. final senis. was against Scarborough champion Wexford Raiders, an d Whitby won three gaines te non., with scores cf 8-2, 4-1 and 4-3. Betwesn piayoff series, Whitby attended the Amherst AAA Top Gun tournament, and r.ached the finals for the third tixne thie yean in AAA teurnaments. Whitby got off on the ight track, defeating Wiieatfieid 12-1, thon proceeded te defeat Hamilton r-4 in a very exciting Cme thre of the round-robin was against Welland, and Whitby railied frMI a two-goai deficit tu win 3-2.. Whitby advanced to the semi-finals againet London, the 1991 AAA international silver Ja. hywilifinish the sao .y participating i the. Bantamsl closei on:al-ntarlo chmpionship. Whitb mfnor hckyteame are flndmg ths all-Onai finals te b. an uphli battis, as only on. out of four clubs is ahead in their esiwies. . The Whitby Faniiy Kartwaýys bantam AAs hoid -a 3-1 series iead over Chatham. Why shut out Chatham on Saturday wvith a' 3-0 win. Chatham avoided .11-' mination on, Sunday, nipping Whitby 2-1. Gaine four will ha played Fr1- day at Iroquois Park. Gaine time Wi5t&by Sorbara Group ha peewees have thein backs tett e wali, dropping two gaines on the weekend te Chatham. The openig game in the. aIl- Ontario final was deadlocked at 3-8 after thre. perioda cf play, but Chathampule away for the. 7-4 victory. Br*an Scott. scored the ha rc or Whitby wbiie Jason Jiiompeon had the uigie In Chatham for game twoi W itb bt.4-1. stephen Biais crdthe ions Whibygol Game'.three' will Wb. piayed friday in Chatham -Where Whitby needs a victory te stay a ive f necesary 3sfour wil b. played on g 'day i Whitby. Whitb.y M&M., Meats imin«r atome also have their backs te the wall down two games te none in tIÊefr beet-of-five senis.. Whitby lost their opener i Watenlo-o .3-1. Mike F errett soered the ions WI.itb oqoai. Back in - WhitbyFnLday, the home club piayed atigit jam but iost- 4-3. Randy -Davdsn scored twice while Tanner Wést- fait scred once. The series returne te Brooklilu arena Friday, a do-or-dis game for Wihitby. Atoms reach final 'WORLD BHEAVYWEIGHT karate'.chalni*in, Steve '!Nasty", Anderson, wilflonce agai b. tighting for diabetes research. Anderson- wiElattempt to *break hie own record of 141/2 hours of contirnuous sann.The marathon will take place at the Holldy Inn =biOsha May 26, starting at 7 a.m Furtiier fdormation or- donations can be> made at, the- SunrayDiabetes ~MDMWDM To the. Editor. On Sunday, Manch -17, I attended the- annual generai meeting, of the. Brooklln-Whitby Minor. Hockey Association (BWMHA). I was particulariy lnterested in the discussion on the lack cf adequete ice facilities, and suggestons as te, how to resolve the probiem. As a resident cfWhitby for over ton years, I have seen rapid growth within the 'community, but the number of !ce feilties* has net propotionately incroased te, acconunodate such growth. Whule tii.expansion cf Iroquois Park served as a temporary solution, we still flnd ourselve in a despenato situation for mono ice tino. Due te, this lack, nany chilidren wanting teo play hockey in Wiit4y will end up disappointed by 6 a.m. practices, out.of-town practices or full registration., I write particulariy on behaif of tiree boys aged» 8, il and 12 playing in tii. BWMHA. HoWeven, I an sure tint othors shareny views, such as members 'of he WitbyFigure Skating Club, Whitby ingette, xnen's beague, and the, new WhitbY professioallacrosse -team whxe must play home. gaines in Peterborougi. Tiie newMsports complex on RoEeland Roed wll h a welcome addition te, the tewn, butegn the question aries, "Where je tthe ic nkr" bI c oing,Iwâh*to a*.,the Town parks and recreation committe. te look elosly at *tii situation and start ncluding additional ice rnik in. ite plans for the. very near future. blm Suddoas Whitby Whitby~s Hanet Plastics minor.. atom A team wrapped.up, their* seas On at the,*,,,Markhamý Whit radvancéd'ail the way te against oSorug ,lveam teanthe bo.ys came out'on top- .3-2. Whitby. next faced East. Gwillianbury They started, out slowiy, but by; the second periodý they foimd their saig esand defeated their opponente 5-2.' In-thein next round-robin gaine againet Guelph they got behind ealy 2-0, but came back with 6 unans wered gaois teo wind up firet in their division, defeating Guelph 6-2. The next gaine was a semi-final showdown- against Mankhain. The teain played one of their hast gaines of the year,- and came out on -top 4-1., Excelent team play, strong defense and strong goltendig advanced Wbitby te the finl Once again hard work kept tiie gaine close, but the team . Go for a dip in the pool! Your heart wiII get, a kick out of it. eventualiy, feU te a -vsry strong Oven ,Sound squad 6-. OCverail eoning-in the tounaiint forWhity were Justie onfour. goa lïor assste Mtt ora, ve gols two asit;Br.tt MacRuny, four goals two assiste; SayBenr one. goalfu&sise ee Ac fo d one ' goal th asite Shane 'Neil, two goals on. assist; Josh ,HEeuther,- one goal, two assiste; Matthew Snitii, two goals on. assist; Ryan .McArthur, twoassite; Jason H-unter,'- on.e gocal;, Paul Chornaby, Nel MacDonald 'and Sammie tcheeeeailwith' on. ass"a ah elletgoaltendingb Phullip Greenan and Scott W y "Slam dunk The.Durham College sports ànàtaon ' 1 ColiegiateSports/Merlin Travel Mlm Dunk Conteetfo Durhanm Region high. echol basketbali players Tii. event wiil ha heid atthe. Durham Colleg e atiiletic comnplex on Tues3day,A n1l 9, 5 p.m. Al proeed frie event wiiigo0te the, sports adminiistration scholanship fund. Tii. grnd pnize for the béast dunlcer is a trip for two te Chicago te see Michael Jordan and the. Chicago BuIlle play a gaine n homeé court. Let year conitest» was a succese, dnawing 1,000 spectaters, Wo cheer on 20. competitons. froi high echools in Durhan Region. Organizers, hope te attract -an even larger -field of competitors the yean. Advanoîe tickets can ha punchased, at Collegiate Sports locations -li Oshawa and Pickering and at the' Dunhai >College athletic complex. Tickets' wlll also ha available at the door on April 9 For further information. contact Bar-ry Rendor Sherni Sager at. 576-0210 (.it. 511). put on \mIr ,\\ 1111 1 1 11C IIC\ CI "CL' 1 11 ', 11 IC 1- LI 1 C ' tlic L111*lcl.cllcc", 1

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