Whitby Free Press, 27 Mar 1991, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WIITYFRPM PRESS, WEDNESÉ)AY, MARCR 27, 1991 Publishèd every Wednesday By,677209 Ontario Inc.,,., Phone.? .. .Maurce Pifheri. 668-6111 Eio Toronto Line 427-1834 Alexandra Martin wi' nge Dou 1g Anderson Production Mage Publisher GlA O IE 0 THECOUTY OWN131 Brock Street North, <frs t"" The only Whftby newspaper independently owned and operated by LlN5ShlbOn, 2n ha osa Whitby residents for Whftby residents. The change of government at Queen's Park hasn't A. m odel for iientà1 serve to de-institutionalize mental heaith care. interrupted the planning process for the redevelopment heath care The plan was the resuit. of Input from patients, 'staff, of Whltby Psychiatrie Hospital. community representatives and mlnlstry personnel. Only recently, the province selected the architectural welcomed the plan for a new faciiity to replace the While the actual work on the projeot inltially appeamed to f rm for the project. Construction will get underway ln the existing cottage-style buildings that had served sInce be a long way off, work on other areas of the extensive' summer of 1993 and the facility will be ready for early this century. The new, 325-bed tertiary care facllity redevelopment has aimeady begun, for example, the occupancy In mid-1 996,jif ail goes according to, sche- will offer speciallzed programs for people wilth chronic establishment of commu nity programs. dule. psychiatric disabilities who can't be treated *ln their own It was always the hope that the end resuft would be a The huge project was announced, with great fanfare, communities. But the overaîl plan also Includes more « care facility that Is desIgned to be the model for other a few years ago by the then-Liberal govemment. Staff community-based programs and services that wouid faclifties. Now that model Is only five years away. ~~LLL _________ ______w_-.OMM Don't abandon resonsbility for environmn Letter to the. Editoe: Es: (hildren and the. enviroent I arn always reading articles about how. w. muet educate children about environmental. awareness aund how 'the 4nvironiment should b. cleaned ip, wthat they can h -ave a eleaemr ecologically sound enviomn Ogrowupii 1To be honest, I tbiàkmasadulte* w. are missing a very important factor in our so-called environ- mental education technologies, that being the. "dean-up factor." Itils agood thingto beteaching our chidrenec bt in a used as common servat ta ean up after adults and other poflutors. We are telling lttie chlldren ta dean up bypcking up the trash, such as pieces of paper, cigaret packages and butts, botties, dog litter, *old tires and other abandoned litter, s0 that they can have apark in which to Pl%à1iis wiierewe ailbegin ta miss the point about pollution. W. expend too much effort on conditionn and mardpulating amal c'hiLn who are easily influenced, when the real pollutors like> large companies and governmet bodies, aul run hy adulte, get off déean. flhose who throw. litter in the. .,park should b. caugiit,- an& it il. th a hoshud b. *cleaning the' Cfdren should b. learning that being a whistle blower is just as impotat ta the. maintenance of a clean park as those who pick up the. litter. If bomeone blowa the whistle on a. poilutor, what in the. initial reaponse of your local government when you express your concerne? There is usually somne alick response lik., "Thank you for your concern,U and you, having been pacifled, conider pour complaint having been documented. You would think Sund&y sopping> Let's face it, if you ask anyone - do You want Sunday' shiopping, youl probably get a 'yes.' If you ask anyone - do you want to, work on Sunday, the. response- will be. less than enthusiastic. Tii. question of private consumer preference and convenience tends ta, fade in the. face of protecting tii. ights of retail workers.' The Sunday shopping law, caJled tiie Retail Busiess Holidays Act, was originally challenged on the- grounds that it chacrinunates against people wha do not observe Sundays as a religiaus holiday. InterestJngly enough, the four major food chains whlcii lead the battle, did not'call a single witness ta explain how the, act violated religiaus freedom. Consequently, tiie Ontario Court of Appeal ruled that tiie set does not infringe on anyone sreligious freedom because stores are opened on Sundays for econoniic reasons and nothing e"s.'Corporations do not have the unconstrained ight ta conduct business wiienever Howvprofitable was Sunday shopping? Nothing la conclusive here. Mie major chains are reluctant ta, release any sales figures whick'begs the question of wiiether consumer dollars were simpbe spread over seven days inst.ad of six. And was spending traîsf'eried fr= restaurants and amail, independent stores ta the. chains? Does this constitute economic growth? Spokespersons for Sear Canada Inc. and K-Mlart stated that tiiey were pleased with the, decision because Sunday openinga wèren't profitable anyway. And what about across-the-border s>>nWeILl as Premier Bob Re has stated, tuis fl ot just a. S=Mdaissue, it's a problem seven days a week. l'h. province will conduct broad consultations on tiie new legislation, whicii wiil explore ways ta, strengthen tiie protection of workers, iving the,te absolut. right ta, refuse Sunday work, and ta came up with concret. ways ta iielp border towns cape witii over-the- border competition. Write and let us know wiiat vou tuini, 1121 Dundas.St. E., Whitby, Ont. LMN M.4 telephone7430-1141. that your concern relating- ta the. pollutor would b. 'properly addressed. Guess again. The1 fact remains that most local governments are so lax and intimidated by a large company, that'- environmental policy or setting an example is nothing more than a slap on the wrist. Your local goverrnent acta ina vague, unauthoritative way and seems ta make the pollutor look like the. victim of you, the whistle blower. Let's face it, instead of having a government of politicians who mesure* tax dollars and jobs as the pofita of aur comuntis we shoùlId dump thone orporate beliefs and elect a body wt strong ecological intereâs. "A netwr cpay is good business,' btwaifwe ignore ai the land, air, water, and peoples' lives, that, surround this . great enterprise, Isn't that a lack of environmental awareness? 1W. are placing too much responsibility on our chldren. Granted, our-children need ta, learn. about environmental awareness. But let's give them trees, grass, fresh airanddean water, not garbage' baga and rakes. Too many adulte are ail tea willing ,ta delegate the responsibility -ta their ciiildren, forgetting' about the exmples that they themselves have set., Plas, ean U ou ct, b. "esonsbe MihelE Thinkbefore'you' ýtoss To the. Editon We've ail don. it, noa one is guilt-free You open the car window ad toss out a cigaret, or unconscioaly toss a candy' wrapper on, the ground., But times are ciianging, and the. garbage that people dump ia getting bigger and, in some cases, an eyesore. Beiiind aur houa. la open space. Running nortii and south of this are rolling berms. There has been a mattreas sitting on top of on. of. these be.rms for most of the. winter.'And behind tiiese berme lies even more garbage. A, discarded picket fence, baga of garbage, and a carpt are a few exam les. Andthe. otiier day, there was more! Juat off Burns St. E., across from Denison, four tires were dumped. I piioned' thie works department and they explained tiiat you can't take tires to any site nor will they pick them up (because they are considered iiazardous waste). A caîl ta Canadian Tire, Whitby, was encouraging: they wiIl take theni off your 'hads foi a mer. $2 eaceh.' People hav, ta, become more responsible for tiieir garbage. Ys, it may mean a.trip ta the. Oshawa transfer station for which you will b. charged, depending, on, what yau drap off; or it may. mean a secia pick-up by .tii. works departent. which will1'coat you $26.75. But that surely has ta b, better than .tus larger-than-life dumping. going on. If-- thisý continues "'"future la indeed, bleak. Bernice Bottan Whitby 1

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