Whitby Free Press, 3 Apr 1991, p. 12

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PAGE- 12, WRITY FREEPIRSS, WEDNES1PAYo APRIL 3,1991 Wilde sculptures Shown-,at MLaughin gallery- An exhbition Of supueby artet Peter Wilde wil pen at ti. Roburt McLaugblnGalr oe n rl4. Ti.pul cisnvtedy te ~ ~ o atedËh peigreception' froin 7 te 9 p.m. The ýexibiton comprises 18 Wood sculptures which range i higfm seven feet te, two Wilde says, "In My current, work, 'Real Women,' I arn d.aling with 'the new reality of women ordained te, the priestbood, as well as being members of other non-traditional professions such as war-rior and judge.» "The. modèe I used are ail women ordained te holy orders in the Anglican Cliurch of Canada. The. pri.st is an ancient rôle of sacr.d power. 'Today the roi. bas become ambiguous te many people, not l.ast te the men and women who carry on the tiadition. Some of that ambiguity and uncertainty is expressed in the pieoe 'Waiking Woman,' i the form of a balance beam. The rest of the work i the series explores other dimensions of our society's struggl. with women in',such non-traditional roles." As a devout Christian, Wilde lives a Mef that continually attempts te refleci a Christian point of view. Wilde's art is an expression of bhis conviction. His work comes from the -tradition of Nortbern Gothie sculpture and the. German Expressionists, whose work Wilde enthusiasticaily 'admires. is preferred mediumn for bis figures la wood. Wilde r.oeived bis bachelor of fine arts from York University in 1984, and bas exbibited ini solo and group exhibitions since then. The exhibition continues until May 19. Piekin' session at Camp Samac Pineridge Bluegrass Folklore Society will iiold a 'Pickin' Session' on Sunday, April 21, 1 te, 5*p.m., at Camp Samac, main ceuncil hall (north entrance off Celin Rd.). Ail are welcome.' IMMRYINHER or Ifis Substance MFriered WiIi a viliain suoeeed wfth his dastardly deed? <Find outi) emb t S27J5 Apri 4 to May 12 For ieoervfatl n d Cali 472-3085 The Forgotten Rebela fromn Hamilton, Ont. will perform on Friday, Aýpril 5 at the. Purpie Onion, 2 Athol St., Oshawa. Tii. band, fermed by Mickey DeSadist in 1977, la on. of the original pionerof the.'punk/ glam'. soundl for which it la, k.nown. Tii. band bas been sind te a North American deal with Reat- lesa Records - and has released Courthouae Theatre mounta Gao Light. Clasi ApIril PR UWILDE'S 'Real, Womw.r Five Prlests' begins ftiursday at the Meaughilin GaUeiry. Family -gardens are inspiration for Porter Yolande Porter's Paintings from a Decade in tii. Life ofea Woman' will b. siiown in -the. Whitby PublieIàbrary audi- teriumîfrom April 2 te, 30. Porter's father was a 'planter, and ber earliest recollections were of the. family gardens and tii, brilliant colours wbich sur- round.d ber. Ii. gardens remain lier prim- ary inspiration and ah. refera te them as the. &iiIerent part of hier. tetally inescapabie.» Much 6f Port.r's work is in watercolour, acryiic and'mixed media. 8h. bas had numerous exhibi- tions across Canada. Tii. collection of art consista of, tbre. parts: Journey througf', Hell, Uncertain Journey, -and The. Sun- Series -- A 'Cosmic Celebration. Due te lack of space, the. Whitby lbraywill not show Journeythroughlell and some works from the other two series. The artist will b. at tii. Iibrary on Frday, April 5,6 te 8:30 pa.. 'Tickets are now on sale for Whithy Courtiiouse. Theatre's production of Gas Light, now in rehearsals for the April .25 oponing nilit. It's thietrd and final' show in the tiieatre's 1990/91 season and follows Foxfire and the hugely sucoeasful Run for Your Wife. Gas Light, Patrick Hamilten'ls classic suspense thriller, is. set in London just before the. turn ofthie century. It tells the atory of a woman (played by Monque, Essegern) who is convinced she is slowly loing her senses, as her husband (Rick Kerr) loses bis patience with her apparently bizarre bebaviour. But an enigmatic detective (Henry Schregardus) who pays her an unexpected visit causes ber te consider the. possibility that ber suave and cbarniing husbandis not all that h. seems. Thi. cast of Gas Light will b. familiar b xnany Durham th.atregoers. Essegern was most r.centiy seen in Oshawa Little Theatre' production of tii. Dining Room this seqon, and was alo featured i WCT's production of Noises Off two semsons a4go, for wiiich. she was nominated as best actr.ss in a province-wide play coenpetition. Kerr was also seen this season, as Detective Sergeant Troughton in WCTs production of Run for Your Wife. Kerrilyn Wood, lait seen iFoxfire and in.tth. titi. roi. in Agnes of God, is also f.atured hi a supportig -roi,, as is Barb Farrow, making a return after a hiatus from the. WCT stage. Sciiregardus not'oniy fileaa principal onstage roi. in Gas Light, but, h. is aiso tii. show's production designer. H. .arlier directed shows such as Noises Off, for which b. earned a best director nomination in provincial competition, -as1 well as thebest prouction award for the show -itseif. .Schregardus. also dir.cted FoxfIre, which op.ned WCT's current season. Gaso Iàght marks the directorial debut cf Boyd Tattrie, best knowii for bis appearan-sin 'pr.vious, WCT eproducûtiàns such as Noises Off, Bone-Chiller, lIow To Succeed in Business, and FoxfIre. Gas Light has, been keeping audien e- spellbound for over 50 years. In the. late thirties, it op.ned to tremendous success both in- London and on'Broadway, wbere it, was, entitled Angel Street. It was filmed in 1939 and again in 1944, and it bas been frequn -rvvdby professional and community theatres. Oas Iàght opens Thursday, April .25 and rune through te April 27, and,'continues every Thursday through.,Saturday te May 11. Ail performances are at 8 p.ni. at ,the. theatre, which is located 1in .the. Centennial Builing at 416 Centre St. E. Ticketsar availabie at Whitby Courthouse Theatre's officiai, ticket agent, Lafontaine Trading Post, 122 Brock St. N., on. block north of Dundas St. Tii. store bas extended heurs Thursday and Fridays, and are. also open Sundays. Courthouse grop acceptwts«dfrectoir applications WVhitby Courthouse Theatres deadline for applications te direct a show next. season bas been extended te Friday, April 5.' Tii. 91/92 season wiil b. made up of Frank Loesser's mscl 'Guys and Douas,' Oct. 31, Nov. 1" 2, 7, 8, 9, 14p 15 and 16; the. suspense draina, 'Nuts,' written by Tom Topor, Feb. 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 27,* 28 and 29; 'Room Service,' a comedy written by John Murray and Allen Boretz, April 23, 24, 25, 30, May 1. 2, 7, 8, and 9. Application can also.b. made to b. the. musical director for Guy and Doils, in- coiijunction with, a director or on one's own. If int.rested, contact Michael Roantr.e, 19 Glen Hill Dr., Wiiitby, O nt., LiýN 6Z8p two albums. Opening the. show will b. Toronte's Big Big Mme and Oshi- awa band the. Laughing Shakes- pears. The Shakespears combine a sixties' sensibulity with a nine- ties' hard rock sound. Advance. tickets, for $5 are available at Rob's Récorâs in Whitby. Cover is $8 on nigiit of show. Mystery night upcoming Tiie Oshawa Symàphony Orchestra Association will b basting a fundraising Mystery Night Supper Theatre, 'The. Headmnaster Dies,' -at Durhamn Côllege on Friday, April 12 at 7 p.m. Tickets are $50 each, whicii includes- dinner and tii. performance. An income tax receipt for $25 wfll b. issued. For furtiier information, cal 579-6711. Orchestra holds book sale ii. volunteer commtte. of the. Oshawa Symphony- Orchestra la collecting good used books and reords for its 'us.d book sale' on May .8, 9 and 10 at the. Safly Oshawa. Thosm wishing tj donate items may cail the. Oshawa Symphony .office :-at '(416) 579-6711 te, arrange. for pick-up. Books can alob. dropped- off at Ë1 DeSadist's Foirgotten Rebels to -perfom Don't Miss This ANTIQUE SHOW The legendary Bowmanviiie Antiques & Folk Art show at tbe Bowmanvilie Sports Compiex on Fi-wy 2. Take 401 to exit 431. Sat. April 6 il a.m. -.6 p.m. Admission $6. Sun. April 7 il a.m. - 5 p.m. Admission $3 Without a doubt, Carada's premier show/sale of 'Country' antiques& art.

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