Whitby Free Press, 3 Apr 1991, p. 19

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WHJTBYFREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 31991, PAGE 19, Novics akeTimyTyke ii Brooklin-'Witby nminor 'novice AA teain, sponsored by Clintar' Grounidskeepingi %captured the gran chapionhipof the 36th> annual ITimmyTyýke hockey tournament"onï -March-,30 a. t Ma leLeaf Gardenis. Mheboys had a day that they will nover forget. They -arrved at Maplo Leaf Gardonsein 1style.by limousine, anid adjusted silowly to the, size and- history. of the. gardons. Aganet Cbinguaousy, Wib -started sblowly but caught fire on an', end-to-end rush by Sean ,MacRury.- However, it was their- discipined but aggressive foZUceckngthat woro down'the Chinguacousy AAA'teai'. Luc Archambault scored two gËoals,;both on deflections, and Sean MacRury complted* theý scoring on a high shot mnto'the coner. Brad Slater, Blaio Down, Davd Morasse, Jay Ilarrson, Jeremy Fisher. <l als a Havod nd, Boby McBrido- e ac had an assist. <1Paul Valaitis ~n ut Sargent shared the goatendin«, anid. although not' ovrWorked, thoy woro e" ry steady between tho, pipés.- Other teain members are Rob Lalondo, Mike Morrison,, Mark Cipparone, Sean WalshMichael: Konieczny and Jef Freizer., The conehing staff ia comprisedd cooch Ian-Wailes, assistant coach Marc. LaLonde. and tramner John Morrison. The ,team ,recently ý.,,became Eaistern Ontario championsý. :Over the season they won the london, ýWoodb3ridgo ,and, Windsorý tournaments, were finalista-itheý Pickering.-tournament,-'an d' sei-finalsts in theOiliaand" Bàrri AAA tournaments. This- weokond the teain was iited to the Markham AAA invitational. 1; Vaaiisrceived aseca' awa, as ho, wasnaodms aube playr ofthePete 11r Law division hm the T7%xy 1ýko' tournament. -The êentr ei 116owd only furgoals'ovèr^the' four, games, inclucling. tw shut"uts; and scored 19 goals The Tmn WSyletournament; bas two purposes: to lot, theboys have fun playig hockey ndt raiso money in support of cippb clhildren in Ontario., Tee Angels e are national champions WH1TBY ICE ANGELS gather for a. they won the novice Preebsion'ekaLte, photograh'session at the tràin station ca ionship. upon ther return f rom, Quebec where One Wbitby tearn won the Canadian novice- precision skat- ing titi. over the Weekend whilo anothor Whitby team was deth-, roned as-iTeigniýg champion.,, teami came back froin Quebec Monday nit, ith a Candi an Champîonship while Ice Pyre Wih Ico -Angels,. novice teà,ùpw didn't make it out o' di -oasthe. yoar beforeë, put it altogethor ta win, out ýagainst very taugh competitionat the. "Tho çrls had tho best skate of their lhves, said Icet -Angels manager Kathy Hansford about the finals. Meanwhile' Laval, que., upset theý threeý-timàe'defend.gnsenior champion eF yro.-dig' I e37-eWhochanged ýtheirý ruie12 day. ago were. nar- rowly beaten out for gold, by -the home team.ý <'There mwas oraison, why .we' should'thaV >woi" said pro- cison chairman Donna Gibney.- 8Sh. said it appoared thajudges- placed, strong emphasis.on -tech- mca pe rpanco which .was perfectiy smlted ,to icefyýro's-rou- «Lavai had 'no technical at -all,w Ceboysaid~ Ieyepreviously*won ana- dian cha oshp iEdmon- ton, Toront and ithnr Waterloo. BatascatueOMBA championship". .B ntm's .çapneMt. Whitby Famiy Krwy mjor bantaminswonthe Otai Mino HokeyAssociation AA chaminsi ver the woekend, ini hatham. When theegt itsre resum.d- on Frid"ay, Whtby had sixpoit on the strongthof tbeewisagainst 0onO S.. Whitby Steel Hawks' Derek Rema John Fusco Gleoxe feleperct WillyArnold Scott -er Jon Grant TwriyBullhn Kvinigia Eric Perfoni Ane y Uuemmq Jarry Fltgaecad, cn iMlmn(G> »o crough Scott mc»mihel DeUK Criby Gragi*poe Darenifoni Cod Brttt . ,ja=Dooct Kevin Hayes RIch Dymelit pave sont (G) Cain Fraer Bran Arnold (G) Jamie Delaneiy Paul Hall Gus Liadia GP OP 13 32 13 16 13 25 12 18 13 17 - 12 7 12 Il 10 12 9 9 10 5 10- 4 13 1 13 1 13 6 13 0 a63 12 0 8 3 6 2 4 0 7 2 1 2 7 1 3 0 6 0 6 0 8 0 3 0 3 0 1 '0 68 39 31 22 27. 31 273as 25 4 24 41 21 12 17 6 17 -83 16 28 15 10 14 1 8 14 7 20 6 104 4 14 4 10 4 2 3 25 2 2. 1 12 1- O 1 0 1 2 1 2 2 2 0 o 0 o0 Chatham gained a 3-8 tie on Friday beore -a large crowd at Iroquois Park, forcing another gaine on Saturday. On Saturday in Chathamn, Whitby wrapped up the. series with a 5-3 win. With tho win, Whitby gained a berth in tho all-Ontario major bantain (age 15) chaznpionship tournament to bo hold in Water- loo April 12-14. Teams froin Metro Toronto, Northern Ontario* and Waterloo National league. rADNS (u wd]I PC m Guelph Powet Bt.niladWstd«i 10 4 199 161 9 6 O 86178 9 7* 274229 1 130 '169 260 DorekKannWldtby. 14 35 45 80- 22 GregvaLn ck1oý Brant, 16 32 33 65 36 John Fumes, Whtby 14 18 46 64 41 Troy CrdnglBfl. 13 25 37 6e2 29 Jira Mrdth. Brant. 15 23 37: 0 4 GerryiHti, Guuph 14 28 29 '57 32 Kip ennck.Brant. 16 19 37 ES 22 BcèHmIY, mnt«d 16 16 39 iS 24 JI, veltbman- BéantfOrd 13 Il 41 52 30 JoHItzGulpa1i3 12 43- 40 JePolesufIo 132221 43* 24" will compote. Witby teain iembers are Jay, Stewart, Andrew Valaitis, Ben NeweIlAdain Parks,' JofDun- can Brandon Knight, Adamn Mdeodà Gary Kane, Josh Ford, Brian ]lurke, Scott MaffDonoll, Scott G er Mark Babony, Jin Lebold, Gord Lee, Wayne Pri- moau, Jason Bonnyman and Brian Medeiros. PEEWEES COME BACK In the Ontario qrpoowee (age 13) AA final, Whitby foroed a fifth and deciding gaine tonight' (Wedniesday) ,by .coming -back with two wins against.Chatham. Chathamn won' the firat two gainesof tho sories but Whitby won .4-1 on March- 29 in Chathpn and thon 2-1 in Whitby on Su day., Jer aySchott openod the scor-' ijfor Whitby in otidgn. Wth the teains tied at 1-1, Josh Tfhompson gavo Whitby the lead for good. Stevpn Biais scored two more intho third poriod whulo Barry Crawf4rd was outstanding in O5n Sunday, Chathamn broke a scoreless tio with a second-poriod oal. Brad Nowport _ tiod the score thon -Main Shields, scored in the third periodý to- givoý Whitby the win. Crawford was açain outstand-, ing for Whitby against the. strong Chathamn squad. Rems hmfr nthe ininor atoin and m o atonail-Onïtarlo series wernot =valable at press tino. Lacrossefinals thisweend Wbitbhy Steel Hawks aie on a roll as they head . i o the National Leoesse eaguham- BraU1t!O6. i Whitbhy defeated Guelph Power 11-8 asat week and tlýashed Buffalo ]Renegade 21 +11 'on Monda night. Hawkýs, wvho havejwr seven gaines M> a row, 11fi cthe high-scorng Brantford sudin the soii.4nal onStulami Brantford. Firetplace Guelph will play Buffalo, Who wonoy onejgame during the reuar On Monda gainat Bùff1o4 JoFuo % Dre Kennand George .Belleperhe each scred three os for the Ha swhie Wily, h old added two goals. Bothi Craig Milligan and Brian Ariioll shared goaltending Aii-lob ýinnriýawt-on frthe Fuscoand in Vlieff each. had six-point gamemcudin-g two >ol. pec.sigle goals came, from evnBig o Grant, 9Scott RogesadBl- p1ayff~.Semi-final gaines 'will b. N t' plafed Saturday' and the. final il w ~ sMinor Lacrosse m in willbe on sunda .AM'four teains Peter rolast Thurdajr and - Whitby, Branlord, Buffalo and. Glp and Hawks didn t dis Guelph - in tenwbgewl ap in man entertainin'g cn aticileate ii he ayoffs. test. Admission cost le $10 for each, Ale start put the. Hawkaso»mi-finalý contest and $15 for down 1 a, half Bu t Hawks the final. bounc b etrongyh h For ticket -informiation cail 1- anLsd1y,'m'the 1

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