PAGE 20, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WfEDNESDAY, APRIL 3,1ý991 CORPORATION 0F TH E ~ TOWOF WHITBY: PARKS AND,,RECREATIOQN'ý DUE TOA DEFECT IN THE PRINTIN9 PROCESS THE FOILLOWING WERE OMIU«-ED U1N, THE SPRING/SUMMER ý.:,AGTIVITY BROCHURE' GLEN DHU COMMUNITY S'CLSPRING PROGRAMS; 1. ADULT SELF-DEFENCE - Leamn basic defence techniques as wel Os how to identify and avold potentiel situations.. ThIwaldays 8:50 - 9:50 p.m Strt Dais: TIrdyMy211 Coot: $%."00U(l= SPECIAL NOTE: FAMILY FUNIFAIR - SATURDAYJUNE 1, 1Oi9 Mark your calender 'nowi The number of peopie -attendng lest pear sreseour 'ids .ras This*year more everits are panned'aIo0gý with tfie popuier.Bicycle Parade, Pet Show Haunied House, and Fish Pond Doyo have any.suggestions for FUN F5IR activities? If you cen spare 1/2 an hour to seil tickets or if you would like to becomemrinovdb helpng topianor publicizey our community, FUN FAIR, please calt e GLEN DHU COMMUNT SCHOOL offic at 666-M.69. WE NEED VOUI, Look for more FAMILY FUN FAIR news in May., COMMUNITY SOHOOL SUMMER CAMP INFORMATION CAMPS OFFERED AT THE FOLLOWING COMMUNI1TY SOHOOLS Bellwood Community Sohool, Pringle Creek Communitychool, Gien Dhu Community Sehool.. Palmerston Community Schooi, 30 Beiiwood Drive 80 Ribblesdale Drive 29 Falingbrook Street 400 Palmerston Avenue 571-4710 668,0666 866-0969 666-0959 PRE-SOHOOL SUMMER CAMP (3 - 5 YEARS) ibis camp for pre-school chiIdrèri wiII provide outdoor activities ýinýcluclng nature welks, water play, gaýmes and arts and crafts. The facilities wil include an arts room, gymnasium, as well as a park andi playground aree4 1. bi Mo sW.chisdays930 -11:30 Ë. S CitDi> Wd.a1 s, hy3,1991 Ends: W ed nssdaýy,Auw 7,1991 No Clam: Augut 5, 1991 Cos: $70.00(1muus or 2. Tuesayu &Thurays 9:30 -1130Oa.m Stit Date: Tuesday,Juiy'2,1991 Ends: Thuoedy, AugusiS8, 1991, Cosi: $85.00 (12 mornilngé) REC ETIGNAL FACILITIES AND SERVICES HEYDENSHORE PAVIUION Water Street (Brockç St. S. to Weter St.) 668-1262. For bookings and permits cati 668-7765. Facility rentai Information: Hall with kitchen, 350 for dance, 530 for meeting with no tables or alcohoiic beVerages. CENTENNIAL BUILDING 416 Centre St. S., for booking cati 668-7765. Feciiit rentalIinformation: Reget Room (air condltioned with kitchen, dance for 13 people, meeting for 200 people), Gold Room(meeting for 50 people). ANNE 0T1ENBRITE POOL IROQUOIS PARK COMPLEX corner of Henry & Victoria Sts.), 668-7765 GROUP SWîMMîNG'LESSON FEE: $45 SPRING RECREATIONAL SWIM PROGRAM 1991 PUBUic ADULT PARENT & -rTT sENioRsi (minaipool) PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED MONDAY 7:308:30 PM -12:00-130 PM 12:00-1:30 PM 1:01:0no 8:30-9:30 PM 13-:0P TUESDAY 12:00-130 PM 12:00-1.30 PM WEDNESDAY 7:304830 PM 12:00:1:*30 PM 12:00-1,.30 PM 8.20-9.30 PM THURSDAY, 12:00-:30 PM 12.,00-1,30 PM FRîDAY 7:0":00 PM 12:00-l.30 PM 12:00-1:.30 PM 11:00-12.00 noon 8:00-9100 PM SATURDAY 230-5.:00 PM 8:00-9:00 PM 7:00-8:00 PM SUNDAY 2:00-5:00 PM 1:00-2:00 PM FAMILY SWIM 5:30-6:30 PM SUMMER RECREATIONAL SWIM PROGRAM JUNE 29 - SEPTEMBER 2, 1991 PUBUJC' ADULT «PARIENT &TOT- SENIORSI <ým pi - PHY8ICALLY CHALLENGED MONDAY 2:30-5:.00 PM 1200-t:30 PM 12:00-1:30 PM 1230-2:30 PM 6:00-8:0 PM 8:00-:00 PM 5:*00-6:00PM TUESDAY 230-5:00 PM 12.-00-V30 PM 12:00-:30 PM 8:00-9:00PM WEDNESDAY 2:30-5.1W PM 12:00-1:30 PM 12:00-1:30 PM 8:100_9:00 PM TIIURSDAY 2:30-5:00 PM 12:00-t30 PM 12:00-:30 PM 8..00-9.00 PM FRIDAY 2:30-5:.00 PM 12:00-1:30 PM 12:00-1:30 PM 6:00-8:00 PM 8:00-9:00 PM 5:00-6:00 PM SATIJRDAY 2:30-5:00 PM ______7:00-:00 PM 8:009:00 PM SUNDAY 2:00-5:00PM 1-00-2.M PMI 5:00-6:00 PM FAMILY SWIM Bsre ach semi-finals là n Markham, Th e.W tynoie swere snifnalisits'at.a teurnament in Markham pver March break. >Whitby defeated a Sarnia AA team 2-71 and then droppd a 2-1 ,decis;ion'te a ';WexfordAA team.ý' A 3-1 win'over a -Newmarket AA team put Whitby in the semi- finals. .lI the demi-final, Whitby and a Markham -AA team went te triple overtime before Markham prevailed 2-1. At a teurmament in Buffalo, also duririg March break, Whitby .Iost three straight to AAÂ teams from St. Catharines (5-1), West* Seneca, N.Y. (6-1) and Markham Brooklin & Whiitby -Kinsmen major, novice Bs won a tou rna- ment in Cobourg recently. Whitby'defeated Oshawa. 4-0, Scarborough 6-0 -and Peter;- borough Northminster 4-1 to win their division. Whitb then defeated another Scarbor o gh teami 3-0. In the final 'Whitby edged Bellevile 2-1. I3elleville, a AA tem had 'previously defeated Whtyin two other tourna- ments. Members of the Whitby team are Ryan Callaghan and Steven Pigram, (goalies), Ricky'Mace, Scott Berrey, Mark Unwin,'Jor- dan Fitzgibbon, Jei Church, Danny Small, Jaso Peyman, Rgyan* Dancey., Jared Brown Jamie Giles,e Dmny Cohen, Paul Goldsmith' Case y Dupont, coach Robert Pitzgibbon, assistant coach Dave Peyman and mana- ger Sylvia Dancey. Skating clubto hold 'nulMeeting, The Whitby Figure Skating Club will hold, the anniual meet-- ing on Thursday, April 18, 7:30 g .m. in the councilchambers of the*hitby municipa ulig Wihitby's Jim Gregorcic aims te become on. of the nation's pre- mier wrestlers. Greforcie, fresh from a, golci modal Performance at the Ontario Winter Games, is pre- for the Canadian cham- pionsbips May 2. in Sakat- chewan. 'Tm planning to t the fOld,» ~Ys~~rfo the Canadien Olympicteam'. .Having te wrestle five matches over a two-day period atý the Winter Gemes- was a tough haul for Gregorcie. "I had three matches the first d ay, it was fairly tough." H.ý wil com pete in'the 1361b. catego7out. west against In bis first year of bigh schoolý at Henry Street Gregorcic finds bimself without -aschool wres- tlingf club i which to ,articipate.' Wie he eniters e.>FAA* this year,- he will do; so. on his own, Without coach or trainer. nifé s bard 'te b.without' a coach', pépé cWIl.when this ismy first bil séhool tournament.» However, Gr-gorcic .continues- te Wiffltle as a memiber of the Durham XL's. AAA- try-outs in April Spring tryr-outsfor the Brook- lin-Whitby Minor Hockey Asso- ciation AAA rep teamus will begin, April 14 at Iroquois Park arena. Try-outs are for aIl age groups- from minor atom (born in 1981) to midget ( -boru in 1975 and 1974). (Novice try-outs will be held in Se ptomber). - ý1.' Cost per try-out is $7. For, more information, includ-, ing try.-out 'times for» each age gou, . cali Peter Lang (666- g 26p .Larry 'D n ey 728 0550), USED, CAR CLEARANCEl minimum $2000M trade WE'LL DOUBLE VOUR DOWN PAYMENT UP TO $10009» * PRESENT THIS AD AND RECEIVE $100.00 OFF ON ANY FORD ESP WARRANTY We, guarantee a combination of fair' market value for yot.w trade-in and a discount that wi be equal to $2000.00. Trade-in must have valid Ontarlo automobile or truck ownership. May mit be combined witW doubl e down payment or low Interest rate programs.- May not b combined with $2000.00 minimum trade-in offer or low ineeirte program., May not be combinéd with $2000.00 minimum trade-in or double down payment offers 24 month maximum terni e.g. 9.9% $1 0,000 24 manths C.O.B. $106376 Mi ke Brousseau (666-1617),- Peter Kennedy, (668-7536) o Dave Wall (668-6735).ý Norwood Ins, Littie Rocks . bonspiel at clubýý -A Norwýood Curling'Club rink won the Littie Rocksonsapjel.or curlers agfed 7. to'12,-.atth Whitby CrlngClub :onMah1 Kevin -Deen W as sipoëf the secondPat ýLauri*e arid lea c Treor Deen. Runner-up was a rink from, the Annendale club, and-.third prz went to -a rink fro m P the Chinguaousy club. Petites. take league titIýeIý Whitby Lions petite. B ringette team captured the leuie championsh p . on .SEatuy March defeatmg Mfarkbam- #2 by a score of 9-3. ià sa Vaniderlip led the scoring with six goals,. Karyn Peacocke' -added two«' goals and Angela Poland one. Assists went, to Stacie Beetbam, Poland, Brea Blight, LuanneP Macezie, Saah' Larocque, Peaclocke and Lindsay Millard. Match 16 Witby 2 Woodutock Be Fà &wood Cmau5 e1ca WNmt 3 mnfr4 Math 216 Witby i Bo1 ammmilI 3- StephonCooper L .N. -~ Socc rl b wats to hear fo ormer member The Whitby Iroqà ois Soccer Club je looking for anyone who wae nlvd wit1he club-in"' the past or anyone.ç who can share memoies or photorphà bout ,the cluib. The club.,wiIl celebrate ite, 25th, annivereary thie year. Feetivities plarmed include'a parade on May 4. Anyone who :has infortmation cari cèll,,668-2009, or write to P0 Box 552, Whitby, Ont. LiN 5V3. eg s fôr Gregorcie aimfo gold. at lnati'onals,'