Whitby Free Press, 10 Apr 1991, p. 26

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PÂGE 26, WHITBFREPRESA, WENEAY. APRIL 10, 1991 IB8 stuCurrie >The tbIll "and excitement of watching various sports are a plaueto the viewer. It is, hoeeeven m'ore firn to be ivolved in the action. Anderson bas numerous teains excelling in sports of ail sorts, and there are hundreds of skilled players. Last week, this year's Raider girIs? soccer teains licked off the season with an exhibition game against Brock. The junior team was offered many chances to score, but didn't succeed until Kerri Ktterick scored the winning (and only) goal. The senior Raiders seemaed to play an equally rewarding gaine. Goals by Heather Bird and Arlene Quinn in the second baif brought the teain to a 2-1 victory. Final teain lista wiil be posted this week. Alo dldkn around the black and white bi were Anderson's indoor socer teamn, competing in the York University Classic last week. Afcer a long and. somewhat unsucoessful day, players were more than happy to defeat St. Mary's 5-2. Outstanding performances were shown-by ail, epe b Simon Taylor, Olier9avrty, Joe Iantomnasi, James Prescod and Dean Mizen. Extra-céurricular activities are an important branch of Anderson and-the student body is bebinct our teams 100 per cent. Pilot sohool at college A ground school for sailpiane and élider pilota will be offered at the continuous learning centre at Durham College. Rtegistration is imderway for the course which begins April 23. W Larie Jiménoe The flrst buda bave appeared, birds are singing in the treetops and there snelie in everyonels step. Spring in in the air! Yas, the- drab wiuter months are gone (hopefullyl) and the new season is welcomed by ail. The flrst week back, after March break bas been a busy one, as we have quickly had ta ummerse oursalves in school studies and activities. The main Skills challenge for. tech students'ý The Durhamn Skills Challeng will be held Saturday, April 20,8. a.m. to 2 p.m., at Harwood Secondary School, Ajax. The event showcases the aibilities and talents of secondary technological studies students in a variety of tecbnical skiil contests. The event benefits students as a vehicle to promnote self-confidence and as an opportunity to demonstra6esiil excellence in front of \pes emplqyers, educators- an4the community.V The Durham Sills Cba]Ùenge promptes liaison bet#ren industry and -aducation, ',,'nd demoSteratas thé importancëO technoogy.i ' Durbam Board -ducation aýid the Durham Région Action. Coïnmittee' for Training.'ltsI success i. due i large parkto the contributions and, assince provided by our business -and industry conmunity. The, compe titions this year include, architectural drafting, auto body, auto. mecbamics, beking, ,cabinetmaking, EVNCRADDO CK displays hie 'mnasque,' made from a variety of metals during Art Track 91: Whitby Students' Art. Tue dispLy, on at the Whitby Station Gallery, runs April 6 to 28. The exhibition represents the progressive development of art education, front kindergarten to grade 13, ini Whitby and Brooklin- elementary and secondary schools./,'The- exhibition is organized in co-ope ration with the Durhami Board of Education and 'a special comnrittee of art consultants and teachers representing schools. focus is on the 4ra roductions that are currenty beingç rahearsed. -The larger Musical, 'West Side Story,' is proceeding with enthusiasm, and is awaitad' with much antkýipation, says our head of *aDerdre Douglas. The opening performance wii be April 25. Thosa girls iuvolved i the play for the Independant Schools' Draina Festival are adding the final touches to thair colourfu characters at after-schoël rehearsals. They wil be travelling ta St. Catharines for the drama festival on the April il weekend. The April 3 deadline for entries of artwork, poetry and prose for Castle Signatures' bas passed, and soon thesa wiil ba evaluated aud winuers chosan in 'ail three categories. Prizes include cash, and a full colour reproduction of thé w*U*ning art piece. On a more noticeable level, 'the refurbishing of the common room has begun and the naw furniture bas given the bistorical room an appealing facelift. Weil spring is i the air. Despite this, students sbould not be tempted ta neglect studies, for those dreaded mid-term exams re rapily craepig coser. Al students will b1wrting peroda one and three exans on riday, April 12, while periods two sud four will be written on Monday, April 15. I am sur that msumy people hava noticed the new' sign at the front 0f the school. It is being ar1nedta have a small tima capue stored in the base 0f the sigu. Students are beiug encouraged ta uubmit smail items to Ia placidi this capsule. This àign isagresult of the bard work performed by 'Ms. Jobnson and Mr. Bolton'sud all the students who sold citrus fruit.' Congratlations to Soo Luen Tom, Jean Kim and Annette Vanderlinde for being chosan to receive the OSSTF Student Recognition Awards. This past Tuesday the opportunity for people to give the carpntry, child cars, AL), cosmetolgy culinary arts, design and- tenology, electromics, clotbing construction, grapbic communications, horticulture, brick niasonry, mechanical drafing, numerial control (CNC),- preciion . machining, residential wiring, sheet metal, small engine repair and welding. This as event includes cientse fom ail t:hno1oia studies programs in the Durham boards secondary achools. It will welcome the participation of students from the NqorthumberlandfNewcastle . Board of Education and Durbam College. The challenge provides opportunities for'itecaneand discouruebetween students, eloyreuaos aet and intrtdmembers. o fth community. The avent is open for public viewing in Ml or part. \Participating studants may quaul for the Ontarjo SIdI1 Contests in. Hamnilton on May 10, and froin there for the United States ,'ÏSkill Olympics in detcy'lrn the final week of June. * 1giNY S T E T 0 i fe S gve. .boodJ donor clinic, was held at. the Whitby Legion Hall and Mayor BobA±tersley blmnseif was 'o%n baud so peppe could meat hlm. ' Also,. on Sunday, April 7, there was a kally at the Oshawa Civic Auditorium in order ta welcome home the troupe. Whitby's Ice Fyre won the silver medal at the national cbampionships in Montreal. several team membars who attend Hemry are Gale Yetman, Karen Garrison, Cassie Newell, Michelle Mitchalla, Erin.,Flynn, Shannon Pachal, alion Chase, Vanessa Crilly, Nicole Rands, Carolyna Jensen, Debbie Laba and Lisa Ferlund. Congratulations, ail your bard work bas certainly Ipaid off. On March 28 several Henry students partiïcipated in the LOSSA West doubles badminton tournament. The. matches were touh sud the competition was stf.Congratulations to Jay Johnson sud Bram, Peters who bave advanced to the LOSSA finals. Board andl occasional teachers meach, agmeement The uegotiating committees for the Durham Board 0f Education sud the Ontario Public School Teachers' Federation, Durham district, occdasin teachers' branch, recently reachad a basis for settîsmeut. The two-yaar agreement will ha effective Jsu. 1, 1991 to Dec. 31,1992. Effective Jan. 1, 1991, supply occasional teachars -with degrees will eaar $128 par day, while thone without degrmes wMll arn $114 per day. Effectve Jan. 1, 1992p supply occasional teachars with degree will eaar $140 par day, whla those without degrees will arn $122 par day. Murder mystery at Trafalgar 'Murder at TÈrifalgar Castle,' an eveig of "fun, food sud myster, "iil be held at the achool in. Whitby on Saturday, April 13. Trafalgar Castle, 1859, is the ceeof a murdar, sud 'partici- pants will ha the jury, detarmin- ing the guiît or innocence of the 's iriara -myptayoust le . 24y >ktoi m ..-(atfo dlues) at 6 p.m., sud diniug at 7:30 p.m. Thare are primes for the jury of eight who unmask the murderer sud seud bim/ bar to the Trafal- gar dungeon. Tickets are $75 per person (includes GST). Poed go ta the Trafalgar Castle Schoolgym building fund. Cal Tracey Jeppesen at the school for more détails -or raser- -.vations, In the first yaar, benefit plans as currantly pravided, shall continue to be available tu only occasional agreement teachers (an einpl oyee whosa employmeut as su occasional teachar is known in advance ta axceed 40 day.) who bave been contracted for a. period 0f four or more school months. The only improvemant to tha banafit coveraga wil h udain 0f the Ontario DentalAsoito fea uchedule ta 1990, affective the firut day of the second month following ratification, 0f the agreement. Effective Jan. 1., 1992, suy occasional teachar wbo worked in axcess of 90 fuil-timaeéquivalent days in the prior ichool year. as su aleinentary teamher for the Durban boad will be eligible tu participata h-iM puplifeansd accdental-- - - death su .ad'- dismemiberment, med-ical dental sud vision benefits on aW(50. The agrement, wbich represents au increaséd cot -ta the Durbam Board of Education pickariug Hlgh 'ýhosted -the LOSSA West doubles ,badminton taurnament on March 28. The Wifldcats; represante Austin well, sud special congrtltons, go out ta Christine Baeuie sd Stephania Glushiue wopedta the LOSSA caPiosi tournament on April il. Austins track sud field club bas begun spring traeiing sud practicas will continue tbroughout the season - - --,--, - Our uchool at.hleticjackets' sale the first year sud $259,=2 or 7.61 par ceýnt i the second yaar, moyes the supply tombhar rates in Durham toa a le.vei comparable ta nighbouring board&. continuesE . A UThdalIN ] ba axteuded beyond April 5. 'The . Austin religion departinent wil aoffar a ]Religion Retréat Day for grade 10 studeuts. The retreat will 'take place ouLApril 12 at Camp Samac i Oshawa. Studeuts have the choice ta participate in various group activities or i individual efforts that correspond with the ]Retreat Day theme of recouciliation. -With 'sprng 'comés .-uaw chôol, apxit-.L aviad-dvibrant.- TRAFALGAR CASTLE SCHOOL

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