Whitby Free Press, 10 Apr 1991, p. 6

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PAO~ 6 W~TBY R IESQ, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1991 Published every Wednesday By 677209 Ontaril c. MuiePte Phone: MuiePfe '668-611il Editor J7 Toronto LUne 427-1834 Alexandra Martin Doug Anderson Production Manager Pubisher ,...OIANOMAU.~ u~ ,u.uv 'wuuu131 Brock Street North, VOIC.E OF THE C.IUNY TOWNh P.O. Box 206,-Whitby, Ont. 2fd ld 0s 8Postal The only Whitby newspaper independently owneu ana operatea t)>' LN 5S1 R;eglstratlonl#05351 Whitby residents for Whftby residents. TheWhitby aspect Maybe nobady is listening. Or maybe nobady is The officiai plans wIlI guide growth ln Whitby and affordabie housing types. maklng the point with enough conviction. region for the next 20 ta 30 years. Whiie some changes And we agree that most of the Industrial land shauld Durham Region is currently drawIng up a guide for have been made ta the original draft of the Region plan, be along Hwy 401, and that the green area between future growth ln the region. Sa far, Whtby councillors Whftby's regional reps* have ta ensure that Durham Whitby and Brookiin should be malntained, as should aronl toto pleased with population densies and the planners further changes are made ta have regard for other existing green areas. location of Industriai and residential ameas suggested for the Whftby aspect - that Is, how the Town envisians its Whitby ln the Region plan. own g rowth ln the f utu re. Dra Region planners shauld not Impose their own >Rlght naw, there appear ta be significant differences vision of WhItby ln a region plan, but should incorporate The densities are toa high, and some industrial and between the Regian and Town officiai plans. We agree the elements most desired by Whitby. .We trust that aur residential designations are ln the wrong areas, say with Whitby counicillors that there should be less density counicillors will ensure that. the land use policies Town counicillors. Meanwhile, the Town Is reviewlng its than proposed for residential developments - the contained within the final version of the Region plan will own officiai plan. densities suggested by the Town will stili aliow more be very close ta the Whtby guide for growth. Newspapers fighting for postal equality Changes ta Canada Post rates for newspapers and weight will be *charged 51 cents. That value is apparently not apreciated tW the other publications have resulted in a clear case of(omuity newspapers which used ta quaiify as government, the Department of Cmmunications, or discrimination against cammunity newspapers and their Rate Code 3 or 4 publications are now pfaced in a Canada Post. readers. commercial rate option, which has the same rates as Cammunity newspaper publishers understand the The facts are clear. WhiIe community newspapers face Rate Code 2.) reason for the decreased DOC subsidies and support the postage cost increases of from 100ta 1000 par cent with The Canadian Community Newspaper Association; of government's fight against -the federai deficit. But they only 90.days notice, paid subscripion magazines have which this newspaper is a -member, made numerous wonder why they have been singled out for increasesl of had their mailing rates increased by 5.5 par'cent, free presntations ta officiais at Canada Post. the federai up ta 1000 par cent in 90 days while daily newspapers magazines by 50 par cent and daily newspapers by 25 epartment of Communications, and Members of wiil be given three years ta absorb a 75 per cent par cent par year for three years. Parliament and Cabinet ater learing of the proposed mocrease, and increases for paid magazines are kept ta For example, Rate Code 1 Canadian daily newspapers inrass in early December. ' the rate of inflation. mailing more than 5 per cent of their circulation will PSY Despite pledges *from Communications Minister These huge increases could weil resuit in the death of 14.9 cents for a 150-gram issue; and their rates will Marcel Masse that there would be consultations prior ta many smailer commuitg newspapers. Th readers of Increase 25 par cent per year for the next three years. the increase, cammunity newspapers were given only 90 these smail papers and t e cammunities they serve can Rate Code 2 community newspapers may deliver f ree of days notice of the impending changes, which are a il afford ta lase that valuabie link ta their municipal charge the first 2,500 copies within a efre. zonem 65 km reflection cf decreased subsidies from the Department of governments and their neighbours. radius of their community. Charges for other copies of Communications (DOC) to Canada Post. Readers shouid be asking their Members of Parliamrent the same 150 gram weight wiIl lump ta 41 cents this year. The representations resulted in a decisian by Cabinet about these monreases, and why they are less worthyf Canadian-owned magazines such as Mlean's wil i PSY ta delay the increase for Riate Code 2 publications an consideration, and service than readers of daily 6.4 cents for esch 200 gram magazine mailed. These additionai 90 days. Increases for former Rate Code 3 and newspapars andi magazines. Rate Code 3 increases were limited ta the rate of 4 publications remained effective March tL Community newspspers are not asking for special inflation as directed by the office cf the Minister of Such biatant discrimination against community consideration. The v are asking that they be treated as a Communication. Non-pald Canadian magazines were hit newspapers and their readers cannot be ignored. These valued and valuable service ta their communities, as a wth a 50 par cent increase effective Mach 1, ramsing. newspapers have long been the voice of rural and small vaiued and valuabie customner of Canada Post, and as theur Rate Code 4 charges ta 38.4 cents par copy for a town Canada, offering a service that is different from equals with other Canadian pup~ic ations. 200 gram issue. Community newspapers of the same their big city cousins but cf no less value ta their readers. Are equaiity and respect too\rnuch ta ask? Canada needs'common sense, not reform. Directed ta the upcoming April il meeting in Whitby cf th e Citizend Forum <Spicer Commission) prime Minister Brian Mulroney, in recent weeks, is once again trying desperately ta use texpayers' hard-eerned tex dollars ta set up constitutional reforifisymposiums ta put Canada's future on the chopping block Ontario Premier Bob Lae is trying ta, make bis political mark by calling for referendums and consultations involving the citizens of (Ontario and other provinces. Like Meech Lake, these meetmngs will coat hundreds cf thousanda, if not milions, cf dollars, while born and bred Canadiens are lining up at food banka (surveys show one cf four citizens i Toronto and district aveil themselves cf food assistance); our weifare coes and pfakers are up 50 per cent i bothToot n Durham Region, every weelL Thenka ta, Mr. Mulroney's lest dobacle, namely fr-ee trede, ur jobs slowly but mrely mr being phased out -by Canadien operations, either gone coenpletely or taken cirer by their American parent companies. M =yhedout and engered by Gte(SI (gouge-and shystertax) aveul themselves of cheaper American gods, lning up at various bridges of connection for hours to pasa customs. This- does, not, however, bridge the budget gap, as by the Urne one pays bigh g.sries, ýhigh restaurant and m=te-hotl prices, Canadians are no further ahead money-'wise. But their psyche is uplified, thinIcing item-wise and purchase-wise, they have made a wise choice by avoîding ran's GST and Bob's provincialtax_ Canadiens do not need reform. Canadiens need a basic, sensible form cof government without flounces end frills, and need a tax-fr-ee system cf pricinm. The Canadien governmenit's deb can be solved by eiiminetixig the extra mounds of icing politicel party-goers eccess 'with uncalled-for debates; elininating uncafled-for days of political retreats to expansive lodges (like the Meech Lake farce); elimnatng hurirates of Pay on a punch-in, pnch-out trne édock basis for Perliamentazy sessions; elininating private fainily jets paid for, i fact, by tiie public; and no, more political palatial residences -maintained by the taxpayee~s dollar, but politicai lifestyles meintained and bought by those in ofrice.. Family aiiowences and peson shouid be indexed accring ta income, which wouid include prime ministers and "!.à nl irna" térs !rhess 1dollars. could b. put towards the goenes debc. ... and what aiout the infamous Senate and Senators' sustinence? Please, Ottawa, Canad" just fine before any reform initiated. was Opinions expreawamo than of was t/he audho. Ag - C TZN. ii '$5million for canada, dolIhear2at. 4~

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