Whitby Free Press, 17 Apr 1991, p. 22

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MONT19LY hMTING, The Durhamn Region Fleld Naturaliseswll hold its rnonthly meeting on Monday, April 29 at 7:30 pan. et Northview Public Library, 260 Beatrice St. E., Oshawa. The scheduled, speaker ie Bruno Kemn wha has spent several seasons* in the Arctic photographing breeding birds of that area. Alrar-e welcome. Brng a friend, and join the club.. ANNUAL PRESIDENTS BREAKFAST The Rotary Club of Whitby Sunrise will hold its third annuel President's Breakftast on, Wednesday, April 24, 7:30 pm., at Heydenshore Pavi L"o n, Whitby. Guet speaker will be Peter Gerrie, a well-lçnawn environrnental cauniniet with the Toronto Star. Tickets are $20, and ail praceeds wiil go ta an environmental project, with a donation of $500 -to Gorrie's favaurite environinental group. For'tickets, contact eny member of Rotary Swuise or cal Mark Tutton at 491-7440 or 668-5943. i4pri.(18 9:30 a.m. .- 9:00 p.-m. A~pi .:30 a.= -.9:00 p.în. Aprit2O 9:30 ad..- 5:00 pim. ciafeveut. ,mantic Spriug Tashions ýea 6aq andreceive ) ~et iv r O5 ?ff regu(arpricedfmerctancise i lieu of taxces ~?naissance e& gancU Cgood Ikictorin 'JVIite Lingerie .- Pewter & &oid ewekry- Hat BoaXes Victorian 9Fancy Paper f19roducts & fBooks - 'Toi(trie.s & 'Lanity J4cce.ssarie$ Lace Co((ars - gMaggi B QuittedfCosmetic & q-ravelA4ccessorzes andénwcfimore... qrooklin, Ontar 655-3474 ~Brinq 'afriend Pil e WEITBY NuioCLUB The Whitby Photo Club, wiil meet at Whitby Public Library a n Monday, April 22, 7 ta 10 p.rn. Bruce Milse will give a élide presentation on 'Patterns Galore,' and Tony Ward, club member, will give an interpretation cf «Sight,' Sound and Motivation.' Norninatians wilI folow the presentatians. >ODDS & F241M SALE Ail Sainte' Anglican Church will hold an ' odds and ends' sae on Saturday, Apnil 20 at 1 p.m. et the church hall, Centre St. N.,p Wbitby. AU. pnoceeds go to the Outreach pragrarn. SUPPORT GROUP <The support roup of Friends of Schizophrenics wvill meet on Thursday, April 18, 7:30 p.m., at St. Mark's Church hause, corner of Byron and Coîborne streets. For more information caîl 723- 3753 during evenings. CAPIO The Canadien Association for Production and Inventary Con- traI will meet on ThursdayAri 18, beginning with a fuIlay seminar on ehop floor echeduling et Durham Ca le and. ending with a dinner meeting at Le Gala, Whitby. The topic will be 'Management of Change.! To register, cail 576-0210, ext. 479. e lin Non.p roflt communitygroupe whlch are baed In Whllby or have a substantial Whltby membershlp May place their or activites onth s page at n0 coat. ATHEMER FAMILlS A support grou for Alzheimner familles is held the faurth Wednesday of'each manth. The next meeting 'will be held an Wednesday, April 24 at 7:30 p.m. at the Senior Citizens' Activity Centre, 910 Liverpool Rd., Pickering (just south of Bayly St.) The pragram wiil include a videa presentation and- discussion. Refresbments wil be served, and everyone is welcome. For more information, cail the Alzheimer Society at 576-2567. RUMMAGE SALE Rummago sales are held every Wednesday, 1 ta 2:30 p.m., at St. Mares United Church. rofi 199111 ý%r le m Phone 668-6111 J North Whitby ratepayers to meet Association will hold a meeting on May 1, 7:30 pm., et Myrtle United Church, M;ýle Station. There will be discussion of local issues and concerne, includ- developrnent and the environ- ment. Guest will be Durham East MPP Gord Mille. 'Welfare beats work in Ontario? Putting the record straight By GordMille Durham East MPP Last week, certain newspapers published stories which appear ta suggest that welfare beats worlcing in Ontaria. The article was provocative, but factually incorrect. Many constituents have called me about these atonies, and I want ta set the record straight. In aur riding of Durham East, many people have found themeelves, sorne for the firat time, on welfare because of job lasses caused by the recession and free trade. Many of these people are devastated at ha:ving ta take welfare and would much rather be working. ýThi9 article suggests that people choose ta be on welfare rather than work, and that high-incarne earners are abusing the eystem. Nothing could be further from the truth. The articles stated that "anyone rnaldng lees thant $45,006 a year ehould go on welfar e in Ontario." This etatement je incorrect on two counte. Firetly, fror a fanuily of four, the ý example used throughout the article, the grass earninge figure that je equivalent ta the maimum net income figure rec eived i on social a"sstance je only $25000 not $45,000. Secondly, the figures are much lower for smaller familles or. single persoa, yet the article leaves the impression it applies ta anyoiie. 1 SA single persan on social assistance receives maximum cash benefits of $7,980 in annuel terme (including tax credits). The equivalent in' grass earnings is about $9,300 -- about $4.50 per hour. Ini the article, the writer also claimed that a couple with two children cari get as much as $1,800 a montli tex free. In fact, the' maimum monthly assistance for a couple with two children is $1,542, over $250 a month less than claimed by the author. The main thrust of the article was centred around the etatement that, ta receive $215,252 in net, incarne (after tax), "a couple or a single breadwinner would have ta, earn $45,000 a year gros& The truth of the matter je that ta, receive $22,968 in net incarne (the social assistance equivalent),- a single earner i a family of four would only have ta earn $25,000 grass. Although the famidly would pay $4,500 in incarne tax, CPP and UIC premium, it would aiea receive $2,600 in family allowance, cdtex credt GST tex credit and Ontario tax credits (ail net of I hope this helpe ta clear up the matter for ail those constituents who were cancerned about bis and called me. Bafflin Island is subject of lecture Broolin Harticultural Society Bill Burgess wiil be speakn will hold their next meeting on on 'Flowers and FlEh on Bfi &,&Mebtir'-4,a .t.È Brooklin United Ch:urch. 'Lug a Mue for coffee. THEPROVERBS gospel mugie Church, Ashburn on Sunday, April group will b. in conoert at Burns 21,7:.30 p.m. ~ cordia((y invitesç you to U~iU13RD ANNUJAL VICTORIA] - TEA fp(eaejoin us for tliis spec Ce(re6ratiflg Brookfin Village Shoppe 's n qiYO¶l3! ring your own i at P.M. wcwmc w»«,à bitwwn là j If 1" q& NUMMTON EVNING " Dr. Milly Ryan-Harshman, a nutritianist witli the Department of Health, will'be speakngat a trustee communications event for the Durhamn Reg'on. Roman Cathalic Separate cool Board. The event will take place on Thursday, April 18,' 7:30 to, 9 p.m., at the Cathoic Educatian Centre. Ryan-Haréhman - will discuss overconiing the banniera ta healthy 'eating and physical activity. Suggestions for faniily leisure iime activities and useful tips on menu planning for the busyr family will be provided. FOCUS ON WOMEN A fashion show by 'Tops 'n Trends' will be held on Tueeday, April 23, 7:30 p.m., at the Salva- tianAr Temple 570 Thorntan ]Rd. N.,oshawa. do-t ie $3. Cal 436-0011 for resenvations. FR10DAY NIGUT DANCE The WMhitby Fniday Night Dance will be held on !a 3, 9 km. at the Knights Of Columbus alil 133 Brock St. N. No bar. Cost ie $6 for singles, $10 per couple.

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