Whitby Free Press, 17 Apr 1991, p. 30

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PAGE 30, WHITBY FMEEPRSS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1991 ANNUAL SPRING. CONSIGNMENT SA E SAT APRL 27 -10 A.MAT ORVfAL MCLEAN AUCTION CENTER - UNDSAY Accepting tractors, farrn machi- nery, construction equîp-, riding Iawnmawers, boats, trolrs, RVs, sho aqi. tools, cars, trucks. . S'IuNpÜW. 1350 ockshutt tractor wlblade, 14 ft. fibreglass boat &.40 HP Evinrude, 350 Olds motar, Larson boat w/60 hp & Irailer, Kodiais w/35 HP & trailer, 84 Chev camper van, 47 Fard 2-dr. car, industrial campressor, car dally, 1958 Mercur commuter statlionwagon formerlyfrom Boyd estite), 16 ft. Larson w/75 HP matar & trailer, Fard Dectran tractar w/loadar, 79 Chrysler New Yorker, 88 Chrysler Daytona, etc. Consign by April '18 for final ad. Bring to bamn, or phone.324-2783. ORVAL OR BARRY MoLEAN AUCTIONEERS NEED HELP PLACUNO your ad? Gall Joanne, Whitby Frae Prees, 668-0594. AUCTION SALE SAT APRIL'20 - 1030 A.. 0F ËQUIPMENT FOR G.W.S. LANDSCAPING AT 134 COVE RD, BOWMANVILLE, ONT. (Take Liberty St. south cf 401 ta Simpson Ave. south ta West Beaah Rd., turn right ta Cave Rd.) Sale ta includa 7100 Kubota 4 WD diesel tractor wloadar & 60w mower deck, National tni-plex mower 92U cut, 1979 Doge4x4 truck, 1982 Chev 4x4 truck, 1973 Ford 1-ton F350 w/10-ton hoist 10' ýIatforrm, Tandem tralaer, 1977 -rd(certif iod), Myers 7-V2' snow plow& harness, Artic 8' snow plow& harness, Sander spreaders, Seed spreadars 3 PH, 2 go carts, beai blowers, string trimmers, rta tillers, met ai rofing, gas hedge clippers, lawn sweepers, 3 Tara snaw blowers, tool boxes & small amnount of tacîs, bench saw, plus lots mare smail items, a smaIl amount of house- hoild- fumniture & pieces. For mare information, calr 416-263-4252. Terms are cash or approved cheque. Lunch available. Sale managed &sold by: GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS AUCTIrON SALE SATURDAY APRIL 20 - 5 P.M. ODDFELLOWS' HALL IN PORT PERRY 9-pc. dining raom suite, frldges, freezers, staves, complete house- hold, rata tiller, ridling lawnmowers. Vlewing 1 p.m. sale day. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES -655-8073 * RECYCLING ONVE I TON 0OF NE WSPA PERS * SAVES I19 ThEES . .OTf$~ CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WH ITBY ..'.êPLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Monday, Ma y 69,19910@ 7:45 pmn Meeting Hall, WhIIby Muncidpal Building Whitby, Ontado A Public Meeting will b. held by the Plannin and Devebopment Cammitte. of Council of the Cororation ai1h Town of Whtby te considr a proposed comprhensive zoninq by-law am.ndment Io By-law 1784 and By-law 28 hc would introduce anMW parkin stnadfor multiple unit industulal buildings. The. proposed amrendmont would apply te ail properties witiuin Industinal -zones within 1h. Town ai Whitby. The purpose af the mpeetng.s te piuvide adequate information te the public and te permit interesled persons "h opportunity ta make reprsenton in respect to the propased zoning amenchnient. If you aeuale te attend the meeting, yaur representation can be filed in writing by mail or pe3nal delivery te meach the Planning Departmont nat later than regularoling hours on May 13, 199 1. Interested persans may inspect adcltioal information relating te the above application in h. Planning Department, Level 7. 575 Rossland Road East during regular working hours, Monday ta Friday or may contact the Planning Departm»ent biy telephoning (416) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT Dkectar of Planning CcoraUon cof the. Town of Wlitby CORPORATION 0F THE 'I... TOWN 0F WHITBY PLANNING DEPARTMVENT NOTICE 0F PUBUC MEETING Monday May 6v,1991@073.0P~m Meetng Hall, Whltby M uncipl Btdlclng Wtitby, Oularlo A Public Meeting wviIl be held by the Planning and DeveloMnent Committe. of Coiuncil of 1he Corporation of the Town of Whutby ta consider an application ta amerd 1he Whltby Officia! Plan and Zoning By-law 2585 as submitted by 887596 Qntio lncorporated The subjeo property ie located on the northeast corner of Dundas Street East and Gardon Street lands being comprised af Part Lot 24, Concossion 2, inn1dm Town of Whitby, as shown on the sketch below. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN >FRIDAY, APRIL 19 - 6 P.M. Copper & brass National cash register, antique dressera & chests of drawers,, washstands, 3-pc. modern b.droom ste., 5-pc. modern pin. bedroorn ste., odd wooden kitchen chairs,' modern dressera & chests of drawers, fiat-top trunks, walnut dining table, wick.r chairs, walnut dressers, coffee & end tables, chrome kitchen ste., drum set, press-back rockers, 4 sets cf race hors. harnesses, 3 sets cf Lionel 0-gauge trainsets, 5 sets cf Marx 0augris 1988 Dodge K car certified,45,000 km., 1981 GMC V/2-ton truck w/racks., qty. cf depression glass. DON & GREG CORNEIL R.R #1, LITTLE BRITA IN (705).786-2183 SATURDAY'S AUCTION ACTION SAT. APRIL 20 - 6:30 P.M. PETIIICK AUCTION BARN, HAYDON, 10 MILES N.E. 0F OSHAWA, EVERY SA-TURDAY NIGHT AT 6:30 P.M. This week ta include consignment tram local maving co., plus others. ta include dining romr stes., ches- tertields, bedraom stes, mattres- ses, Ig. pin. harvest table w/3 drawers, pin. chairs, pine cupboard, pin. blanket . box, carousel horse, occ. tables, fridges, stoves, washers, signed Iimited editian prints, dishes,ý. plus lots of other antique & coîlectible pcs. il HP riding Iawnmnower, 7 HP Iriding Iawmawer & mare. Viewing tramn 4 p.m. Terms are cash, Visa or chaque. For mare information, calI 416-263-4252. Sale managed & sold by: GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS NOTICE TO CREDITORS ANVONE having'a cdaim against the ESTATE OF JOHN J. SNOWDON laie of the Town ai Whitbyï ln the Regional Municipaîity of Durham who died, the 29W day ai November 1990, file same with the undersig ned.nat lter than May loth, 1991 star which time complote distribution may 'b. made by the-Eccutors having regard only ta the dlaims then filed. DATED at Whitby, this 25th day cf Msrch, 1991. NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY Executor ytheir Solicitor eurray H. Miskin 132 Dundas Street West Whitby, Ontario L-1N 2L9 - I I NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Ail dlaims agalnst the'estate of ROBERT CROFT OSBORNE, lata of the Town ai Whitby, in the "Reglonal Municipality. of Durham, who died on or about the 23rd day af March, 1991," muet be filed with the undersignd on or before the lSth d ai o May, 1991, thereaiter the undersigned will distribute the assets aio the astate havingpregard oniy.to the clais thn flIed. Dated ad Whtby,,this.9th day af April, 1 91. HUGH T. NICHOL, Q.C. Barrister & Solicitor 101 Dundas Street West Suite 206 Whitby, Ontario LUN 2M2 POLICE AUCTION Drham RegioealPôlioe Sm-vice SATURDAY, APRIEL 201Hp 1991 &dle Starf 10:00 A.M, Public auction of bicycles and miscellaneous articles that have came into the pomseson cf the Durham Regional Police Service more than 3 months ago by reason of having been. stolen or havinig been found abandoned in a public place and the rightful owner has not been determined. SALE TO BE BELD AT TE RAR 0F 30 WILLAM SIRET, OSHAWA. ONTARIO TERMS: Cash D. Edwards Chief of Police 9, 4e dit.* l A The. purpose af the application . te amend fa Whl1h OfMMia Plan te iclude a Hugh Derusity Dasig nation and amend Zonlng By-law 2585 te termt1h. erection affi v 5) residential apartm.nt buildings containmng 330units and ranging un h.ight from iot Io ght stcxuys. Mie. purpos. af 1hus meeting le te provide adequate information te th. pblic and te permit kflerosted persans ". oppordunity te maka repreent ionmnrespect of Idm. zoni appicton. If you are unable ta attn1he meeting,-yur'rpresentation can h. flled in witingby, mail or personal d.livaiy Iteàmch th. Planning Depariment not ltr than regular wortdng houra on May 13, 1991. lntooesed prsans may mspect adcltion mimation mltila a 1o h. above app lication in M. Planing DeparlmntLevai 7, 575 =oaln Road Est dunnig regular -odin hur, monday t Friday -or may contact dm~ Planning Departmnt byhfphoning (416) 668-MrO.. 60mOB tu T.SORTCdWh

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