Whitby Free Press, 17 Apr 1991, p. 3

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WinT»M, nREPIREIEL WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17,1991, PAGE 3 More concerus expressed about fulturegrowth Items from Whitby Council agenda(s) MondayA Àpril 15, 1991 Planning and Development Committee That the final draft plan -of the Lynde Shores environmental management plan prepared by.Bird and Hale Ltd..in. accorda nce with the Lynde Shores Secondary Plan b. -approved se. separate stery). Eecom endedto council That council receive for information the phase one report'ot a housing strategy study for the municipality and that copies be forwarded te the Ontario Mînistries et Houslng and Municpal Affairs and Durham Reglon se. separate story). Recommended to council That a site plan application f rom Consumers Gas for a natural gas dlspensing station ln conjunction with an exieting gasolîne bar at the southwest corner of Thickson Rd. S. and Consumers Dr. b. approved. Recommedto council That a rezoning application and officiai plan amnendment application f rom Gary Adams te permit: medical off ices ln an existing residential dweling unit at 420 Crawforth St. b. approved. Planning staff had recommended the application b. deferred to Whitby's officiai plan review fer f urher study but committee rejected staff's advIce. Becommended to council Operations Committee That the monthly report of WhItby Transit b. recelved for Information. In March, Whltby Transit buses carled 44,858 passengers which repmesented a 2.5 per cent Increase over the 43,735 passengers ln March, 1990. The report notes that service to the Oshawa Centre which commncedApril 2 bas been running smoothly and thef Irst> statlstics wiII be IncIuded ln the April report. Recommended to council That the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authortty (CLOCA) be actvised the Town is satisfied with the number of members on the authority. The Ontario Ministry of Naturai Resoumces is.suggesting that conserva- tion authorties consider reducing their memberships ln order te streamiline operations. CLOCA currently bas 15 members, three of whom are appointed by the province and the remainder by Durham Region. tePO>mmç4dedt«p' counçil, By MIk eKow asl Whitby's future population and type of growth continues to e aa major concern of Town council- lors. For the third cônsecutive week, the problem of where te house a projected population of 1603,000 -~ythe ear 2021 has dominated council and commit- tee discussions. On Monday, councirs planning and development committee endorsed the first 'phase of a housing sfrategy study for the municipality. While the committe recom- mendation te council *as simply te receive the report fèr informia- tion, its contents provoked several questions and observa- tions. Among the major tldngs of the rpr were the folPio Un Tere are almost 8,700 resi- dential -units that have either beenlregistered with the Town or Îeeie draft appioval. from council. While there is sufficient land available te meet housing needs during the next three years, more land in. needed to meet long-ernirequlrements., Even. including vacant land and intensification of existing residential areas 200-800 acres will be needed during the next 20 years or 1,400-2,400 acres over the next 30 years, * A strong demand exista for rent geared-to-income and mar- ket rent hous*ng in Wbitby. There are nearly 500 house- holds in nee of assisted housing over the neit two years -- 62 per cent for familles and 38 per cent for seniors. * There in need for additional housing and support services for psychiatrically, devlopmentally and physically handicapped in Whitby. Tlhere is no emergency housing currently available in Whitby. * In 1990, Wbitby performed "poorly" with respect to provid- ing affordable housing (under $165,000). Only 13.per cent cf al new .iiousing was affordable. But in 1991, it is estimated that as much as 46 per cent of new housing will ha considered affordable. The housing study is hing prepared- in conjunction with Whitby's current official plan review and te satisfy' Ontario goyernment policy. In 1989, the former iAberal governmient approved a policy statement aimed at increasing the range, mix and affordability of housing in the province. Municipalities within the Greater Tforonte Area, including Durham Région, were considered priority areas. A deadline cf Aug. 1, 1991, was imposed on priority munici- palities te adopt official plan and zoning bylaws te implement the policy. Consulting firms M.M. Dillon Ltd., which is conducting the Town'si officiaI plan review, and Lapointe Consulti n c., are undertaking the study on hahalf of the Town. In addition te raisin1g concerna According te the study, «iýnten- sification" of existing areas is one method of providing rental and affordable housing and a diversity of housing types. "Ive My viewthatWhitby is a popular ]place te live, it's unique and specal,» said Brunelle. «Mîght it not ha botter te look at what we have and build in larger areas rather than inten- 'Brunelle told representatives of the consulting teaxn that in- tensification proposais from developers always set off alarm boUls among homoowners. "W. have peojple corne eut in drovos whon cdovlopers corne back and ask, for intensification of their neighbourhoods,» said Brunelle. Councillor Joe Drumm warned that intensificatiop - l1 lýýe4thq- «fdeath knell» of Whitby's dbwn- town. "If you tele an older area and double the population, it will ruin the are*, said Drumm.. «W. have enough problemns with illegal apartments alreadx without building on top of them, he added. Councillor Ross Batten feit in- tensificationi was not the solution te Whitby's or any community's future housing needs. "There's no shortage of land in this country, w. sihould't lump The Kdney Foundation ofanrAda f C eo«1 75prcent of Ontario's popula- tionm inthe- Goldon, Horseshoe,» said Battýn. co rg te 4atten, neither. ouncil xor Whitby residents "should accept somebody's ver- sion of how largewe grow2o Hel- said Whibys citizens sihould decide fori themoeives the type of community and lifestyle PEENIA1*MIA THSSATRA they want. 'To me it would make mobre sense te tae the whole tewn and look at what's needed, what type of communityw. want, ýand'-te popullationtaks re of itaslf.' The Mscnd phase of the hous- ing study,. wLch wllontain speific recommendations, will ho presented in June. 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