Whitby Free Press, 24 Apr 1991, p. 20

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PAGE'20, WIflTY REE> PRESS, ýWIKDNESUAY, A~>ieL 24-,11*91 Cruîsîng Classîcs FROM PAGE 19 much alàout these car since h.e was giad te drive up front. mhe parade got underway and through the linding ciouds of -à olup ahead, I could ses that tus particular Stearne was living up to, its reputation. At, the end cf the parade, the front cf Fred's pink car looked as if a large cil tanker lied spiiied its lond. He met up with me and asked very quiety,"ou knew it was going te de that, didnt you?" "Sure did," I replied. Strangeiy enough, h. stiil married me. Since then, ý.,w. have don. Fiesta parades, county fair parades and even one in Sauit Ste. Marie that teck us through two ceuntries.' No ,motter what the parade, though, on. thing ls always the same: Fred insista on picking hie place in lina, with abooiutely ne a i=me. It seembd as if winter was going to last foreveir, but the end of >Apri1 marks the beginning. cf anothesason at the Oshawa Sunday Cruise-In. This popular event le held every Sunday from 6 p.m. to dusk, and begins on April 28 (weather permittiing). Ail 'special interese'vebicies are weicome and there is ne admission charge ,fer cars or specttors. It is held at K-Mort Plaza, &%5 Simece St. S. (on. block north cf 401) i Oshawa. If you want more information, cail RgPerron at 725-3057. This year, several events are planned, irýciding a wiener roast, dance and <crulsées'te other locations (such as Barrie and Bradford), so plan to attend. The crmie. regularly draws over 150 cars per eyening and is on. cf the largest 'ini suthern Ontario. Jack7'Radliator Servioe, SPECIALIZING IN. e Radiator repairs a Recorlng a Rebulit rads J I e Air conditionling repairs t *Gas tanks *Gas tank exchange I * Batteries è Welding 1010 OYAV&I Pioerk68322 *Compote Rust I Protection on Rut onrl ene new and use cas&trucks * $1O.OO OFF *:Egin WITH THIS AD Sharnpoo - For Rust Protection On Any Vehicle Accessories *COUPON EXPIRES MAY 31, 1991 + Fleet Prices o» Suponpr cwtem. <Pidn Localm onwny>are available * I 1010 BROOK ROAD 9. PICIERING - 831-8938 rfe expires 7e4 April 27/91 TRANSMISSION TUNE-UP I Most cars and light trucks.G ST, PST extra IINCLUDES:' Pan gasket - Filter- Clean Sumpè Adjust Bands & Unkage a '4 Litres of fluid - Road test 160-0 -Bayiy St. Pickering **- R :.ER ...A&TLÇIITIRE .VIR VICE' 24 Hour Emergency Road Service $29.95 IFor Ail 4 Wheels To Be Computerized BalaincedI I*New - Recap - Used - Farm- Calcium WorkI I1!950 NOTION ROAD, PICKERING I686-1694 420-6990 Serving the Durham RegionI 10% OFF LSDA We make LOCKS mae 24 Hr. Emergency Service 433-276 LOST OR STOLEN KEYS? 427-2531 & models. Domestic and Imports. DRI VI NG SAFELY > with RANDY RANDY McLEAN 15 A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER WHO SPECIALIZES IN TRAFFIC SAFE 11Y. Mr., McLean has reviewed thousands of individu-Li motor vehicle accident reports and Nis close orking relationships with police agencles, governiments~ safety associations, industry and the public, have give ihm a true ovorview of traffic saft» issues, problemns and solutions ln Canada. MAY 18 MOMtOCYCLE SAFETY MONTH How many cf us have ever driven a motprcycie? Ini Ontario thora are about half ai million licenSd motorcyciste, compared te about *six million licensed drives in total. That ieýives 5.5 million motoriste who have nover driven a motorcycle. Why ie that important? Because motorcyclise and thoee 5.5' million drierswho are almoet totally unfamiliar. ith the operating and handling characteatcs cf motorcyclea must share the rond e laa. Tii.rasut' iu that they toc frequentiy trytosha= exoct1y the same road spacel D*ving requires that w. moka ju<dgments about the speed, distance and maneuvorabulity cf othar vahiclas con the'roed. Sofa driving aise requires that w, tiy to anticipata what other drivers ara about te do. IThe 'pora we know about tha characteristics cf othar ve dcle on the road, the botter our decisions ara likey te ha. Whil.: met of us have been pedestriéns and bicycl4sts and understand their behavicur, wa are net very gond at anticipating the actions of, motoeryliste. ei.not surprising that pour judgmnent by car drivers contributes te many cf .the 6,000 motoerya accidents each year i Ontario. More thaon 90 per cent ofthese accidents Îivoiva persnal, inuyand death, usuaiiy te the m,Ëotiirycie, drivarî The moet commcniy reported drivar errer is turning acroe tha path of an approaching motorcycle et an intersection or. a driveway antrance/exit. This je cioeeiy follewedby cutting iii front of a cycle vwhan changg -aneso. Short of mandatory metercycle training for al drivers, what con w. de te moka our ronds safer? The tirst rule is lookt Metercycies are more difficuit te oea thon cars. As' you drive, make >a special effort te look for metoircycles i your rear,, view mirror. Kaop mental tràck cf where it i n locate it again before çhanging lanas. Thiis le 'ona reason why -the over-the-shouider' glonéajse o Tesnd rule in, if in doubt, waiti As tha levai of uncertainty and Seriousnese cf the cons.- quences Jncreaaesý, nseshouid tha level cf caution exercised. You wouldnt risk injuiy te yourseif by dlving. head tiret inte a ewimming pool if you weren't sure' it was deep enough. Bo, don't risk injury te motorcycliste by cutting ini front cf thers. Before y ou decide te turn, say to yourself 'TIIbot hie or h r lifo, I can make thietu.trn safelY." That je, in fact, what you7ra doing. If you'ra not ab"outeiyý certain, waitl It i leasoodoilte mcrease,.1your ,followig distance when driving bohund a miotercyla. They con decoierate much faster thon, a car. You'il nedà that extra distance if the. metercyclit -docides. te stop in a hurry. A final word te motorcyclise. Jo car-motorcycla,ý collisons, its almost aiwaye the mci'torcydiet whe, gots hurt.: The cnly way te avoid injUuiy la te avoecd, accidents. .,.- Ministry cf Transportation etatistieshow-that while there ara about 500 000 lic.nsed motryl drivers, thoreauar only aLout 150,000 rgsea motercycies in Ontario. This moons many, motorcyclise are eniy ocasienal driver@. This yer and everyyear, consider taking a elis rafresher course bofora yeu take te, the streets. Contact your local drivers lie nce examinaton centre or motorcycie dealer for information about motmrcyle training programe in your ares. May je motercyci a fety month. Drive safely. Free, enterprise has lost v.a,.lue, ,meaning To the Editor Recently tii. gos station nea my home, raised prices for regular,, no-iead &as frcm 49.3 cents te, 56.3 cents par litre in on. swoop. That le, fer us old folks, an icrease in excescf 30 cents par gallon -- outrageous and gouging. One cf Canada's problime je that the. people -- manufacturere, wiiolesalera, ratailers and consumers -- have forgtten what free enterprise je about ond how it ie suppoSed te wvork. A brief check shows tiiot ail the. gos stations have done' about the South fth border, where i'ree enterpr ti hsafothoid, if thiey re a trick like that, consumers wouid revoit. Even 1991 OPTIMA -40 MPG Hwy - MSRP 11,485 freight included *Engineered in Gormariy by Opel - 1.6 L comptrcntrolled, fuel-injected engine - 5-speed manual trnmison *Power brakes - Front stabilizer bar - AM/FM stereo w/clock - Tinted glass.- Rear seat shoulderAap beits - Dual sport mirrors $ 2450pe monith [Based on tax liconse and $1 ,000 down OAC, GMAC. Ask for details. P K)WI1W then, at ieast seaof thei. dealers wculd net increase thot. much. Even if the. price ,could* be justified in some Way, Bone cf the dealers r.4ize that they wil get the busins if. their prices are lower. A smal axampie cf how things work: at Myrti. Beach this winter, the local TV station mn'a short- show each day, askin'g drivers te, cail in locations whare gos was tha cheapest -in their neighbourhoods, and, those stations would be publicized on that show. Wa Canadions have become se used te g.etting big* daddy gcvernment te look after us, instead of doing it ourselves, that free enterprise has lost its value and meaning. Let's get it back. W.J. Gaiger Whitby GST is1 unfai r To the editor: I feel that the GST le another way te deprive us cf our expend- able cash. I recentiy purciias.d aused car from a dealer in Scarborough. The salesman said I would have te. pay -GST ôon the windshleld priceof the cor, $5,595. What h. fail ed te indicote was- that hie dealership,,gets ýa-:réatefrom GST on, the, balance, ded ucted from my trade-in. Ini my cose, the- trade-in wos worth $1,520, the dlfferenc'e was $4,475. The car'.- lot receivedback $106.40 cf the. GST moôney. Tie.-dealer con cdaim a national input tax credit, as- I. was told by the'GST hot 1i me. At ne time was ýthe $106.40 offered bock'te 'me. The. GST peopie eaid that it'was"up to the dealer te. offer tuis tax money bock. I feelltii GST.le an-unfair tax' How-can these bureaucrat4 sieép et~ nàit 7eX cNING For 48 months O.A.G.

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