Whitby Free Press, 24 Apr 1991, p. 26

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B3yI»cMaPewroed "Corne to the best d tIs, year!" proclain Krlisa of jho Anal eduction 4prm athletic dance. was -hi ,18. For $8, Mvuch Mu music. and 'ideos iattire aieniarked the Several s"dents fa il draina clasecrs about violence in i The product$on was s Me. C. Sston, hei dramatic aËts depari, hardworling dedic detrnuatinthe se students added the fu public performances v Austin for the studer lance ever of ned Ms& J. tin physical Mi. Anstins teId on Apri isie provided thfe p 'ulicwas .nvited' to an evening perforace. Austin badmïinton7ý teain menmsare preparng for an upcoimng tunmn competition, and team uniforme, N*on.-uniform members of the juiqior, ,girls' !Y4a ,. soccertem The new uniform Dm the grade were worn on April 9,for the fret ated' a -play gaine of the season. Tlhe Widcats rlationships. and Paul Dwyer played t6 atie., uipervised by Applications for driver's ad of the education classes are available to t;ment. With interested students. Classs bgin cation and on Monday, April -15 and onr inior drama Monday and,,Wednesday evenngs nal touches; from> 3 -to 5'p.m. The',ost is were held at $272.85, and openings are on.a nit bodyand, iret-corne, iret-servebasis. FantaaUic Voyage PAUL HOWARD and- Nona McCail rIceNtlreltdthefr saihlgadven- tur'es to alae crowd at Aniderson By Saluera Arfai. Thingas eem te ha as hectic as ever at Henry, eepecially in sports. On April 18, the gidls rugby team hostedMaka High Sciiool. The "A" gaine was won byr Markham 4-0 while the second gaine was takon 8-0 b~y Hoenry. Ini rugby, the senior boys rugby teain met the Cobourg team asat week. It was an intense gain-e but Henry came eut on top with a win of 21-0. The archery teain participated in its firet ineet of the year asat week. Ail membe performed CVL From left Howard, Penny Howard. weil but a special congratulations should go te Dawn O'R.ggio and Sue Luen Tom for placing first and third ini the open category. The track. and . field teain eulcipt.e inthe tri-meet at Yoi Unveritylast ThursdaY. Fifty-aeven teams froin-Durham, York and Georgian were present and Henry was represented by23 mnembers of the team. Many placed in the -top fave in their events.lb.heniidget boys' relay teain consisting of Brett Huether, André marois,- Vik Sharma and Jon Vizzini, Iplaced second, as- did the junior boys' relay team of Jason Brumley, TRFAGA :± ±K± uiCASTLE SCOO L~* By Lama Jimeu. Battor, batter, batter - swing, Latter! Basebal season bas been greeted enthusiasticaily . by students and staff alili. as tryoits -have been held (despite the. rein) and tearne have been chosen. The upcoming early morning practices are sure te get the. teains in tip-top shape. The annual swim meet hatween houses was held last week;- zany reiutys and mismatched competi- tom miade for smre rather interesing spectaftng. It. was great to see house spirit shown by students baig rgtbannera, and sacrificing their faces to house-coloured zinc. A. new sport on the. agenda is golf. The response for tis -trial activit~y has' been encouraging, and it seems that in the. future it will ha continued. "One who lives and dies in the woods knows the. secret life of trees,wrote Chief Dan George. Unfortunately for mst ofus,' with life'e present hectic pace, it te net always easy torember and appreciate nature. As Eartii Week arries, the students at Trafalgar attempt to lend a belping band. A dres-down day UTl ha 'held, at 'a cost - f $1 te, students wishing -to wear "vilian' clothes te achool. Tii. proceede frein this fundrior wil ha used to replant trees in the hopes of restoring soin. 0f natures stolen bounty.' Anderson to present 'Cinderella' By Maureen Quininu The tension at-AndersonCV is mounting. Thursday April 25 will b. openingnigu of Anderson's pro- duction of &Ciderella.' The.play will aise ha presented on Friday and Saturday nights. Curtain turne is 7:30 p.m., ithe. gym. «We're ready, but there'e alwaye a litte tension before the big night,» says Jennifer Wilson, co-dirctr of the play. Th. play's lead prswilbe played by -KathlynaKelly as Cin- derella and Mark Riney as the Prince. Both have been in proviens Anderson productions. Kelly showed acting excellence as Anne Shirley in last year's pro- duction of 'Anne of Green Gables.' The play aise promises surpr- ises that Andorson waen't able to offer until new. 'Tm a littie, nervous. I really feel the press- ure of doing well becausel1was a lead lastyear," says Kelly. But, wxth the finishinj touches added, Cinmderelila preises to Le even hatter than Ane of Green Gables. "Ail of the. cast are great singerm. It's terrific,'" says Wil- are McCaU, Peter HowaËd and Paul Cis Boe ip hoto Jason Baccidochi, Rich Lombie *and Brian Dufif. By, the endof the, meet Henry had placed fifth out of the 57 tearns. lb. guidance d.partment- is offerig a vrietyofinformiative seinnarste held students mak decisions, about, their future. Rersntatives fr-om, the Devry nsitut. of Technoloy Durhamn College, Sheridan Coege and the Durham. , . Region ,Police Departinent will meet andl speak with students on different days throughout the month. Speakers on OSAP .(financial assistance) and Canada World Youth will aise be holding seminars. There was aise a "Let's Talk Teciinology" presentation on'April Even though there now seins to ha an endless streain of assiginents and sei1nars long ahead, one must rie erthat the semestoer is half-tinished. As a resuit, many students wil ha graduating tuis year. Formai tickets for al grauluating students went on sale on Tuesday at a price of $50. Graduation -photos were aise being tkn Everyone should try te hang in tliere and, enjoy what is left of the somestor. Befoe ou know it, smmer vacation ha b her,. Educatio n Week begins Educatipon Week wil ha observed acrsa Ontario Aprii 28 to May 4... The Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation, District 17, and the Durhamn Board of Education are sponsoring public performances and displays by students frin public socondary schools in Durhamn Region te highlight this yearls therne te, Education Week, 'Learning for There wiil b. threo pblic displays: at the Oshawa Cere (centre court), the Pickering Rocreation Centre, on Valley Farm RdM in Pickering, and the. Pickering Town Conter. -Al displays can ha seen froni Mcmday, Apnil 29 to Thursday, May 2., Be' oot Cusrrie In 1697' 'Contes de.ina Mée P'oye' 'ae of ,Moôther Goôse') was, writtén -and publiehed b Charles P~al.Featured in, hia collection, ëf stori esa for children, was a-àalp of a- youang dMughter who' was mistreated by- her- stemote~and two -stepsisers;, reversio fortune 0occurs- ;when,-- the g*vrl o rage.,meets a prince,,> who fails 4',love and marries her. T%. 'stoily was' known 1as-- « Cendrlo# ' or as we know it now, <Cinderela.' The T-ers han, i book, film and theatre, and only, 30 years ., ý became t-he.ý focus o gmsia, ihr Il. This. rson faursnoto the orn ,heart-.warming sbtory, but aIso pomes a brilliant muicalscore. Along withrmic humour -and :romance, itli.s, thtAndereon i'CVI l'O bfngnjý ô:the sétage' this eo'n. Preparatàions began fi January,ý in.volving -. a cast and chorûs of a"mot 50 and a pit orchestra of ,I ,thu** we -have the srnùs ,cast ever .. boh ,mumèay and "ii.' elements ocf dance -and choreography add _a -new dimension 'ýte -the -production .,V% J cea, o ateacéher a ti 9Cý 1 , fo se;tag directidfi a' ý éë it o*chestrî and aide wthcstme ndmon of the CI i'egrapy. Tussj~tsce ofmusic, Colok and dane n'b. heard- and sien eAnder from Thureday'unt Stra.Curtain,,'in-7:30;-p.m C eepart of it al PAUL DWYERbI#gh echool -will presçgent -'MýT Pair Liady' Msy 24. Above'Jamie (Jasoôn Hoflingworth)lý and Alfred P. Dittle (Anthony ýHarty) bega h fret ofEliz(Coileen Delaney).,l r.Pehoto HENRY STREET HIGH SCHOOL FATHER LEO J. AUSTIN ANDERSON C.V.1.

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