Whitby Free Press, 24 Apr 1991, p. 3

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WMMTB FRtEE-PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24,199G1, PAGE 8 Lynd Shoes plan approved men-oLtes enirnmntll Iemsfrom. Whitby Council agenda(s), Mouday,.AprîIl229,1991 R0com.nienda- tionsfromthe De velopet Thpt thé 'final draft plan eft the. L;$e héosa nvlron-Mental -management plant prepared. n acqrdncewlîh the.Lynde.. Shores Secondary Plan be -approved see separat«. C~ied That council recelve for infbïrmation thephase Ã"oneà *reportof a.housing-strategy s.tudy for the muncipalty and that cos b. forwarded f0 thé Ontarlo Minstriesof -Housing andý Municipal Affairs. * and DurhmRegon.--ý, Thatàasite plan application f rom ConsumersGas.for a *naturai gas dlspenisin~ station, ln co,'njunctionwlhan existing gasoline bar, at the southwest corner of Thick son, 'Rd. S. -andOConsumiersDr. be' approved. -That a rezoning application and official plan amendment -application t ram Gary Adams ta permit medical offices ln an exlsting residential dwelling unit at 420 Crawforth St. be approved. Planning staff had recommended the' application, be deferred ta. Whftby's officIai plan revlew for f urther study but committee rejected staff's advice. Carried Recommenda- tions firom. the Operations >Committee That the monthly repo *rt of <Whitby Transit be received for Information. ln March, Whtby Transit buses carried 44,858 passengers which represonted a 2.5 per cent Inrease over the 43,735- passeng ers in Marvh, 1990. The report notes that service ta the Oshawa Centre which commenced April 2. has be running smoothiy and the f rst statistics wiii be included ln the April report..~ That the Centrai Lake-Ontarlo Conservation AuthorftY. (CLOCA) be advised.the FROM PAGE i '81hould we put- a population Of 6 te 7,000 imple neit te a clas. onewe éîana fe asked. Hellas replied that as long as measures aimied at pr-otecting the marsh are implemented, it is her* "professionai- opinion" that development will not* negatively affect the marsh. In fact, provisionsfor planting and Ianécpiig the areas bor- dering the mars h will make for a "saferè lesa intrusive habitat» for wildlifo, said Relias. Councillor Dennis Fox asked about plans te protect the marsh, dunngi the consrcton period. .Holias acknowledged that this will be a "critical" period but said safeguards will be in place. A serios ofretention ponds wili trap runoif created by construc- tion and building wiil not ho alloWed during the breeding sea- son said Hellas. ' '9 §Ue added that. the Ontario Ministry' of Natural Resources «will ho ,peering over everyone's shoulder very carefully" and that a monitoring committee, wiIl be established before work begins. - CciMposed of government and citizeén 'ropresentatives, the comn- mittee will ensure that measures contàined in.ý a detailed master plan are followed. A ýmaster'plan teimploment the, EMP -rocommendations will bo prepared once the EMP is approved by the provincial government, aid Houas. FoxiccptdHelIas? explana- tion, but ho ssuéed a warning.- "If that doesn't occur -I can see where this whole tfiing wilî, break down," said Fox. ', During debate of the recom- mendation te approve the study Brunelle said he had ne quarrel with the Bird and Hale report. However, ho said the consul- tants may have-been hindered hy the- direction given te, them. Brunelle said the consultants were ted that there will be residential development and te "find us a safe way te do it." Brunelle said. the opposite approach should have been taken, whether or not the marsh can withstand development. 'TMe problemn I have is not that Birdt and Haie have, done a rjob, they haven't, but Chv e e n told te do the impes- sible,"V said Brunelle. Toimagine that ail these measures will ho succesaful 50 years from now in hard te, fathom." Brunelle cited his previous commenta concerning i>ack of measures te proteet thé mar3h, from unwanted intruders such as children using it as a piayground and stray cats. Ho said the report suggests that the monitoring comnuttee, along with the landowners, must ho «vigilant" in controllinig access te, sensitive areas. "Are we going te, have nxarsh policer" asked Brunelle.' "Hew wili this committee stop juveniles from 'doing what they do best?" As for stops te sto p wandering felines, Brunielle said the report rocommenAenforcing animai Councillor Joe Drumim dis- agreed t rm h According t rm h study's rec ommendation that the marsh romain a cîass one wet- land la the "bottom linor. While,,Drwn conceded that vandale may ho a problem, "Uwe éhouldn't lock up th town and hide." Drunim said «95 per cent" of the cemmunit wiil respect the sensitivity ofthe marsh. Ho also said fears about un- wanted development are ground- legs. "No one will build an outhouse or dig a hole until this (monitor- ing) committee is down there." .Drumm predicted that the entire planning exercise wili serve as a model for ail munici- palities. "This will bo heid up by other communities in the province wholI say loo<k what Whitby did,' »said Drumm. Councillor Lynda Buffett said the real issue is net the projected population but the. Ontario govorrnent's greenlands policy Buffett said the. province's New Démocratic Party government supports greator public access te open spaoe areas such as the marsh. An ~example is the. proposed public walking trail along Lk Ontario from Burgtn te Port Hoe hich will pans through fte Lynde C reek area, said Buf- "Whether there' ixge or 6,000 living there should ave no bearing on it," said Buffett. "If no houses are built here'at al the province says it will ho opnspace and open te hundreds of housands of people." Mayor Bob Attersley echoed Buffott's remarica. Attersley said it was the Ontario goverrnment's initiative i 1981 toe dvelop the. Lynde Shores area thro:2h the redeve- At NutriSystem,.you'll find supportive counseling, satisfyng rda foods, light activit> and new ways to beat old habits. * Speclal aller appiles'to regular services. Does flot Include cost of food or diarles. one ten pound piogramn per persan. New clients onlY. Cannot be combined with other allers. Valid at participating centres. (Expires April 26/91) .... loment of the psychiatrie hoispi- 'Mhe province came Up withm the industrial park and the resi- dentiai too n sid Attersley.. «ConcilorBuffett is right, even if there were no houses, there would be a walkway for the public te use," ho added. Couniloôr Ross Batten said Whitby's waterfront has been the subject of much study and debate for severai years. «We've had planners, consul- tants, this council dand ost 'un- portantly, the pubrue involved, said Bat±en. "Now we have the province through the Crombie and Kanter commissions saying they want public access te, green space and the watorfront.7 (The two government-appoin- ted commissions released reports on different aspects of Ontanrio's environmaent last year.) However, with the secondary plan,,Batten said Whitby fas"one Ste p ahead" of the government. «This plan will ensure manage- sensitive areas," said Batten. IBy1 adopting this report. we will set a precdnti Ontario, it will be a showpiece that the rest of the province wili copy.» Batten added that any council- lor not suportinrthe plan would bo «neg ge nm.1dis uty to the municipaityr. The EMP wil now ho submit- ted for consideration by both the Central Lake. Ontario Conserva- tion Anthoity and the niâtural resources mimistry. It muet alse ho endorsed b the Ontario Ministry of Mumici- pal Affairs before the secondary plan i8 approved. If the mimistrygies, its bless- ing te both the EMPe and second- ary plan by the suxmmer, subdivi-, sion plans could corne forward as eariy as the fali. H.-owever, the government ser- vices ministry, te, largst land- owner in the, secondary ares, muet still bè exempted from the requirernents of an envircénmen- taI assessment. A RIGHT WAY TO LOSE WEIGHTm [a1114 yst WHITBY OSHAWA AJAX/PICKERING BOWMANVILLE 101 Brock St. S. 345 Simcoe St. S. 1450 Kingston Rd. 98 King St. W "3 ;: - 6m0770 723m5211 420m6300 623m88666 WHEN S019EOHE BýELlEVES IN YOU ANYTHING SEEMS POSSIBLE,

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