Whitby Free Press, 24 Apr 1991, p. 7

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PAGE SEVEN Pcyequt y By rmmouid White Durham Centre M&PP I have received a number of oeils rogarding pay equity and Our gov.rnentes plans to assist child car. workers.Addreing the. biatoeical inequity i pay between womense work and men's work of equivalent value formed a central plank i ou election cenralin he hroe seeh. W. are- coimitt.d to crea±ing a more equitable and just society i which everyone i. valued on hie or her own menite. Ini 1989, th. average earnings for an Ontario male worldng full-year fuil-tune were $37,417, compared to femal. earmnig of $25,205 (or .67ý'per cent) for women (Statietice Canada). Tâis wage gap han gained proinence on the Canadian political, econmc and social agendas over th. last two decades pniarily through the effective advocacy of feminist groupe whothve put it there. It ie% and'éhould b., the focue of plicyadprga deelpmnt a al evlsofgovernrnent. qalpyfor equal work was the figret victory ith. battIs to reduce th. earnings gap between mon and women. It became evident very quickly that a serlous prcblem stili romains. Equal pay for equal work faile to deal with the undervaluation of work pefred by women. Occupational segrgation »-. the "pink-colar ghetto where women are traditionally over-represented in clericaY/eecrtarial, nurifing and day car. - was not affected ly equal pay for equal work. Therefore, a hift ith dgwas made tothe concept ofequal pay for work of equal value. -Vlue needs toincludee7kIlleffort, responsibility and orncodtnsto1 offer any reasonabe comparieon. Ontario je regarded as having tho most pixrurssve piece of legielation i North America. On. of the moet important factors in the psng Of Bill 153 in 1987 ie attributed to 1h. leverago held b, theNDP'iii the minority government of the time. In ftit was one of 1h. major conditions cf 1h.eIàb.rl/DP lb.e pnincip les, behind the i *sldation b.d all-party support Howover, by the, time the detaikb.d been worked out, manky Ontario womenb.d been written out of its coverage- Tour govenment je committed1 to extending .1h. Act to bnftup to 420,000 wmen, from 76,000. An example is child c ar.wrkers, a predomianl female domain, who are u.go Mcatly undep'd and do not bavýe comparable, mai, job clases within hi organizations.i, Tis was a major gap in the provious lgiiaio whieh .Bob Rae promise mien hrn Major, stops have been taken. InJauyte Minister of cmqnie ndSda Services, Zaa kndannoimced a - 3iâ uillion ftmd tinroethe sluâýare fcildicar. workers. I. minister dlesribedthe fund es "a downparment on paM eqmtin h.Dot-zor-iftfit sector." lInFebruary, Tkeasurer FIoyd Laughiýenànnuïced 1h. govemnment'.-199MG2trf. paymients to .hospitale- coleg"sand universities, e chool, boards aud municipalities. At the. sme tim%7e, aid that~ an, additional- $100 million would .b. ýiucluded h'i h. 1991/92,, Wdgot toaàasit tii... broader- public sector employer. with: tho' coit cf pay .quity ajomus W. fuilly recoguize thaàt'tae movemeut for s<:ýcipliia and .conomic equltyfrwomeu il ntb. lu àdsoel through pay -,equity legislatioii.Obviously, it Iwil help. I encourage people tawrite or phonoi with thoir opiiios on tins matter. .11e.140 7 41 f. v i NI 4 ONE 0F V'IR FiM1' II(TO GRAPIIè019 WMIIY BM AN AJFLANE, 19 Tbis photograpb, looking west from Green %tret, wa mde into a postcard by th. Canadien. fottard, Company. Former piote from the First World War taok many cf thes. pictures of nalOýtario towne. Thi. four corners à night of centre. Wui MNwS b - 10 TELE -AGO from the Weclnesday, rjni 22, 1981 edition of th. Iil'IBY AREE PEESS " A sound eystem will b. installed în th.eCuncil chanibers at the municipal building. *e Durbmegion Council has r.jected extra representation from Whitby and Ajax. " Duraam Region will spend *500,.000 ta reconstruct the Myrtle Road fro= Ashburu ta Myrtie. eAltama. Ebele. of Whitby je the new president of the Oshawa-Whitby-Newantle United 25 YEffl8 AGO from th. Thursday, Aýril 21, 1966 edition of the WHMMY WEEKtLY MeW *Town Council waute former coundllHor George Bevan to modernize Whitlby' 800 "ancient" * rbes McEwen Je 1h. uew treasurer of the Town of Whithy and John IL Froet is proenoted- tasâmiistrator. *Whitbhy Towitihip wauts the. Town of Whitby to, supply sewer and water services ta 1th. corridoriarea between Whitby and Oshawa4 *lb. Whitby Garden ClubwIil plant five flôwering crab apple trees on 1h. grounds cf 'the municipWl building in honour Canada'scentenniali 1967. 75 YEAES AQO from the TIrdayr April 20,1916 edition of the wifl r Y'GAEM AND) CHR0NCLE-, " Sixteen Whîtby séldiers have arnived in England by the, troopship, Olympic. " It caes $40 a mn ot maitain a home for Whitby's VON nurses. e lb. Patriotic'Le6gu cf Whitby Towneip sent 1,000 pairs of socks ta 1h. soldiers in Europe. " Mauy carpentersý and masons 'have- been laid off hrm the construction of the Ontanio Hiosptai, as the building» are neaning completio. has nothing to say this vveek ýw

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