Whitby Free Press, 24 Apr 1991, p. 8

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Sandoz drug m ay.,help. lin. tatetof schizophreniïc S, By Mlaureen Quinflain The Whitby- pharmaceutical branch of Sandoz, Canada has, been producing a drug that could. change the livies of some treat- rnent-resisBtanitschizophrenis., Although the drug has been available to Canadians for several, years under the Emer- gency Drue Release Prorm, it asnt untl March 26 this year when Clozaril was, accepted by' the Health Protectiian Branch. 'But umtil it te reviewed further by the provincial governiient, the drug will not be openly avail- able to LZypatient Who wasn't using thedrgoefre _its appro- Seventy Canadians had been using Clo zaril, paid for by San- doz Canada, unitil April 1 this year. However, there has apparently béeen much controversy about theý Some. feel that the drug isnlt' users, it could cause, a dif "" whiÏte blood oeils, causing isuscep- tiiiytée infécton..:nd even-. tually -causing 'deathý, anéLd' patients must h ave '.a weekly« biood test for protection. < Ithas been argued that this,-. couid be an expnse -té taxpayers for a, drug that is neither Wrth-. while nor sale. The,'drug.-wouid cost about,,' $5,700 per patient each yegr -- a. price that isn't, 60 hig-h when comparedte the cost of hosBwpita- lizing a person diagnosed wvith schizophrenia. But the cost of. improving aimost non-exisetent Éo-cial pro- grains for the. «now. productive» citizens also has te be added te the price. American takeover sav es jobs at Whitby lant RAiNBOW TE lown joined in the festivities for the recent opLznj)ng of Evertman Shoe Repair at Thickson Plaza. -AUl roceeds duning the day were donated to the Whitby General Hospital Fist Clase Fund Campaign. ffl.. Peo photo Real estate *companyv honoured .W. Frank Real Estate iixmted *was rece)ntly awarded as Business of- the Year by the. Oshawa *Chamber of Commerce. "I knew w. were, nominated, but it stili caught' me by surprise," said company founder and president Walter'Frank'. "It te very nice. when you get recognized by something like Thle W.ý Frank Real Estate orgmzaion includes Whitby offies on Thickson Rd. S. andý Brock St. N. WHITBY HISTORICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. Agenda WillI mode Elections And By-Law Amnendments AL ARE WELCOME! Send Your Messag to Ottawa! Vox Pop Forum (Town Hall Styl1e Meeting) René Soetens M.P.* The New Pickerin g Library Friday, April 20th, 1991 :7:15 PM, -9:U00 P ý041 îIl ý' By Mike Kowalisld An American corporations tak- eover of a Canaia company wiil Bave 175 jobs at a Whitby facto1. recently announced that itwi purchase ail shares in Bail Pack- aigCanada for $120 million.' The acquisition,-. subjeet to governinent -review, was prompted by Ball's, Canadian subsidiary being placed in recei- vripin March when it defaul- te npayments te- its 'lender banks. Formed in» 1988 as, a joint venture ë with Onex Corp.. of Toronto, Bail Canada i a major p roducer *of metai cans for .tE food, soft drink. and beer indus- tries. Based in Rexiale, Ont., Bal Canada has appi9oxu-mately 1,800 empoyees ad ,oprates 'nine manufacturing plants across the couitr%,indludmnone on Went-' The Ontarioqur of Justice earlier this mor4h ceared the way for the sale sfe two of Bal Canada7s 16 lenders refused te accept the $120 rmillion offer. The court approved the sale and foroed the 'two banks. to accept the deai. Upon ciosing, which is exec- ted to occur this week, al Canada will become a wholiy- owned subsidiary of ]Bail Corp. "We are extremeiy pieased with this decision as it will aiiow Our company te carryon business as usuai.' said Bal Canada pre- aident William Lincoln in a pre-_ pared statement. «Becoming whoily-owned by Bal wili remove thlecompany .1from its: highly leveraged posi- tion and provide significant security te ail of. aur stakehol- derse added Lincoln,.. - Company s pokesmîan obr Lauer confirmed- that the sale Sne 1 9 wâil not resuit hi y changes te the Canaqdianoperations., No plants wil be ciosed or jobs SEE PAGE 17 Trhe dru -g ap aetly ca < m réitore'some ',seriouslyfpie and chroniicâklly ositaizd, p atiénts" and. al àlow the Io: retur te a near-normaàllife., Butj te ,date, ail Clozaril, usexts in Ontario remai in hospitalized car.. There are medications, bèsides- Clozaril, on the market that can heip schizophrenics. But 20 -to 30 percent of all peopie diagosd wvith, schizophrenia got littie or, no symptom- relief 7frômý these past medications. Ntonly has Clozaril caimed te be -an ,asset te suüfferers of' schizophrenia, butalso to'thioie. who research the, disease. ,-1. "We. have seen how effective- Cloâarii can >be. .It may bethat, Clozai ihas more, specii actioni- on the aréeas of the birain that airé most importnin this disease.ý It ma ieus 'important -duelï- te*' tma 'Causes of :schizophnreia1 saýys 3Dr. 'Sylvie BouchardmI- cal directer at, Sandido Canada. UlZ CONNELLY ,wlth daughter Le h 'Anne and fredChritùaoattenldod openin at Gidien Gmdena on ApilB1de photo

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