Whitby Free Press, 1 May 1991, p. 1

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By ,aueenQuna Durham Rejgion now bas one of the finest 911* emergency systems in the province. .Beginning today (May 1), 99.9 per cent of the popu4ation of Durham Region will hâve a service which links fire,. police and ambulance systeme to one common, emergencyrphonenumber. N$1.8 'million service bas modifications that aren't available with Mtro '911 number or any other emergency lin. in Ontario. The enhanced system features the abilty# to give out thie exact location froin where the caIl i. beig aced.> "mhe iUne won't -show where your phoo bH i bengsent o lke the Denson, teccal haira ote i .committee., This feature is essential for those who hvphones installed at their cottags but havethi phone bills sent to their homes. Using theý old sytem, if they called the emereny lin. w le at te cottage, the police would arrive at their town address. -The Durham 'services can deterniine exactly from where» a callisi.made. 911 also won't let the caller bang up until they ".ýfeel they bave enojh information," says Denson. 'We can keep the lin. open as long as we have to -- fori an entire day, an hour or just a few minutes," says Denson. 'The lin. has total control."' If, for example,ý a caller uses, the, emergency lin.bîy accident and hangs up the caller can't, use- his/her phone untif 911 ringsback to check out the. cal It 'can make a tremen.dous difference," says Denson. Ther. has been no need te make great changes to the commuinication systems te accommodate the service. But te keep the service running smoothly, north Whitby rei*dents s3hould b. sure.-te notify BeIlCanada .of 1-h. municipal addresses that they. were. assigne d. "If the. only information w receive about your address is Ri1, then thatsà 50 square miles, we have toepcver," says Denson. I tbink the greatest achievement of the service, is the municipal' addresses".. They save tim ro rjr and lives"sy Ed Crouch,WZ tbyfliechie# and member of the 911 com'te.. The. 911 pro4ect has been in th. wérlcs frtoyears 'almost te th. dayi,says Denson. "It couldn't bave worked without the talco-operation of a tbree emergen <cy services,' says Denson. More than 1,900 emplcyees have been trainedfor- tbree moni tha t9 o'perate. the'; service properly. ~ u "Crank calis are to e e été uit will bW the resýonsibilityr of each person te use the lin.sproper1yand' each service te deal wth1her matter" ffsûas Denson. Ceremonies marking t he. start of 'the service,,were,>to. e b.held, today,at,,1 h. Durham ]Region headquarters building i Whitby. Robinson breaks Off negotiations" 4~y Mike Kowalski, 'Negotatins aîued at. remo1otnahydreu., PCBs fro ti. ferry',boat in Whitbyaror aebln e o ff Howimever e oor ,isaprni tf pnfrapoi maâteiy5-00,gllonsof te c emical t e elfocated te hib Hyros storage facility on Taunton Rd. MARK MHELB student at RL. Sennett public ochool, brews a, strange concoction drngavisit by scientist AMm Vomer of Scarborough College University of Toronto. She performed. a vadiety Of experiments for students. Chis Boie photo The Fr.. Press has learned that, on April 9 a meeting was held between Ontario Ministbryof Environment -officiais, b oat- owner Art Robinson 'and bis "lawyer.1.1 i Ihe meeting was held, te dis- cuss a proposed agreement that woulda low transfer of the PCBs to, the Wbitby Hydro site. The. federal government i. wil- lin g, te destroy- the PCBs at a future date if Hydre will store three transformera from the boat which contain the. chemical. Hydro has agreed te, this request, but the utility's accep- tance is contingent on'the pro- viniciai government and/or. Robin- son taldng. responsibility for the PCBs. .Although the province has y.t to, respond te HyMos termse a draft- agreemenit haî been> pre- pared and awaits cabinet appro- val. But during the meeting Robin- son balk.d at a'ministryrequ.st that a security bond b. posted that would permpit' the transfor- mer. te b. stqed on the dock. Until the province makes its decision, Environinent .Canada officials, have no objection te, moving t he PCB. off the boat and inte a specal container., (Federal law has jurisdiction over the. PCBs while aboard the vessel and on the dock.. 'Provin- cial regiflations would apply ýWh.n the. PCB. a re no longer on Resiïdents want action federal property.) The transformera would bé hif- ted from the boat and plaoed in an "enviro pack7 storage unit on the dock. But Robinons refusai to post the bond means that the trans- former. cannot b. stored en the dock, The Free Press was told. However, Robinson stopp*ng negotiations do.. not pre-clude the possibility of the PCBseçven- tually winding up at .Wbitby Hydros site. Robinson, a Whitby business- man, intends t smli the 76- year-old Prince Edward Island ferry which has been dockad at the harbour for four years. But before the boat can lleave the harbour, the, PCBs mu st -b. removed. PCB. (polychiorin'ated biphenyls) have been linked te cancer mn laboratory anim*ais. Production- of PCBs, used .a cooling agent for electricai tr 'ans- formàer., was banned in 'the Ewardst runfor mayo By Mike Kowakold Election fever has bit Whitby. Veteran councillor. Tom Edwards will rua for maor in tbis Novembers3 muni«cipal elec- tion.' mhe r.centiy. retired, union representative wili challenge in- cumbent ýýMayor Bob ýAttersley and ý former counilor ^,Gerry Except for two yearw in the Aft.r mWore thùn 30 y ears in appointment. late' 1979,Edwards,'/65, has public hife. Edwards' announce- wLnfortunately, I. was'involVed serv.d on Whiitby council since ment could justifiably be t.rmed i heavy. negotiations involIving 1964. a surprise'at this stage in bis 70 hospitals in Ontario,ý I -had te Heetrd politinii 90a political career.> honour that commiinent.' a truste. on the former Whitby "Iqes .not ý- the ý,first ,thme ve Edwards is a, formeèr national public school board anàd is cur-ý thouiht about. it,»' ESdwards representative for the. Canadian rentiy aregionai counciIlor. ý admitted m- aninterýview. UnionofPbi Epoys Edwardia also has tIi. distinc- - «When- (former,, mayor) Des. (CUPE). tion of, being-the last reeve f Newman regndwt r ovn- Alack of time to, devote to the:

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