PAGE 20, WHITYFME PRESS, WEDNESDAy, MAY 1, 1991 arres. - YOU S'. li roln.,- 0. -,c A group of Anderson'Collegiate students recently experienced Police work first-hand. They watched as fellow stu- dents were arrested inl he claisa- room. Three young offenders and an 18-year-old maie have been char- g9ed in connection with incidents which took place i a grade 9 shop class. Det. Tom Cameron of the Dur- hamn Regional Police street crime unit said the arrests occurred following complaints lodged by school officiais. According to Cameron youn er students were bein' assaulted and harassed by older students. - "Te events took place over time 'the victimes were quite i- timiâated,» said Cameron. "WIe met with school adminis- trators and discussed how to best accomplish solving the problem.» So to drive homne an effective message to both victime ns d per- petrators, the unusual tac' tic of arrestingthe offenders while in schol as agreed upon, said (Janeren. An 18-year-old and two young offenders were 'charged with assault initially.. The next day, a' third young offender was arrested after one of victims received a death threat because.'of the previous day's events. Ail four were released and will appear in court at a later date. A condition imposed on the 18- year-old is that he no longer attend the school. "We're most satisfied with the co-operation we received frem the school,» said Cameron. "They have a safe school but one way they féltý te keep it safe was. to, mvolve our unit.-" Camneron said the police action has- had a positive affect on students. «One of the victims who wan- ted toecut' the dlass because of what happened is naw' starting te enjoy school.» Cameron said the unit, which has been in eistence for about three weeks, waa formaed pi- marily te concentrate on youth Ellis to speak at caregivers' meeting, tne of street crime may fail into 4Jerestill new, .we're stili evolving into our roles.» Charged with assault is Michael Paul, 18, of 101 Ribbles- dale Dr., Whitby. The three young offenders can-: Susan Ellis, one' of Ontario's most respected health care p-refessionals workcing with the fi-ail and baird-to-serve elderly, will be in Oshawa on Saturday, May 4 te discuss with Alzheimer family caregivers the comlexcities longteri cre acilty., Hosted by the Alzheimer Society of Durhani Regien, the seminar 'When the Tme Comes? will take place at the Michael Starr Building at 33 -King. St. from 9:30 a.m. te 2:30 p.m. - Tpesfordiscusson will include fators0to consider hithe seletionof alongtermcar facilite; handling gufit; preparim1 for the move .anid visiting. and caregiving. 1Registration in advance is required. Cafl the Alzheimer- Society of Durham Rtegion- office atý 576-2567. The cot -for -the session, mrcludinig lunch, is $5 and this'fee I THE REGIONAL DURAMMUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM NOTICE 0F PUBUC MEETINGS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 17(2) 0F. THE PLANNING ACT, 1983 REVUEW 0F THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN The review of the Durham Reparal Officiai Plan has been underway for sewerai years with extensive analyses, public consultation and çubmnissions. The next two stops in the Officiai Plan review are as follows: 1. Durham Plannin Committee will hold a public meeting to consider staff recmmendatons on the Officiai Plan Review an Tuesday. May 7 1991 comnmenclng at 1000 amn. in a roomn located on "l " un<loo et lUi s9iuhst oIUmnco tu hl tUy Mal, HUiway No.2andTlickuon Ro.d, WhlUly. Those who Wîsh te appear before the Planning Cornrittee should make a request in wniting by Friday, F& 3 1991 ta the Durhiam Region Planning Departinent at Box 623,l61b5Dunclas Street East~ 4th Floor, Lanig Tower, West Builclng, hitby, Ontario. Il N 6A3. 2. Durham Reglonal Council will hold a public meeting te receive the recommendations of the Planning Committe and hear deputatians on Wednesday, June 5, 1991 commencin at 10.00 arn. in the Cotucl C#mmboà 1!gIol HodqmtWtesuldn605 Rouand Rced Ewg? Whl iTose whowvish toappear bfore Regional Ceuncil shoulic malce a request in wvriting b y Wednesda, Mà y 29, 1991 te the Regional Clerk at Box 623, 608 Rossland Rod East Whitby, Onta"l, Li N 6A3. Reports containing staff m9cornrnencdationswil be available for inspection attdiePannin Deparmentand OMe office of the Regianai Clark beginning WednesLy, ay,191M. The reports can aise be purchased frm te Planning Dprmn Further information on the review of the Dwham RegK>nal Officiai Plan may be obtained b24contaching the Planning. Deparirnet at (416> 728-731Mhity),(41) 68-161Çroronm> Une). Marie Hubbard Chakmnof Ducham Plannin Comvnittee Dr. M. Michael, M.C..P. Convrissloer of Planning C. Lund_. A.M.C.T. Regional Clerk M Tree-planiting at achool AMANDA CAVERLEY helps Whitby Brooklin. The Rotry Sunrise- members Andrew volved in seven wood and Revin Tunney (right) BEarth Week in 1 plant a tree at St. Leo school in service -al events ~1hitby. club was in- m to recogmize Chria Bovie photo Brooklin United Churcli news SundaY sehool anniversary service wilI be held at Brooklin United Church on Sunday May 5, Il amn. Beulah Buchwald wil ho guest speaker on this occasion. Children are te meet their teachers 1:0 a.Muic for junior Sunday school will ho available from teachers. Ladies of the congregation are invited te join the senior choir on * CutomMadeClohes special arra.ngement of «A] Custm Mae Clthes Things Bright and Beautiful. oReady to Wear There will ho a practice o *Alterations Thursday, May 9 at 8:30. There will ho a hymn n sng ai The Mother's Day Service on Sunday, May 12. he sacrament o Dressmaiker 6 Roebuck St. Brooklin New programs 655-5025 at 1ibrary3 lawn & garden Serving Brooklin & Whitby 4. '655'-360 0 - 1.4 Il t; 1N1W Progranis Will sean begin at the Brooklin hibraiy Toddier Tme will b held on Tuesda ornp May -7 ýte June il; Sleepytùne is Wednes- day evenings May 8 te June 12; 'M'ter School Reading Time is Wednesday afternoons, May 8 te June 12. Registration for Toddler Tme fer childen aged- 2 and 3, sncf Sleepytme, for ages 3 te 5e is on May,2 and 3. No registration is necessary for the reading prograin. A special 'craft rgan o children aged 8 te 1 ll Whoheld on Thursday, May 23, ý6.30 teo . 730p.m67-4.*#,#*i*i*.,*#**,'-fqê baptism will ho celebrated on Mayý 12 at the morning service. Parents will meet with the minise on the Thursday, M4ay 9, 7 p.m. in the church parleur. Contact the minister if you desire baptism for your child. ' Sunday school teachers will nieet on May 15 at 7:30 p.m. in the CE building. $ýuperîntendent* is Gloria Jackson. Church school promotion Sunday is on May 26. Whels Mtyo The next Wheels te Meals wilI ho held i Brooklin Ashburn and Myrtle on Wednesday, May 8, at noon. Lunches are held at St. Tho- mas Memorial Hall, Brooklin. If transportation is needed, eall Seniors and shut-ins or dist- abled of ail ages are welconie. Cost is $3.50 per persan. Paper drive 2nd Bftokli scouts will hold a paper drive in Brooklin on Satur- day, May 11, starting at .9:30 -Newspapers should. ho tied- shinyý paper (magazines) ancf heavy' bmndings ( telephone books) sh6uld ho avoided.- EB BROOKLIN RIENTALS 1