PAGE 2, WHITBYFREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY. MAY 1, 1991 W ib searateseh oola-xes up 5,6% By Mike Kowaloki The average -separate achool supporrin Whitby ,wifl pay $69 more m education taxes this, year. Durham separate sehool board trustees last week approved a $126i2 million budget for 1991 whichrpresents a ,6.9 per cent,' increase in t he averaget miii rate acroësthe region. In Whitby, thé increase wili be oniy 5.6 per cent, which .,means Catholic ratepayers wil-pay $ 1,299, ona norne assessed at Latyathe ?averageed<iuca- tio ta $a 1,230 in Witby., 'While this yers increase'is a far cry, from the 15.4 per cent of a ya'ýao it did. not corne Like their 'public schiooi 'oun'- terparts- before them, Cathoiic trustees.,were foroed te Chop pro- grams. Industrial arts and family stu- diecses for grade T and 8 students were cut. A learn-to-swimn pro gram for grade 3 students is gone. as weli as water'therapy for chiidren i speciai7education. Other mI>aj or cuts were $185,000i building main- tenance and $2A80,200 for science progams and su plies Trstees alo hýadeteo draw on $1.7 million in- capital reserveý' funds te cushion this year',s i- crease. Although the 1991 budget is. less than 1990%s $130.5 million i spendig, a reduction in provin- cial rats meant local taxpayers had termake up the differenice. 1About $82.9 million of -the overal$126.2 million budget ,will come from Ontario govern- ment coffers. As board chairman Catherine CotannY e1plaied, construction cot or n2ew schools such as Father Austin and St. Berna- dette's i Whitby contributed te last year's budget. W th lèes capital spending in 1991poia ~ agrants decreased. accordingl, said Tunney. Although industrial arts and home economics classes were, axed, Tunney, said newer pro-. grams 1wvill'replace. thoseta were chopped. wThe Jýbard is now studying the whole technical, aspect of the system, there will be, new pro- grams-itroduced in the futurîe,» said Tunney. A- Whitby trustee, Tunney denied theý budget is reflective of this being an election year. (Elections for municipal coun-, cils and -school boards wiUl be held Nov. 12.)» "It's fot (an election budget),» said Tunney «We look at future years and d' our budget plan-' ning many years* i advance.," However Tanney saidtrustees had little cioice bt;t te bring in a budget comparable te the public, school board. «We have te corne in.-close te the public board, if not, we lose ratepayers;,»said TunneDy. "Wen'money is tight people do comparison shopping.? Last'month, Durham Board of. Education trustees approved a $338.3 million budget.> Public school ratepayeras in Whitby will, pay 5.6 per, cenit more in education taxes in 1991, as a result. LIP IYfiL APRIL 2710 TOMAY'20 100,000 Spring, Tuips'in Boom 25 Acres. of Show -Gardens Lynde House Museum Shops, Gard en Gate Restaurant Fun for the entire family 300 TAUNTON RD. W., WHITBY. ONTARIO LiN 5R5 (416) 294-7965 TORONTO - (416) 666-6606 WHITBY FAX (416) 668-0510 * OPEN DAILV e *GROUP DISCOUNTS ON ADMISSION & MEALS. *FREE PARKING - WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE e ENTERTAINMENT. TAUNTON SPO 40 MUE Pease Spot. tb e - - GOL.DFLAME SPIREA Médium height fi-owvering shrub -with foliage- starting red, changing, to yeliow Mauve fiowers mid-sumfmer - 30 cm Reg. $14.95 NO W ON SALE!$ 99 EMERALO 'N GOLO EU0NYMUS PRINCE 0F WALES. Goid & green leaves that remain on, JUNIPER"ý the plant alil year long.,- i gai. Véry iow spreading Juniper that Reg. $19.9595 NO W OLY!$79NO WONL Y!'$ .9 .i1 UNILO0CK SEMIN AR, May 4th lO0am & lpm !~nsalto.of paver's&walls ths mnres U5O GF.acty Hg 'aSOIection ofBicClm -Just Arri ved rgeoug Beautlul shrîu e die Ct, .xders! ;e te expanded again. S& evergreens available.- I *Free parking at the door * Quick service, while you wait or while you shop EVE RTMAN S 0! REPAIR Quallty Shoe &BoRepair, Precision Ske Sarenlng & Key Cuttlng 668m0773 80 S.(sm Rd., S. kR ) Offer ends May 31191 - Ig 1.01,