Whitby Free Press, 1 May 1991, p. 30

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PAGE 3o;*WHTBY FREEPRES&.WEDNESDAY, MAY 119 By DcR-çý ftran Wildcat -- thletica roRS"witii succeso!, Austi's tmidget >,boysd rug«by 'team is stili Undefeated after yet atiotiier win onApri-11 28.7 over .HarwOO& d.uiback. David Koiiek had"two ,conversons and- a thûre-podnt .1penalty gIîioal. Aistin was supez1r * isizeand' strgtii which -helped.,themit wm. -eveqry scrum ' agSinst HarwoÃ"4d, whfl. the-. fuck lin. roed tohav ret speed and Cul-hnding tablityTo p-saore rsa were -Chris Wats, Anthony Phelan, Erie Kittmar and Koiiek. Jon Edgecombe, Kevin Cark., Spencer Lloyd, -9Joeii Charron, Chris Buurman, Neil Bolon and John Rinella also played a spirited gaie. Congratulations te tthe junior girls' socer team for'an awesome start. Austin tied -Dwyer, and then beat Pereyma 3»0. Michelle Devries was soidý in goal and' gave confidence te tthe team. Againat Pereyma, Diana Niedzwiedi. scored -flrst, followed -bý Carrne Voneégiel on a1nalty l dck. Heatiier ý[wPe='nalmo sored. Tii. Wildcat defense - f Loil Lambert% Andrea Sholtes anid» Carnie Van Vegiiel, .and, tii.:-upotn offence 'of JnyMzt et Pressure on t.copeting tai Our socrta nticip a prozmmg sesonlietthg.their ig-ýhson OSDSAand OB titles. T,..Ihanlcs té ail the. fan who came out on April. 17 and >supported the,; junior boys' becrcise.team Who defetd MWcLaughlin .6-1, "for, .Austin's second straight win. Leading tii. team odffensbvely,*were Scott MacnnelBrian Medceirosi, John Mclvrand Gary Kane. Chris Stocld -scored bis firat goal;- Wayte b., beys!- Wht blastl Members of tii. Austin Intermediate Band' took pr mn tii. music festival at' Iastdal, Collegiate on April 16. They represeuted our school 'oorby and won tii. bronze award' for their excellent perfor[-manc'-e. Well don. Tiihe chuscdauce on April 18 -wasa smash lut! Charles Garnier and Pr. Austin students fLnR aiybd, 'a chance te iningle after sciiool «hours. Tii. atbietic department would like, te ext.nd their grattude ote .Young attendants foriiel temalcet, a great succesa. W. ail hope tedo it again in the. near future. FATHER LEO J. AUSTI-N--,' By Sanira Arfai Thinga have been as hectic as evertuns past- week. AU; of Henrylis athletic teauns have spent a lot of time out on the. field. SOn April 23, Henrys basebal team won both ends of a double- header. Iu the. frst gae, Henry defeated Donevan 18-2, and in tii. second, gaine Hawks beat Courtice 16-3. The. boys' field lacrosse teain >was defeated by Central ia tough match on *April 23. Despite the. 10- loos, Hawks -played. very weil. 'On April 25, Hawks bust te Denis M~orinor. Henry had a rocky start and were dowu 4-0 before f ghting back te make the. final score 8-5. Tii. girls' ugbyteam hoeted Brock last wieJ. Henry was defeated-6.0 in the. first game but riade a strong comeback lu the. second ge., wuinning 14-0. On Aril 25 Henry-hoeted Unionville. Th fSs6-4 m was taken by Hem 6-4while bu the. second, Hnywas defeated 124. Iu junior boys' rugy, Henry upset Vanier 16-6. ii. girls' senior lacross team played their first gae of the. season bat week.- Theyqstarted. out shaky but as thie, gaine prgrssdtiihey began te comne together. At the. end of tii. game, teHawks ended up on'top by a smor of 3-2. In the. next game, the. girls continued to play well and won 4-1. Senior concert band members participatad in the Kiwanis Music Festival on April 19. Th. band received a gold award while Julie Roebottom received a $350 scholarshipý in the senior solo Ten Henry Street' students comneted for medals at the. 1991 -DAiiSkills Challenge. Among thoee who received medals were [Ken Bulmer, Jason Croasman, Bob Broodstock, Terry Scheltema, Matt Stolk, Laura..Wilmot Greg Sullivan, Jason --Hampton, Warren lston and Todd à s AUl ofIHery'scolege-bound students should b. conimended. Congratulationsal Mof your liard work reaily paid off. To* close, élections for next year's student council are coming, soo and many students can be smen running around with' their nomination forms. Also students should b. sure, to attend the CFNY <lance Which willbe held thisFPriday. AUTRORt John REob-ert Colombo wiil b out'a Cmaian TV series, 'Unnatural Causes.' expert on Candian lore was'at Traflgar Casti, fihmn of the pilot progran. Chut. BoVIe Castie 15 backdrc forTVshopila B.ý ilurenQuinlan Trafal ar Cast e more fanicus than it realizes. Rec. he castle was used as a backdrop for a pilot of television series te b. called 'Unnatural Causes.'- "les a program about mysteries, monsters and thinge t] bumpn the nigjht,» says Peter Bé*amish, producer of the andWhitby resident. .Ii. show, will provide «recreated- event t aeP wth many shows on- the 'air today.haar < The castle is hnot actually mentioned in the progran inimediate plans only includé its use in'the pilot progam.. The group says they also chose Trafalgar Castl. backdrop because of the sciiool staffs hepýful and pli attitude. «It was a good experience working with them, and thec itselfis jorgeousn says Beamiali. 1 Beamish, as a Wib resident, had driven by the castlei times. When lus crew was having trouble finding a co-oper location, he sugested it. Altiiough- the group doesn't know if they will use tii. cal the future, te do thik that it has "lots of possiilities,' Beamish. Host of the program will b. John Robert Colombo, "consic to, b. the moot knowledùeable Canadian expert» when it c to mysteries. Colombo bas writtenh three well-known books with them, unnatual causes. AND R O j - e By Susan Wraight As a co-ep studeut only i school for half-days, ]Pm a little out of toucb with Anderson's happuir~s, eyou'llhave te beau, with me. MY'wnting nght b. rusty, but My aliy temp te fine.. To stont off our production cf Cinderella went extremely weil. Congratulations te al" the cast and crew members for ail tue long hours and.hr~ok Anderson Christian ýFellowship ls currently holding *ts annual élections for the. executive. lb. next eveut coming up is the Super Saturday Sunda. Night on An, pekigoélections, our student cunulis hearing nominations for tue executive. W. havent bad tii. best cf luck bu tue hant5made it -past Brst semester), but, this ymes1 nomméees -.-sem-sincere -and. dedbcated. Dr. LT. Kyle, Durham Region's medical offilcer of beabth, issued ou order te 1,500 Anderson students last week. I see that the red meses bad bit ond.we ail needed t te b unnzd Public Healtb dropped ly WIt needles for aIl cf us, oud it seemus tuer. were many instances of studeuts feeling faintý or 111 at tue sight of tue needie. Who saystue teens of todayr are hardened? *es It- almoot.- prao .time, as everyone srambles te tuxedo or rent a botel roc yersdo is bein g ield' Holiday Inn, York e. Is veRY close, oand -we*re al excuted (oud nervous). Well that's about ail fo except te say tiiat ail ma femWna rgY tealmsare v liard and winning otLen bock bu a few Weeks te, you on élections, thé sport and .mmniatoe (M.il l -if I gettiie uieaes, - . _m_- new irrMIlaeron The w Le for rie ~iu 0 1bto and Iibrer ][W Ma"7 Watenunan ~flAndenso CVI utudent, 5W On Tuesday, May 7. at 7:30 p.m., Anderson CVI wiil celebrate the. official op.niàng cof tii. new tgmaiuin and library.- Ti.(public achool) board bas been more thon generousý witii us," expained Albert Dutly, tii. school's .librarian. "lb. library's a new foospc bas been more than. ouldaawe con now fit two liat go, classes bn at once." show Many 'studeuts are making increased use of the. libray atai opular, times during the day. The library now'contains seven i and new- computer-s, whuch are accessible *te the students. lb.e La the -are aIse equipped witb asant elcrncencyclopedia.te make castle refereuce work mucber "Bier, brigiiter 'adm. manytter," were the. words Alec 'an Hamulto, assistant head of the. rative phyial educationý department tîl in used te descnibe Anderson CVI' 'says uew gym faciities. Th m bas glass baclcboardh Idered for basketbabl, a bger celing for Domes voileybail, and a larger weight room, te expand athletic training ies of possibilities. Tii.. larger gym*, whicb cou accommodrte two cross-col>rt Mgarns. or a, regulation-size baktalcourt, is now equipped te handie - teurnauentsda' Itsofan Anderson was bu desperate flnd, a need cf thesefclti. sthe mn. Tus school population in now close -te at the 1,700. -Students and staff are getting thorougiily 'mi*pressd witi the. 1. pretty new and mucii-improved areas. Staff ond- students. will be br now, joened ot th. ope mng ceremony ale and by, varions ofraciaIs inchldifig ~irdg Durham board-chairman Ian, l'il b. Brwn board director Pouline update Laing, Whitby truste. Patricia to news Bowmo-n, who will conduct the. e upset ceremie%4and Whithy ened "Née just mta 'girl named Maria ..J,7Tii.debut perfoemance of 'Wes Side Stor'wseda Tmafadgar o n Apnil. 25. - Thise lead ,>leso f lbTny 'and Maia were ~p~yedbyDberdre IDouglas' and- ?oaYoung mrespectively, and musical accompaniment- ,was provbded .l-y -our , own ,'Mr. *Southwell. -After many montha of dedicated hard work, - West Side Story' wenàt off 'with a bang. From Rtiff and' Velma7s American bogie, te Anita, and Bernardos Puerto Rtican', tango, 1.th. cast radbated enthuiasmand vitality.. The three-night run of ti.show, pmsste be very entetiig P"Alvideo <lance is planniedfo Mgay 4, and tickets aréecurrently on sale at,,TCS. Iti i the.last, <lance of tii. year,a ac*bt t"at-i sure tôe encourage students té come out and en.joy the evemng . It will also b. commencing earlier than usual with .a&barbecue. lb proceeds from 'tIs theme <lnc wiil b. p ut twars tiü gads which will be held iuJunÃŽeatthe, Harou Catl-Weto. Ti.grad provies enor students wbtii an opportfuity t e hane a spécial occasion together before. movlngý', on te their chos9en patbs. Grand opening- I HENRY STREET HIGH SCHOOL LI7

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