<'~ PAGZ ~ REPAIRS & ,SERVICES. .Painting.- Doors installed. Repair' cupboairdls., Çaulking. .windows. Mouldlng & 'trim. Reasonably priced.CaII Bob, 428-0425 alter 5 p.m.> KLEEN-KUT UPHOLSTERY - Reupholstgry of antiqeail kinds. of recovenng. Your fri or mine. Free estimates. Over 40 years experience. 430-7568, Whitb. REC ROOMS, BASEMENTS, drywali - 't1ingand flnlshing, trlmfwork, ceramicà tiling, painting, 8 rrs,. fencing anid decks. CALL STEWART for your pro- fessional Painting and decorating. Commercial, --residential. Interior amd exteripr. Excellent rates. 430-2097. DISCOUNT, CABINETS - High quaiity, customn buit kitchens, entertainment units, furniture, etc. Compare & $ave. Cal 430-9108. SPRING CLEANING done at affordable pie. Days 'or evenings. Repferences available. 668-3031 FRESH CUT NURSERY SOD. Pickedcup or delivered. Kentucky Green ,od Farm. 655-3393. TREES FOR SA LE. Corne to our farm and select your own trees. Colorado blue spruce, 1-V2 ft., $8. Austrian pins, 5 ft., $15. Cdn. white spruce, 5 ft., $15. White cedar, 12 ft., $8. Silver maple, 6 ft. & up, $15 & upî. European white birch, 6 ft. & up, $15 & up. Pick and dig your own trees. Location: Hwy. #7, 4 miles west of Brooklin. 655-4816. *CEDAR TREES - 728-3345 or 655-4550. TREES & SHRUBS- Do your own iandscaping. White blrch (sIgls,- & clumps), blue spruce, mrock orange, Nanking cherry, bridie wreath, potentella qold- finger, lilac. Reasonably priced. Phone 655-8088.! LANDSCAPING, LAWN mainten- ance, pruning, seedinq, sodding. Spring clean-ups, planting, gardon renovations, rockeries. Odd jobs. Free estimates (416) 649-3183. Dutchway Landscaping. "LEAVE YOUR CARES at home with us." -Professional pet/home sitters are fully bonded and insured. Custom Home-watch International. 666-5353. CLEARWATER, Florida. Thre bedrooms, -fully 'furnished, aIrcondltioned homes. Pools, hot tub, near beaches, attractions. Children welcome. (boss than motel.) 683-5503. PAINTERS PLUS. Service and quality are flot an'accident. For 10 per. cent, off and no GST, cail Bill or Geri, 430-6057. HANDYMAN WITH DUMP truck,' tailgate Mif. Furniture & apDance removal. Clean yards, beCments, garages. Cut trees, etc. Cali 655-3004 anytime. HURT ELECTAIO Resîdentiai, commercial. Installation cf dishwashers, centrai vacs, garage door openers. For ail your electrical needs. Free estîmates. Now accepting Visa and Master Card. 668-5974. FURNITURE REFINISHING speciliing In antiques and fine fumiture'.Kitchen cupboard doars. Also caning. Free -estimates. 20 years experience. Cal Terry, 655-4092. AEROSPACE ELECTRICAL - residentia!, commercial, industriai. New installations,« repairs, renovations, service upgrades. Al work guaranteed. Phone Winston, 7-8358. LYNCH CARPENTRY, speciali- zing in wood design. Old & new crown mouldings. Wall painting. Wooden fences & decks. Drywalling. We will create an entrance to basement. 666-3478. ROMANO FRUIT MARKET Deli. Suppîy fresh pasta, Iasagna roady to Cook. Mozzarella .& grated cheese. Pepperoni for pizza. htalian tartuffo. Ice cream. Birthday party, wedding cakes. Order day before. 728-5207 or 655-4394. j C*.O CftEM ..... R.. ... .... REUABLE DAYCARE -avallabi in a safe, friendlyenvironment. Cal Donna 430-7052. MOTHER 0F 3 has two openings in her home daycare, Fallingbrook. Close ta Glen Dhu school. Sale, fun-Ioving environmont. Receipts& references. 666-8723. DAY CARE AVAILABLE imy home. References available. Thickson and Rossland ares. 668-7025. EXPERENCEDmother of 2 wilI provide TLC in a safe, clean, educatonal environment. Rece!pts, references. Nurse, nutritious snacks, meals. Bellwood/Thickson Rd. 433-0230. LOW RATES- Large houso, residential ares. Flexible hours, weekends & overnig hts okay. Schooî bus stop, R.A. Sennett. Cal between 6 & 9 p.m. for informat ion. 666-4308. CHILDOARE available. Mdonday to Friday. References. Phono 430-2611. ( BEST WISHES ý.@for 8Happy Blrhday orAnnhssary.1 TecIassIoc are.a qm.caI way t o snd groüDingsl) ~<o Cal 68-6111 I FACTORY BUILDING" SPECIALS 60-14-120 - $4.30 psf. 30-15-60 - $7.22 psf. 40-14-60 - $4.71 psf. 32-08-50< - $4.55 psf. 28-.10-40 » $5.59 psf. 24-08-30 » $5.99 psf. *Caîl 416-985-7930. - DAK BROWN corduroy indivdual sectional couch (5-piece) p lus ottoman, very -ýood ,condition., $220.. Table tennis table, $60.1 Roll-a-way bed, single,. $35. 668-5713.' VACATIONS/TRAVEL CAMPERS-KAMP'in KOMFORT, Niagara Falls KOA, 865Lundy's Lano. Ind oor, pool, spas ' super-. playground, close to Falls. Blossomn Parade, - May 4,' Wolcorne Party Fridays. Res. .(416)356-CAMP, 354- 6472. MMACULATE HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES: Halls Lake, Highway 35, Minden. Available Weokly May, and June from $195. Cottages available JuIy and August, Regular rates. -Glongarrian Resort (705)489-3779. MUSIC CAMP MUSIC CAMP for ail ages; JuIy.28 ta. August il-;, Professional guidance. For brochure write: 132 Lothian Ave. Toronto M8Z 4L4. (416)239-0843. I-ELP WANTED Mature & Student Summer help for Chateau Woodland Rosort in Haliburton. Cook, kitchon, waiting. bar, hausekeeping, office, aduit recreation. Accommodation available. Write 1 Sulgrave Cres., Willowdale, M2L,1W5. SALES HELP WANTED 1. *BE RICH AND *FAMOUS* Fl $100,000. PT $25,000,commission. Market Canada's Hottest Music Video Vacation Program Bookiet. Protected Territories ,available. 24 hour Information lino, 1-800-263-1900. North Americas elite marketing organization seeks achiovers in sales and management We are the iargest manufacturer addressing the muiti-billion dollar onvironmental concems industry. (705)645-7952. CAREER TRAINING FREE career guide to home-study correspondence Dîploma courses: Accounting, Arconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronica, Legal/Medial Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (SA) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 1-800-950-1972. LEARN AUCT IONEERING at the Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering. Noxt class: June 8-15. Information, contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. MORTGAGES MORTGAG E MON EY for any Purposel1 Pay off your buis, credit cardsl Example: Borrow $10,000, repay $195 monthly. No qualifying- hassels: Cal Intransicon Financial Toîl Free 1-800-268-1429. FOR SALE YOUR DOG WONT STAY HOMEI We have the curel Amazing EIectronic device. lts humane, It works, FREE Details: Can., U.K, RR#1, Bancroft, Ont. KOL iCO Fax (613)332-1375. CHINA NORMTAE SALEI Terrific discounts on current patternsî Delivered welI-packed, Insured. For price list on your Noritake pattovn, caîl AIexander!s. ftThe Noritake Expertsu, Tllen 1-800-263-5896. FARM FOR SALE FARM, Alfred Ontario. 300 acres of dlay land including farmn house and daiiy barns $1 75,000. Delmer Spratt, RROI, Manotick, Ontario KOA 2N0, Toiephono (613)822- 7078. FARM SERVICES GST GET Your One-Time CREDIT. Ottawa owes you a GST start-up credit of up ta $1,000. Get yours with TaxGuard GST HaridlerTM. Cal 1-800-268-6735. SPRING' SPECIAL: Water softener ,,rentais only $99 ,,per, month. Frôe Istallation and 2 bag's osatfor 2 ,months triai 'perd. '0411 Young's ýWater Systems, 655-454. OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD, for unpalid taxes. Crown Land avalability., For information on.both write: Prop- orties, Dept., CN. Box 5380, Stn. F. ýOttawa, 1<20 3J. * BUSINESS FOR SALE Good'Business Opportunity. ýWell, establishod, and. fully. oquipped WELDING SHOP with house and ton acres_: I and. Located ln N.W.Ont Farmîng community.'Phonoë (807)852-3787 or (807)852-3351. RECREATIONAL-VEHICLES.> BONAIR CAMPING TRAILERS, Hardtop, Foldown, Flfth-wheel, Travel, Park-modela, parts-accessorios, New-Used. Fibroline- a ber Fibergassa &Aluminumn Truck' Caps. ýConslgnmonts weîcome. Royal Trailer à R.V. Contre n Tovlotdaîe, -Ont. (51-9)3,43-2122. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS - FACTORY ýýDIRECT'- 'Thousandsa of satisfied customors have bought from -tho beet for loss. 30x4O $3.797. Other sizes available. PIONEER'V- ECONOSPAN 1-800-668-5422., BEST BUILDING .PRICES - Steel Straitwall Types- n ot quonset - 32x48 $5665; 40x64 $8188; 50x96 $114.671.- non-oxpandable ond(s),.other sizes'available. - imited steel - Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499. STEEL BUILDINGS; Spring *Sollebrationft on Buildings from Future Steel. No gimmnicks, just solid value for your' money. CaU toîlfree 1-800-668-8653. WANTED' TRAIN MEMORABILIA T.H & 0 Canadian -National,' Canadian Paciic. Ontario Northland, Wabash, employee, public, timotables prior to 1955. Sond meyoaur list. Bruce Colo, Generai Deliveiy, Lofroy, Ont. bOL 1 WO. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES UNLIMITED INCOME POTENTIAL, Manufacturor now seeking Ontario dealers for ' JUICEWORKSO',h arnazing new.frosh juice vondin 1g ma chine.,Cal Acton Assemblies (41ý6)873-7808, for Information package. Have your- own- Business. Ladies, DANCE/ EXERCISEWEAR. Excellent profits.. Your.own hours. Fitness Contacts an asset. Requost Information- package: Finelines, 294 Wilson, Downsview, Ont. M3H-- 158. NETWORK MAILORDER + Multilevol Marketing Thiis decade's hotteist MLM programn. 75% commission,,60 day doublemoney back guarantes., For free lnfopack cail (807)475 5227. EXCELLENT. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY Canadian Company with unique now licensed product requires additionial capital to launch into U.S. market. Excellent R.0.1. Cali (519)451-3773 Fax (519)451-2080. FACT # 1 - Over 450 pe averaged $225K with our firm iast year. Fact #2 - Mre people eamed $1OK/Mo. part- limne. For more Information (416)777-1493. POTENTIAL SUCCESSORS New product ln Canada since Feb. Serlous -potential oponing soon in USA. Fastest growing MLM company in U.K.I <416)551-9552 (tolîfres) or (416)388-6915. HEALTH *& BEAUTY LOSE WEIGHT - up to 30 Iba. in 30 days - base Cellulite -No hunger. I lost 24 Ibs. + and 100 in 10 weeks. Eam $$$ for resuits. (416)760-3121. Your ad could appear ln communlty newspapers ln Ontario, or rlght across Canada, or any Indivîdual province. Space Is Lîmiteci, so Caîl1 This Newspaper Todayî ~o5~43 CROSS CANADA .M'A RKETPLACE-> IT'S FAST - iT'S EASY! ONE CALL, ONE-BIL DOES, IT ALL. THINK BIG - CAL THIS NEWSPAPER'FOR DETAILS. BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE"f To reach a wider market,. advertise throughout the regional membershipofa the Ontario and Canadian Community Newspaper Associations KCetrl ntrio55nesppers - $160) fo:ir 25 words Al Ontario 171 newspapers - $350 for 25 words Ail Canada 572 newspapers - $974 for 25 words - For urter iforatin please cali the Whitby Free Press Classifieds - 668-0594 ----j M- mý 1